i was wondering what yall told the pharmacy when yall buy your needles... i dont know if it is illegal to buy needles in my state but i need advice on how to get them and in what states can you buy needles???
i was wondering what yall told the pharmacy when yall buy your needles... i dont know if it is illegal to buy needles in my state but i need advice on how to get them and in what states can you buy needles???
Depends on the state you live in. You can also buy them online!
IF it legal in your state just go up and ask em. IF they ask what there for say you build model airplanes and use them to apply paint, glue, etc. Works for me.
HAve a girl do it. They always seem to get what they ask for
I buy mine online...its easy and cheap. Here in Michigan, I cant get them from any pharmacy. I know one of my buddy's used to go to a rehab clinic and they give them out there...or so he claims.
In NC i have bought them just telling them that i shoot B-complex. I had a friend tell them he had dogs that he gave shots too. Also its good to have a friend that works in a hospital.
what i do is go to tsc (tractor supply company) its not illegal at all just say you got a sick cow they have all kinds of size its cheap and everything.
i dont think they can ask you what they are for.... just go in and know exactly what you want.... that way you have less people staring at you, when you buy boxes of em... thats in canada anyways
Buy online, or in person if your state lets you. If not, most states let livestock stores sell you pinz and syringes. They'll possibly ask you what their for, in my state they just hand you a clipboard and you write it down...no ID required. Just say its for your uncle's farm. Worked for me, no weird looks or anything. If your jacked, it helps not to walk in in a tank top lol
I walk into the pharmacy...get a case of pins and needles, 2 cases of tips, 5 bottles of B12, and walk back out with no questions asked.
Gotta love it here!
thats money, money.... haha good to see another western canadian, woooooooo
I use the pharm at Wal-Mart. I just walk up to the counter and ask for 3cc syringe w/ 22ga 1 1/2" needle. Cost $.25 ea plus tax.
London Drugs kicks ass.Originally Posted by floyd_turbo
i always have my girl do it, she looks so innocent and sweet... no questions asked.
alan, in my state it is legal and I can walk into any pharmacy with out any questions about my needs for them. It is much more expensive though. They charge freakin 25 cents per needle.
Personally, I buy off the net now. I dont know if anyone has PM'd you the site most users go to yet. If not I will shoot you the link. They ship discreetly and no one will know what it is.
Also, check out my link on needles in my sig. In that you will find information on states purchasing laws or states that allow the over the counter purchase.
Last edited by LuvMyRoids; 02-24-2004 at 12:50 PM.
I tell my pharmacist it's for steroids and he gives 2 for 1. I never had problems. I live in canada though.
you guys live in london, ontario too???
i'm in the area
clean needle are provided so people wouldn't use contaminated needles. that is why my pharmacist is cool with it.
Do a web search.
is it legal in New Jersey USA or has anyone tried it here to go into a pharmacy and ask for needles?
i havnt boguht them from a pharmecy in sooo long... buy them from AR, its cheaper and easyer
how much for shipping on ar?
depends i never bought just pins from them i always buy supps and other chems as well but the most ive seen on shipping for a bunch of stuff i got was 20$
but if your buying just pins it shouldnt be more then a few bux...
shipping is very fast too
just tell 'em that they r for your huntin dogs, and they have a field trial comin up soon. always works for me
how about you tell them that you need them so you dont catch hep c or the ninja from the guy next to you from sharing needles.. its really none of their business. if its legal in your state they cant turn you away.
here in my state some places will sell them to you some wont, i have a small pharm. here that i buy them from. i go in there with a sh*t load off people . they dont care.
i get then online but when i was getting them in town i would go to a horse and feed store and tell them it was for my dogs. much easier to do it online though.
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