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Thread: Pill form HGH?!?!?!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Pill form HGH?!?!?!?!


    I just had someone AIM me and ask questions about HGH.... In pill form.

    Guy says that he can get HGH in pills.

    Little yellow pills, with serial numbers on them.

    Anyone ever heard of this? I sure havent.

    Any input would be great!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    A guy on AIM That you don't know??? You gotta be kidding me lol SCAMMER!
    Never heard of HCG pills though....I seriously doubt it could be possible...

  3. #3
    Sounds like BS to me. I don't think the 191 branched chain amino acid can survive the GI tract.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Solrock
    Sounds like BS to me. I don't think the 191 branched chain amino acid can survive the GI tract.
    Yeah I didn't think HCG could be put in pill form either...BUt sounds like you know your chemistry

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    sounds like the late night infomercials that advertise hgh

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    I wonder how much I could get for some tic tacs on ebay if I wrote HGH on them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    yeah, they sell gh in pill form. My aunt's boy friend takes it but it is like 1/10,000 as effective as the kits, waste of time imo. He told me he took gh(hes like 55) and I was like wtf? and then mentioned he buys it at gnc or something like that and then I laughed to myself.

    Good to see you blocroc, you aint been around for a while

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    oh yeah...take your aim thing off your profile...then you won't get those idiots pm'ing you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    oh yeah...take your aim thing off your profile...then you won't get those idiots pm'ing you.
    for sure, this idiot named Mr. Baraso2 keeps pmin me for gay sex and **** aggrivating

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 50%Natural
    yeah, they sell gh in pill form. My aunt's boy friend takes it but it is like 1/10,000 as effective as the kits, waste of time imo. He told me he took gh(hes like 55) and I was like wtf? and then mentioned he buys it at gnc or something like that and then I laughed to myself.

    Good to see you blocroc, you aint been around for a while
    Thanks 50%... Lets see.. I spent a bit of time in jail... Stupid ass ****, nothing to do with gear. landed a new JOB, so I've been going nut with getting settled in. Picked up a new g/f or two... ****, one of them looks EXACTLY like Nicole Kidman... Its awesome....

    And on top of all that! I havent been in the gym in about 10 days...... Pissed off about that the most...

    But Im trying to make time and get everything ironed out, but I am at 210, so im slowly growing!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    I wonder how much I could get for some tic tacs on ebay if I wrote HGH on them.

  12. #12
    I have seen some amazingly deceptive ads in the internet for HGH. Its just for stuff that supposedly stimulates natural production and its oral. I have a friend who has done real HGH and still buys this stuff, but whatever. And yeah, no way you can eat it, if it was real.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    only thing that is worth taking orally is GHRP - growth hormone releasing peptide - and that is often available OTC now I think if I am not mistaken

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    only thing that is worth taking orally is GHRP - growth hormone releasing peptide - and that is often available OTC now I think if I am not mistaken
    I don't believe it's available, but I may be wrong. The GH secretagogues like MK677 (from Merck) are amazing because they stimulate release of all of the various GH forms (not just the 191 aa form that we shoot up with). The secretagogues are GHRP mimics, they don't actually bind where GHRP binds, but they accomplish the same effect, only magnified. If you have any info on GHRP being available, I'm all ears.

    BTW the secretagogues aren't available, but I'm still not sure about the GHRP.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    No such thing as pill form HGH. Impossible. They don't work because HGH is a VERY delicate and complex 191 amino acid hormone. This brings up the a problem with companies trying claim oral HGH products. - you can not take HGH orally. So, even if a company wanted to break the law and sell HGH as a pill/spray or powder - it would not work because the HGH would break down before it ever reaches the bloodstream.

    Also, you have a financial problem. Give Eli Lilly a call and see how much 200 micrograms (the amount a 40 year old secretes each day) of recombinant GH cost. You will quickly find out that the math just doesn't work. How can they sell a 1 month supply for $100 when the raw material would cost over $1,000 a month

    There is a case when the above claim can be true - but very exaggerated. The FDA has determined that if there is less than 2001 nanograms (ng) of the HGH drug present in a supplement - it is NOT considered a drug. The theory is that in such small trace amounts, the drug has no impact so it is not classified as a drug

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    No such thing as pill form HGH. Impossible. They don't work because HGH is a VERY delicate and complex 191 amino acid hormone. This brings up the a problem with companies trying claim oral HGH products. - you can not take HGH orally. So, even if a company wanted to break the law and sell HGH as a pill/spray or powder - it would not work because the HGH would break down before it ever reaches the bloodstream.

    Also, you have a financial problem. Give Eli Lilly a call and see how much 200 micrograms (the amount a 40 year old secretes each day) of recombinant GH cost. You will quickly find out that the math just doesn't work. How can they sell a 1 month supply for $100 when the raw material would cost over $1,000 a month

    There is a case when the above claim can be true - but very exaggerated. The FDA has determined that if there is less than 2001 nanograms (ng) of the HGH drug present in a supplement - it is NOT considered a drug. The theory is that in such small trace amounts, the drug has no impact so it is not classified as a drug
    this is why they call him chemically superior

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    absolutly no way. #1 if it were possible we would of heard it on the 10:00 news. #2 we all know how sensative GH is to light, and temp. you think it can handel handle all your acid in your belly? be sensable people

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by blowout247
    this is why they call him chemically superior

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Im a Masshole
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    Yeah I didn't think HCG could be put in pill form either...BUt sounds like you know your chemistry
    He said HGH not HCG

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    Sounds like BS.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    theres ghrp2 a prescription i believe, its been proven to be very effective, came out in 1996 i think i was reading a old musclemag and it talks about it, issue was march 1996 i think, but i read on the net about it and sounds interesting, my source can get it i think i might go for it, search GHRP2 sublingual or growth hormone releasing peptide-2

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by mr.lean
    theres ghrp2 a prescription i believe, its been proven to be very effective, came out in 1996 i think i was reading a old musclemag and it talks about it, issue was march 1996 i think, but i read on the net about it and sounds interesting, my source can get it i think i might go for it, search GHRP2 sublingual or growth hormone releasing peptide-2
    Sublingual GHRP2 isn't going to do much of anything for you. GHRP6 is a better stimulator of GH release, and GHRP-6 is the only GHRP that I've ever seen in a clinical study where different routes of delivery were tested (if someone has an actual study showing GHRP-2 by any route other than IV, I'd love to see it). Oral and sublingual did next to nothing, intranasal had a slight effect, and obviously IV was the way to go. Again, that was with GHRP-6, which is more potent. Actual peptides just aren't able to be delivered well by's too acidic and contains proteases. If you can get it really cheap, give it a try. Otherwise, save your money.
    They are working on GHRP mimics, which won't be actual peptides, and therefore won't be so susceptible to the harsh environment of the mouth. When they are ready, that'll be something to use.

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