Last edited by flexshack; 04-07-2006 at 03:41 AM.
Turkey is pretty cool, and greece also....and pakistan + iran should be easy to obtain also but not sure how legit it is there?![]()
viva la' mexico!
In the UK I think they are legal to own and use but illegal to sell.They are rated as Class C drugs.
Correct billy boy...Originally posted by Billy Boy
In the UK I think they are legal to own and use but illegal to sell.They are rated as Class C drugs.![]()
Japan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Barbados, Thailand..........
Class C drug in England is not legal to own but it is a non arrestable offence meaning you will not be taken to the station for possesing small quantities of aas. Half the time they dont even care. Same case with weed and the new policy being tested in Brixton, Lambeth borough.
Greece is soon to be changing its laws on possesion of anabolics as for Turkey its very easy to obtain but being in Europe I dont know what if any policies have changed alongside Greece.
Australia - With Rx, but usually difficult to get from a physician.
Bahamas - With/without Rx.
Belgium - With Rx.
Canada - Not at all.
Costa Rica - With/without Rx.
Dominican -
Republic Without Rx.
Egypt- Without Rx.
England - Not at all.
France - With Rx.
Germany - With Rx.
Greece- With/without Rx.
Hong Kong- With/without Rx.
Japan - With Rx.
Korea- With/without Rx.
Mexico - With/without Rx.
Puerto Rico - With/without Rx.
South Africa- With/without Rx.
Sweden- Not at all.
Switzerland - With Rx.
Thailand- With/without Rx.
Turkey - No RX.
United States - Not at all. Possession is illegal.
the only place i know of is....
IN MY HOUSE...they are legal and even encouraged by the ruling officials (LOL)..![]()
sorry i'm in that kind of mood today...
For the UK as inaccordance to The Medicines Act 1968 and The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.This was reviewed in 1996
Brief Outline of the situation within the UK
• Anabolic steroids can only be sold lawfully by a pharmacist to someone with a doctor’s prescription.
• Possession for personal use without a prescription is not illegal
• Supply (giving or selling them to another person) is against the law, and Class C penalties apply
• The maximum penalty for supply of a Class C drug is 5 years prison and/or a fine.
Detailed Description
Current law in the UK
Two main statutory controls exist in relation to drug use in the UK: The Medicines Act 1968 and The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 ("MDA"). The former essentially regulates, through a licensing system, how drugs are marketed and sold. The latter is targeted against the criminal production, supply and possession of various compounds scheduled within it, and is concerned to limit to defined groups, for legitimate purposes, the availability of a range of drugs which have been determined to pose a significant threat to society.
A wide selection of performance enhancing drugs were scheduled to be regulated under the MDA in 1996. Up until this time the only controls that existed were those in place under the Medicines Act in common with most other drugs. At the time of the law change it was difficult to understand the purpose to which the law was being directed. Home Office press releases at the time were kept very much with the "war on drugs" mantra in mind declaring a "battle to stamp out abuse of steroids...". At the time however there was, and remains, little evidence of the drugs so controlled moving beyond the relatively small and specialist pockets of use they inhabit. The introduction of the law has led to uncertainty: an uneasy position for the user, and a less than clear mandate for intervention for the enforcement authorities. In seeking to deal with a perceived social harm related to drug taking, the law change could in fact mean actual harm is inflicted upon users.
The Regulation Process
A substance becomes subject to MDA regulation after recommendation by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs ("ACMD"). The Council has a role laid down by the MDA, which places it under a duty to:
"keep under review the situation in the [UK] with respect to drugs which are being or appear to them to be likely to be misused and of which the misuse is having or appears to be having harmful effects sufficient to constitute a social problem..."
In particular the Council is required to consider such means as: restricting drug availability; ensuring provision of treatment or rehabilitation facilities; co-ordinating relevant professional services; providing for education; and promoting research into matters necessary for the prevention of the misuse of the drug in question or on any of the social harms that it may create. A current example involved the question as to whether GHB should be brought under the control of the MDA. Sold to night-clubbers as "liquid ecstasy" and as a sleep-promoting training aid to body builders, the ACMD has shown reluctance to reschedule it.
