i am goin to be startin a clen cycle...i bought 100 500mg capsuls of taurine to help with the crampin caused by clen...i was juss wondering how many taurine caps i should take a day and should it change with my intake of clen??? ...thanks
i am goin to be startin a clen cycle...i bought 100 500mg capsuls of taurine to help with the crampin caused by clen...i was juss wondering how many taurine caps i should take a day and should it change with my intake of clen??? ...thanks
umm...please gimme sum help...i'm beggin
3-5g per day...or 6-10 capsules. I would just buy the powder next time...cheaper and get more of it.
Ive recently read a study that sugested that taurine acually lessened the effects of clen and also sugested that you shouldnt use it while taking clen. I ussally save the important study to my pc. I will see if I can find it.
Posted by BigCat on cutting edge muscle
Taurine and clenbuterol : bad idea ?
I recently picked up on a thread where people recommended taurine to a clenbuterol user against cramping etc.
Its a well known fact that taurine is decreased in tissues with the use of beta-adrenrgic agonist (1,2). But taurine has been implicated in decreasing insulin resistance (3). I also remember a thread a while back where nandi discussed the role of increasing insulin resistance as a means of lipolysis, in regards to the mechansim by which GH induces fat loss (4). Since then I have noticed that many products seem to cause fat loss by this exact same measure and that having a certain level of insulin resistance is beneficial and even necessary for fat loss. Given that the body will not be incited to use fat deposits for fuel until glycogen is depleted, having glycogen replenished easier by reducing insulin resistance seems a bad idea. So what about taurine and clenbuterol ?
It seems more likely that depleting taurine levels is one of the mechanisms by which beta agonists increase lipolysis.
(1) Doheny MH, Waterfield CJ, Timbrell JA.
The effects of the beta 2-agonist drug clenbuterol on taurine levels in heart and other tissues in the rat.
Amino Acids. 1998;15(1-2):13-25
(2) Waterfield CJ, Carvalho F, Timbrell JA.
Effect of treatment with beta-agonists on tissue and urinary taurine levels in rats. Mechanism and implications for protection.
Adv Exp Med Biol. 1996;403:233-45.
(3) Haber CA, Lam TK, Yu Z, Gupta N, Goh T, Bogdanovic E, Giacca A, Fantus IG.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and taurine prevent hyperglycemia-induced insulin resistance in vivo: possible role of oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Jun 10 [Epub ahead of print]
(4) Bramnert M, Segerlantz M, Laurila E, Daugaard JR, Manhem P, Groop L.
Growth hormone replacement therapy induces insulin resistance by activating the glucose-fatty acid cycle.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003 Apr;88(4):1455-
Originally Posted by nevaenuf
Wow, I'm 'going to have to read that again and reasearch that up
Vary good read and interesting.................. hum no taurine................
wow thats intertin
i meant interestin..wow i hope this stuff isnt makin me dumber..lol
I was under the impression taurine was used to replace an enzyme in the liver? from like T2 to T3 or something of that nature in order for the liver to metabolize fat?
Clenbuterol depletes taurine levels in the liver which stops the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver. Taurine allows the user to avoid the dreaded rebound effect and painful muscle cramps. However, this recent article seems to advocate a benefit for this action, indirectly leading to greater lipolysis.Originally Posted by Z06Vetteman
Maybe just taking taurine toward the end of a clen cycle would work to prevent the rebound effect..
I think we all understand that decreasing insulin resistance is a negative thing for lipolysis but lets not all jump to conclusions too quickly. Most of you dieting are already on R-ALA to lower insulin sensativity along with having a sound diet which is limiting insulin spikes. The benefits from taurine supplementation in my opinion are going to outweigh any very small loss of effectiveness (if there is any at all). It is worth researching but I wouldn't go throwing away my taurine just yet.
Vary good read!!!
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