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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    If a Teen juices for a couple months, then comes off of it and assuming they use proper post cycle testosterone recover, does that mean that there pubertal changes have been stunted permanently. I'm saying this because i did at 17 years old but used clomid to get my test levels back to normal, im wondering if my puberty changes have been stunted, such as broadening of shoulders, facial hair growth, bone thickening, etc... Fyi tho, I juiced like 8 months ago, withou treally bad androgenic effects, but now im getting acne, is that a sign that my puberty changes weren't effected to severely?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It is unlikely that a single cycle would permanently mess up puberty. It also depends on the cycle. Children are given anavar, and it doesn't stunt their growth. Bone growth is halted because the sudden increase of testosterone is supposed to happen in the early 20s, which closes the epithelial plates. If this happens earlier, it can close those plates. Of course, I heard of one kid who took a decent cycle and had a CAT scan done on his body for an unrelated reason. The doctor commented that his growth plates hadn't yet shutdown. (The doctor didn't know he had finished a cycle of steroids)

    Anyway, increased facial hair growth can be induced by using more steroids...but I'm not suggesting that. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this. Just wait until you are older if you want to do another cycle. If you notice anything is seriously wrong, just go to a doctor and have your hormone levels checked.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Oh No!

    If you juice before you're 20, your testicles will fall off!

    Let this be a warning to kids who want to juice.

    (Don't tell anyone that this won't happen)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    WTF! Bro stay the heck away from the juice at your age. Sheesh your natural tets should at its all time high now and you should not need any supplements.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Yes, steroids can halt your growth, can change your body chemistry and adversely and irreparably affect what should normally happen during puberty.

    If you use steroids before you are at the VERY least 21 years old, you risk damaging your body.

    If you're younger than 21, stay away from steroids. If you choose to ignore the advice of people who truly know about steroids, then all the damage you do to your body will be your fault.

    If you're young, take a chance on other things--pursue your dreams, take risks with money, etcetera; but DON'T take risks with your health. If one of your dreams is to become a Bodybuilder, then build a strong muscular base naturally and WAIT until you're older to use steroids.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BASK8KACE

    Yes, steroids can halt your growth, can change your body chemistry and adversely and irreparably affect what should normally happen during puberty.

    If you use steroids before you are at the VERY least 21 years old, you risk damaging your body.

    If you're younger than 21, stay away from steroids. If you choose to ignore the advice of people who truly know about steroids, then all the damage you do to your body will be your fault.

    If you're young, take a chance on other things--pursue your dreams, take risks with money, etcetera; but DON'T take risks with your health. If one of your dreams is to become a Bodybuilder, then build a strong muscular base naturally and WAIT until you're older to use steroids.
    Couldn't of said it any better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    is there any science behind that tho? Like why and how does the body stop pubertal changes, and why would that be related to a 2 month cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    You bet your ass there is. Read some of the horror stories guys posted on this site because they juiced to early.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    oh yeah i read some of those, liek gyno, and like lactation and **** like that... I didn't read anything along these lines. Like you don't have to convince me not to juice again till im 21, thats not the problem here, I'm just wondering if I'm going to be experienceing any pubertal changes before 21(when I'll probly cycle again). If you can't answer this, can you give me some suggestions as to what to ask a doctor to test for?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    Quote Originally Posted by Justarting
    oh yeah i read some of those, liek gyno, and like lactation and **** like that... I didn't read anything along these lines. Like you don't have to convince me not to juice again till im 21, thats not the problem here, I'm just wondering if I'm going to be experienceing any pubertal changes before 21(when I'll probly cycle again). If you can't answer this, can you give me some suggestions as to what to ask a doctor to test for?
    What changes are you concerned about bro?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    not height, just broadening of the hsoulders and more facial hair.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    Well unless you used hgh I dont think you have much to worry about the shoulders.

    Facial hair? Well thats an unfortunate fact of puberty and cant be avoided

  13. #13
    not again LOL

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    soi ankhefenmut, u thinnk ill continue on as normal?

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