The ACMD first examined AS in the late 1980's, but concluded at that time the social harm test was not fulfilled. The issue was revisited in 1993 after publication of Department of Health sponsored research, investigating use-patterns and potential public health concerns . On this occasion the ACMD felt compelled to recommend that AS be brought under the control of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. It should be noted that the report itself explicitly stated that it did not consider the social implications of use and remained confined to medical concerns . In particular the risk of the spread of blood borne disease such as HIV and hepatitis through unsafe injecting practices were cited. Harm reduction methods such as greater education and other health promotion activities were recommended. The Council advised that mere possession of AS should not be an offence under the Act and the Government seemed to legislate accordingly.
Problems with AS under the MDA
Delegated legislation in the form of Statutory Instruments was passed to place AS within class C of the MDA. The MDA sets out offences in relation to the manufacture, supply and possession of the drugs scheduled within it. These drugs are classified as either class A, B or C in relation to their perceived harm and/or abuse potential. Class A drugs are subject to the harshest penalties, and would include drugs such as heroin, cocaine and LSD. Although AS are subject to the lowest possible penalties under the MDA, it is possible for a supplier to receive a maximum three year sentence. The MDA restricts the manufacture and trafficking of AS by virtue of schedule three to the Act; it also restricts the supply of the drugs, by virtue of schedule four, but should allow the possession for personal use. That possession is not criminalised is subject to the proviso that the steroid in question is in the form of a medicinal product. This has become the problem area in the UK law as will be examined below. At a general level, concerns attach to the de facto lack of positive influence the authorities are able to exert over an illicit market which, by definition, operates outside the normal conventions of command and control. Furthermore, concerns exist in relation to the inconsistency of application of the law, despite guidance on the issue .
Placing AS under the control of the MDA has thus led to problems of interpretation. It is clearly of concern to the user that enforcement authorities are unsure as to their exact powers. The main problem would appear to relate to the fact that the definition of a medicinal product does not appear in the MDA itself. Given that this term is crucial to the operation of the schedule, this would appear to be a major oversight.
The police and customs are not used to dealing with AS in the way that they are familiar with other drugs of "abuse" controlled by the MDA. Anecdotal reports of drug squads using "underground" body-building magazines for guidelines as to current trends suggests the need for proper thresholds to be established in order not to penalise the user as opposed to the genuine supplier. There is no consistency of approach with only a handful of police forces in the UK, according to the Home Office's statistics, actively pursuing AS users. It would therefore all seem to be somewhat of a lottery for the user unlucky enough to be brought into contact with the law.
Since AS were included in the drug seizures statistics, there has been a year on year increase in the levels of seizure and the amounts involved. What is perhaps the most disturbing aspect of these figures from a legal perspective is the number of people being convicted on a charge of possession of these drugs. It would appear that those who have been convicted on possession charges have all pleaded guilty to the charge, which has in every case been a secondary aspect of some main offence. An example here would be the cases of a group of doormen (bouncers) who were convicted of supplying MDMA (ecstasy) and who opted to plead guilty to a charge of possession of AS. MDMA is a class A drug, with a potential (although unlikely) life sentence attaching to a conviction for its supply. Possession of a class C drug such as AS would only attract a fine in by far the majority of cases and thus it is not probably worth the argument, if a criminal record is going to occur in any case. Where the person is not being charged for any other offence however, the position is obviously far more serious a threat to an individual's liberty.
The law is clear, as is the rationale for the law change, in stating that mere possession was not to be viewed as an offence, especially given the medicinal product limitation. In fact the law goes further to even exempt the importer or exporter of AS as long as they are medicinal products and solely for self-administration. Could the law be any clearer?
Please note this is the UK law only on AAS
Ill be back![]()
Turkey is OK?
Next time I will go in greece?(this may)
what about holland?????????????
Gear101, nice avatar bro thats some funny shit![]()
what about china??
I sure as hell hope so...![]()
Most Middle Eastern countries which I visited roids were otc. I served in Lebanon last winter and it was the biggest trill so window shop in any pharmacist, jeeze just not the same being back home in Ireland.
so they would be otc in China??
