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Thread: roids vs. igf-1lr3 (dumb question)

  1. #1

    roids vs. igf-1lr3 (dumb question)

    i was wondering if it is possible to compare the results that you get from the two? (obviously only in terms of SIZE and not fat loss) i know results vary from person to person, so just tell me opinions based on your own individual experiences. the question is: what kind of steroid would you need, aproximately, to equal the size you gained from igf-1lr3?(test, d-bol, fina, etc.) i know this question sounds pretty stupid, but i thought it might give some guys (like me) more insight as to what to expect. (like those rating charts that you can find on roids and fat burners) i still disagree with some of those, but they're still in the ballpark.
    btw, if you don't want to compare igf to any particular steroid, just give me a rating out of ten for size, strength, fat loss, side effects, and ability to keep gains. now that i think about it, this question might have been better to ask from the very beginning. sorry guys, lol. thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    at this point of the game with IGF being so fairly new to bb, I dont think any question can be really that dumb.

    I havent used IGF yet, but I was also wondering the very same thing, what AAS (and for how long) is a 4 week "cycle" of IGF-1 lr3 comparable to? If IGF gives similar results to a 10wk or more traditional cycle, and without needing pct, I can see alot of people switching from doing big AAS cycles to 4-5 IGF-1 R3 cycles/year. It would be alot cheaper too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Nothing compares from my experience, I gained muscle and lost b/f. I remember telling people that wanted to gain muscle and loss fat in the same cycle "we all do" The mass gains weren't the same as a steroids but when you think of the fat loss with lbm gains who cares


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Nothing compares from my experience, I gained muscle and lost b/f. I remember telling people that wanted to gain muscle and loss fat in the same cycle "we all do" The mass gains weren't the same as a steroids but when you think of the fat loss with lbm gains who cares

    i know, it sounds awesome. too good to be true. btw, how much bf% did you go down, if you took records?

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