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Thread: ANADROL General Questioms

  1. #1

    Question ANADROL General Questioms

    Whats up everyone.. I just finised an impressive cycle of D-Bol about 4 weeks ago. I started at 130, and as of right now being 4 weeks off D-Bol im 160.. loseing only 3-4 pounds in the 4 weeks after..

    Now that im done with D-Bol im thinking about using a more powerfull oral anabolic, Androl.. I read the profile and from what i have heard im pretty confident on starting my cycle. Pretty much what i hear about the ABOMBS is that its a juiced up D-Bol, with much more powerfull side effects. Any input on Androl especially the side effects would help me make my finial decision wether to do a cycle of it or not. Keep in mind i would not be using any other anabolics just a 4-6 week cycle of Androl, the apropriate doses from my body weight of course.. followed by a cycle of Winstol to get nice and cut before summer.

    To help you base your decision wether Androl is good for me im 170 pounds and 17 years old. Ive been working out for about a year and half now im putting up about 235 and im very happy with my progress. D-Bol went smoothly with me showing virtually no side effects.

    Thanks in advance to everyone who gives me any info on Andol, i apreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    17 yrs old...hell no you dont need to do any anadrol or any other for that matter

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BIG21
    17 yrs old...hell no you dont need to do any anadrol or any other for that matter
    fair enough, i agree i am a little young, but everyone starts somewhere.. but thanks for the honest anser i apreciate it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    true everyone does start somewhere but if you ask half of the people on here if they wish they would have waited they would prolly say yes including myself...but to better answer your question an all anadrol cycle would be a total waste of money

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i agree with big anadrol only cycle wont do you much good, plus your only 17. lift hard, get plenty of protein in a solid diet for a few more years then re evaluate where you are. im sure youll get plenty of natural gains. good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I can't believe I'm reading this...
    Next, I can't believe I'm going to reply to this.... But I feel that you should be well educated.
    If I were you, I wouldn't take steriods for at least another 3-5 years. It has more to do with your workout history then your age. You obviously grew naturally from your first cycle as oral dbol is not likely to net 40lbs. In fact I would say it is highly unlikely that even half of that weight came from dbol...
    Work out hard for one more year. If in that year you stop gaining weight for no less than 5 months, and your diet is real clean with sufficient good calories...then consider a cycle of injectable steriods.
    If you continue to tax your liver with 17aa (oral) steriods, your liver won't make it through your drinking years....
    Think about it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Son, with the right diet, training, and sleep, you WILL grow like a weed, not maybe, WILL.
    Get yourself up to around 4,500-5000 Calories, and about 250gms of Protein, and (at your age) a Truck load of Carbs PER DAY, and you will have ZERO need for juice.
    Look 'lil buddy, if we were puttin' out the level of Testosterone & GH that you are right now, at this time in your life, we wouldn't need any juice either - Straight up.
    It's sounds like you have a fast metabolism, and that's OK, the answer to that is FOOD.
    Force feed until you're used to it, then when your are, do it'll Grow - promise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    BTW, Anadrol is a waste by's the biggest crasher out there when ran alone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    I agree with 7thWarrior

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Boston MA
    Not to flame you, but what you are doing is unhealthy and dumb. Oral only cycles are not good, you are too young and AS will effect your health and natural body function adversely, and you should be able to build off your natural test production alone at your age.

  11. #11

    looking for injectable anabolic

    Quote Originally Posted by Sub1ime824
    Whats up everyone.. I just finised an impressive cycle of D-Bol about 4 weeks ago. I started at 130, and as of right now being 4 weeks off D-Bol im 160.. loseing only 3-4 pounds in the 4 weeks after..

    Now that im done with D-Bol im thinking about using a more powerfull oral anabolic, Androl.. I read the profile and from what i have heard im pretty confident on starting my cycle. Pretty much what i hear about the ABOMBS is that its a juiced up D-Bol, with much more powerfull side effects. Any input on Androl especially the side effects would help me make my finial decision wether to do a cycle of it or not. Keep in mind i would not be using any other anabolics just a 4-6 week cycle of Androl, the apropriate doses from my body weight of course.. followed by a cycle of Winstol to get nice and cut before summer.

    To help you base your decision wether Androl is good for me im 170 pounds and 17 years old. Ive been working out for about a year and half now im putting up about 235 and im very happy with my progress. D-Bol went smoothly with me showing virtually no side effects.

    Thanks in advance to everyone who gives me any info on Andol, i apreciate it.

  12. #12
    looking for and want to learn how to order anabolic injectable steriods im 155pds just 5ft 11 inches tall im serious about my body right now and i wanna put it on i mean im cut up and ripped ok but i wanna put it on big time

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Don't you have to be 18 to join this board anyway?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by ccraft50
    looking for and want to learn how to order anabolic injectable steriods im 155pds just 5ft 11 inches tall im serious about my body right now and i wanna put it on i mean im cut up and ripped ok but i wanna put it on big time
    155lbs at 5'11? you are nowhere near your genetic limit, eat some damn food. im sick of all these ppl who dont train or eat for more than 2 weeks, decide they must be hardgainers and then resort to juicing? do some damn research it really isnt hard, you will otherwise waste your time, money and health. good luck and how long will it be till the next thread that is identical to this one? "hi im 11 years old, i picked up a heavy weight the other day at the gym atleast 7 times, my muscles ached but i didnt gain weight. would u suggest 17 IU's of HGH and 2g of test weekly? or would i need to drink winny aswell?"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ccraft50
    looking for and want to learn how to order anabolic injectable steriods im 155pds just 5ft 11 inches tall im serious about my body right now and i wanna put it on i mean im cut up and ripped ok but i wanna put it on big time
    I just posted on another thread about 10 minutes ago, and explained that I see a lot of unnecessary flaming towards newbies, but you need to read the f***ing rules before you post. Don't come on this site and ask where to get steroids! If it were that easy, everyone with a p*nis would be juicing! And 5'11", 155lbs.?!?!?!?! Who the f**k do you think you are?!?! DAM!! You wanna have kids later in life??? By the way, do you know what PCT is????

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    not again... is youre brother newmansmen

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