hey guys
I want to get a few peoples experinces with light dose anabolic steroids. I mean even if you use a light dose, its gonna be more powerful then anything you can buy legaly.
I want to find out who does light dose cycles and has success with them. Any gear that you have used that worked well for you. By light doses I mean anything under 500mg a week for all combined compounds.
I guess I will go first:
I did one cycle of 250mg of durateston and gained 20lbs kept most of it.
I also did another cycle were I did winny only and gained ten pounds and got alot stronger. I am also about to do aother light dose of gear but im using a compound I have never touched before. I will keep everyone up to date on how it goes, but due to the number of people who will tell me my cycle is gonna suck without test I will not post what Im going to do yet. It will be 400mg of a new compound.