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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Exclamation First Cycle

    I`m gonna be on my first cycle of Deca 300ML in which I`ll be stacking With A Testostarone Booster, Hydroxycut, ZMASS PM, Optimum Nutrition Protein, and an Amino Acid. I`m 5'7 135 Not Big But Ripped Up, and Shredded. Will this help my gain around 15 pds of mass, and still keep my cutting I have now. I`m starting this cycle in a 3 weeks. Have been lifting steadily for the last 3 years, just not able to gain muscle mass. Any info, or comments for me please let me know. Do you think ill put on the mass or is a waste?....

    Thanks Fellas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    How old are you? What is your diet like? You might want to stack the deca with something, depending on your goals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: First Cycle

    Originally posted by MD10
    I`m gonna be on my first cycle of Deca 300ML in which I`ll be stacking With A Testostarone Booster, Hydroxycut, ZMASS PM, Optimum Nutrition Protein, and an Amino Acid. I`m 5'7 135 Not Big But Ripped Up, and Shredded. Will this help my gain around 15 pds of mass, and still keep my cutting I have now. I`m starting this cycle in a 3 weeks. Have been lifting steadily for the last 3 years, just not able to gain muscle mass. Any info, or comments for me please let me know. Do you think ill put on the mass or is a waste?....

    Thanks Fellas

    Deca only cycle? I would run a test, not a booster, but real test. Your test production will be shut down, so I would highly recommend taking testosterone.

    Also, the hydroxycut is a thermogenic agent. If you are trying to mass up, why run something designed to make you lose weight?

    You did not mention how long you will be running the deca. My suggestion would be to rethink your cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Are you talking about that test booster that they sell in GNC? If so...that shit is probably just tap water in a pretty bottle.
    How old are u? @ 5'7 135lbs u definetly don't need hydroxycut.
    Like X said....You should rethink this cycle.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    I`m 20.....No I`m getting a Booster from DPS.nutrition my friend did a cycle of Deca with a Test Booster and gained a good 10pds of mass..(thats w/ protein and eating right and working out hard).Well the hydroxycut I take really as a preworkout pill, to give me energy it also has helped me get cut. Im limited to what I can get..Workin to get T200..right now....Ill be on Deca for 10 Weeks. Taking 1cc a week do u think its better i do more and if I do will it help me?....Also I heard that I should shoot in a diff place everytime or is it ok I do it in the same place everytime. Ill take as much insiight as im given....I eat High Calorie meals, 1-2 pds of protein for every pound of body weight. Also Limit my carbs to about 500 a day.

    I have 3 weeks to work out any lose ends...So as much advice as possible is well appreciated....Thanks for everyone who has responded so far...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    This is not a flame bro, but you should either do all legit suppliments (OTC product) or a safe logical stack (more than one) of AAS......not both! At 20 you could likely put on 10-15 solid pounds of muscle by following a detailed eating and training plan and using a few suppliments. No offence to your friend, but I garauntee that the guys on here forget more about AAS in one afternoon than he knows altogether....again, not a flame, a fact. If you want diet, suppliment and training help, check out the "Fitness Forums" if you want advice on gear, stay here...but listen to what they are saying. Good luck bro.

  7. #7
    Your 5'7", and 135 -- what you need Hydroxycut for??? Hell, i"m 5'7" 198 lbs. Can you get your hands on some Sust250...? You might want to look into doing a Deca/Sust250 cycle to add on some mass. I know some people think its harsh but Anadrol-50 is a REAL mass gainer, I gained just over 25lbs on it in a 8 week cycle (just juicin anadrol) after cycle over didn't lose as much as most people do. Must have been the way I was eating that helped it along.

    If you could get your hands on some Anadrol50, you could run

    Week 1-4 Andadrol 50mg/day
    Week 1-8 Deca 300mg

    Make sure you have Clomid, and Nolvadex on hand too. Just a suggestion


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Jungle: Drol isn't for a 1st time user. And alot of attention has to be paid to keeping your gains post cycle. And you shouldn't take drol for 8 weeks either. That shit's real toxic bro.
    No flame intended but I don't feel that was good advice for a 1st time user.


  9. #9
    MBarso: Don't worry about the response. Just saying what has worked for me in the past. Yeah I know Anadrol is rough on you, but worked out the best for me. But as you know everyone is different. The only down side about Anadrol was that I really got pissed off very easily.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles

    Re: Response

    Originally posted by MD10
    I`m 20.....No I`m getting a Booster from DPS.nutrition my friend did a cycle of Deca with a Test Booster and gained a good 10pds of mass..(thats w/ protein and eating right and working out hard).
    Your buddy gained 10pounds on the DECA alone. THe test booster didnt do crap... In fact people have been known to gain more than 10 on deca alone at times.
    He could have stacked the DECA with "Gatorade" and gained 10 pounds. THen you'd be ordering "Gatorade" from DPS!

    Dont get me wrong, but those test boosters dont do very much if anything at all. IF they work, then it will be operating at a level so weak that its notice is hardly worth the notice of the FDA. Alot of those companies advertise that "WE HAVE CIRCUMVENTED THE LAWS BY FINDING AN HERB SO THAT IT FALLS UNDER THE EXEMPTION AS NATURALLY OCCURRING"...That should be scrtinized carefully. (Cocaine is naturally occuring, so is marijuana also) Again if the effects are pronounced enuff the FDA would be on their asses...ANd thats nothing but the cold hard truth

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