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Thread: stacking

  1. #1


    just wondering what you guys would say the best way to stact deca, sust, equi, and GH is? and do you think thats a good combo?
    One other thing in the drug review section. those pictures of the deca, are they they fake or the ligit ones? couse ive only ever bought through a connection in the chemist and the one i use isnt there.
    thanx gents

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    You wanna stack all those at once????? Give AS history of yourself then we can work with you

  3. #3
    you gonna laugh but this would be my first course. ive spoken to a few guys that have compeated over seas and they told me to take this course. im not to sure thats why im trying to get a few defferent perspectives on it.
    iv been training naturally for 3 years and ive decided, now that ive got the foundation i wanna start getting really big.
    thing is im wanting to compete next year and come in at +-85kgs. im currently 78kgs on a 1.73m frame with 9% bf.
    i was told that stack was basically the best you could get without insulin!!!? they also said that the course should last 10 weeks starting with the deca and sust and finishing with the GH and equi.
    what do you think?????????????? madness or is it gonna give me the meat.

  4. #4
    Mike Guest

    that is some of the worst advice I have heard in a while - for one running GH for under 12-16wks is silly, also it's best with insulin and T3 etc etc - if you're gonna do GH might as well do it right - but IMO you're not ready to even do GH wrong - stick with steroids - I would run the sus/deca/EQ and thats it - youd be surprised at the results (test=500/wk, deca=400wk, EQ=400/wk Total 10 wks)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    I give my approval to Mikes post LOL (right again mike) God I love Eqiup[

  6. #6
    lose the gh youll do just fine on the me!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada
    Alright, I'm just making a post to see if my avatar has worked out... Took me hours to figure out it has to be .jpg not .bmp.

    And yeah Goose, deffinatey loose the GH. Unless you really know what you're doing you're going to wind up with head like Andre the giant. And a chin like jay leno.
    If you get the working out and eating correct, Sust/Deca/Eq will give great gains. Or any 2 of those 3.

    Pureanger, I'm starting to get the feeling you're a fan of EQ...

  8. #8
    thanx guys.
    thats why knowage is power!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Lush sweet Avatar

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