Definately agree with you on that one Bouncer, the Middle East was the shit as far as OTC AS goes! Everything that was cheap and actually legit, just to give you guys and idea 1000 Thailand Dbol "may" have costed $100, 100 mg Spanish Primobolin $10, 200mg Nandrolone $7, 50mg Zambon Winny $4, Sustonon 250 $4. The most expensive ish that I bought was the Clenbuterol @ $20 for 30 tabs. Boy I miss that place! Good thing I still have friends over therehehehe
Ill be back
Just be gentle Arnie!!
Problems not getting them in Mexico, it's getting them back in the states.![]()
CAN is my source.....what do u mean it's illegal?
Ahhh..oh well....come to may place...little-man-zane island where all roids are produced and sold.
got another one: in czech republic some as can be bought cheap and legally ( e.g. laurabolin )
in romania they are...i live there
Korea- script only as of September, 2001.
Some pharms will sell to you no script, but i am talking one in 50. It is an offence.
I spent time in Korea, and have returned. There are two pharms that sell to me, one of them jacks up the price so i never go there.
Recently got 300 (3 bottles) anadrol, 99 menoferil, and 90 tamoxifen prescribed. Guy I know did the same thing, got anadrol. Even heard about someone going to the doc, and getting HGH prescribed.
VET GEAR IS OTC!! but, nandrolone and sustanon (imported) and only 50mg/ml, vet also sells HCG (it can be used in fish)
Simply go to a doctor there, tell em you are on a work visa, prepare a bullshit story like you are visiting a friend in that city and you work at DSL language school in some city or other, you need such and such cause you ran out and you are anemic, and 200 anadrol please, tamoxifen and merofenil. Bingo, script, and no problems.
isn't that canada listing wrong? from what ive read its legal to possess but is illegal to buy or sell...
Dj, it's illegal to possess in Canada. Prohormones are even illegal in Canada I believe
hmm, read that somewhere before, maybe im just confused with UK...
how about in kuwait
i'm going to Costa Rica for 3 months, and i can just get my juice OTC?
how are things price-wise?
Not all middle east countries are legal....i have been to some by the gulf (saudi, kuwait, bahrain, UAE, Qatar) it is illegal there, people use them but they are illegal to own or use.
does anyone know if steroids are legal in Vietnam?
It's quite easy to get in them in Costa Rica, but as a foreigner they might jack up prices for you, and also since that country has no industry, most of the stuff you'll get will be imported from Mexico, Argentina, or ColombiaOriginally Posted by GuitarMan
Join any gym, and befriend the gym trainer, there's high chances he'll hook you up with anything you need
You guys are wrong about Canada, it's legal to posess/own and ILEGAL to sell/distribute/import , also you can get them from a doctor via script (I have 2 friends that are getting it legit from a doc)
[QUOTE=Billy Boy]For the UK as inaccordance to The Medicines Act 1968 and The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.This was reviewed in 1996
Brief Outline of the situation within the UK
• Anabolic steroids can only be sold lawfully by a pharmacist to someone with a doctor’s prescription.
• Possession for personal use without a prescription is not illegal
• Supply (giving or selling them to another person) is against the law, and Class C penalties apply
Hello all,
I have a quick question for the UK Members of this forum,
what if i go to my doctor ( in the UK ) and tell him i'm training or interested in competing in a Bodybuilding show, and i'd like get some AAS on prescription, will he prescribe me?
in dominican i think it is illegal i was there last month and people i talked to said it was illegal and if you can get it they said that it is usually fake.
Legally in south africa, you need a script, but you can pretty much easily get it from ne trainer in the gym... the going rate here is R68 for a 250mg shot a sus-abt $10, and R55-abt $8.50 for a 100mg shot of deca. is that cheap or expensive compared to in the states?
in norway it´s legal to use steroids. but it´s ileagal to buy and sell.. i know, it makes no sence..
I shouldn't be the one to ask this, but how about Russia?
Primobolan and Winstrol are going to be eliminated from spanish pharmacies (due to the lack of therapeutic aplications as gobern says)![]()
I can't understand why some people makes relation between mexico and Spain, Spain is in Europe!!! Here's the same shit about steroids![]()
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