Ok, so I'm getting ready to begin my first cycle. I'm 22, 185lbs, and 6'2". For my first cycle this is most likely what I'll be doing:
**Weeks 1-8: 500 mg sustanon per week (250 mg every Mon and Thurs)
**Weeks 1-10: 10 mg nolvadex per day
**Weeks 11-13: 20 mg nolvadex per day
**Weeks 11-13: 300/100/50 clomid regimen
After talking to a lot of guys and doin some research, I think I'm going to stick with just test and not stack it with anything. I have some questions regarding the duration of the cycle, and my anti-E and PCT.
1. Is 8 weeks sufficient for a sustanon cycle? I'v read 10 or even 12 is good, but I didn't want to spend that much money. WIll I see good results with just 8 weeks, or is it important that I wait and save up some more cash to do a longer cycle (keep in mind this is my first cycle, so I've got virgin receptors = ) ?
2. Is it necessary to take nolvadex throughout the cycle and PCT? Or should I just keep some on hand in case I see estrogen-related symptoms? (either way I will be doing the clomid regimen post-cycle)
3. I've read nolvadex is an estrogen receptor blocker. Should I also be taking an aromitase inhibitor such as arimidex or L-dex? Or should I take proviron instead because it is both an estrogen receptor and an aromatase inhibitor?
Basically, I just want to know what I should be taking along with the sustanon and clomid PCT. For a first-time user taking a relatively mild test, do I really need all the estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors?
Ok guys...I'll talk to you soon. THanks in advance.