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Thread: Lesson for anyone who dosent aspirate!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    ontario, canada

    Lesson for anyone who dosent aspirate!

    my buddy is currently running a test enanthate only cycle, and does most of his shots into his delts
    anyways last shot he did he didnt aspirate, and the pin was in a vein

    he said it hurt like a mother going in and could tell somethin was different

    anyways he just did the shot and when he pulled out, blood dripped all down his arm

    he got up to wipe it off and startedto get dizzy. he wiped it off and started feeling even more light headed, then his vision started to go

    he said everything went real dark and when he woke up he was on the floor with his mom and brother over him checking what was wrong
    he knocked over a vase and smashed his head on a coffee table on the way down

    now he is scared to do shots, he got me to do his last shot for him

    i'll do the next couple for him unti lhe gets his balls back
    annyways just goes to show you, for anyone who dosent, ASPIRATE!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    No offense, but if he had injected oil into a vein he would probably be dead now from a lung embolism. What probably happened is he went THRU a vein, so it bled when he pulled the needle out. Then he saw the blood and went into shock, that’s why he passed out. It’s actually quite difficult to inject INTO a vein. But not impossible so you should still always aspirate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Anabolic Review
    if u inject oil into vein you will die???i posted that question awhile ago and from what i got on here........only way to be fatal would be to inject 3cc air into vein...they said inject into vein youll just get lightheaded and have a hardcore headache

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    If the shot hurt more than usuall, he may also have injected in very close proximity to a nerve. The unusual pain or the blood may have been enough to make him pass out.

    Your right though, aspirating is good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    how much do you draw to aspirate?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
    No offense, but if he had injected oil into a vein he would probably be dead now from a lung embolism. What probably happened is he went THRU a vein, so it bled when he pulled the needle out. Then he saw the blood and went into shock, that’s why he passed out. It’s actually quite difficult to inject INTO a vein. But not impossible so you should still always aspirate.
    Well, that's partly true.
    Yes, if he injected "into" a vein, as in "IV", the whole thing, most definitely he'd have an issue there.
    And yes, he did more than likely shoot "through" a vein, but what happened more than likely is that X amount of gear "seeped" (for lack of better terminology) into the rupture from the near by saturated tissue.
    When I was younger I'd done it numerous times over a few year period (I thought aspirating was BS)
    I watched a friend do the very same thing his buddy did...eyes rolled back, bounced his head off the Fish tank, and then did "the fish" on the floor for about 15 seconds.
    It was funny as hell the next day....but we weren't laughin' then.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i dont know,back in my 1st cycle, i didnt aspirate, and almost the same happened to me, except,my body got really hot, and got a little lightheaded.i was ok though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I don't think injecting directly into a vein can kill you. It's obviously not smart, but I don't think It will cause death. Also, it would take serveral and I mean several cc's of air to kill you as well..

    Be smart, aspirate. I'm sure he just hit a vein on the way out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Also, it would take serveral and I mean several cc's of air to kill you as well..
    WEll, Los Angeles air might

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I am not trying to cause a panic, and I would never throw a statement like that out arbitrarily. I am trying to find the article where I read about the likeliness of an embolism from injecting oil into a vein. Maybe Doc M can help us out...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
    I am not trying to cause a panic, and I would never throw a statement like that out arbitrarily. I am trying to find the article where I read about the likeliness of an embolism from injecting oil into a vein. Maybe Doc M can help us out...
    I think it was Markas1234 (I think that's right) that had that thread/post wasn't it? Or at least he was in on it...he's a Nurse in an ER I think...??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by ripped4fsu
    I am not trying to cause a panic, and I would never throw a statement like that out arbitrarily. I am trying to find the article where I read about the likeliness of an embolism from injecting oil into a vein. Maybe Doc M can help us out...
    No, by all means, I'm not going trying to make light of this topic. Obviusly, It is DEFIITLEY NOT good. But, We had an argument several months back when my budy died about the likelyhood he was killed because of oil or air entering a vein. I thought it was the case, but it would of been hard for him to be killed that way.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Charm City
    still a good lesson to be learned... always always always. ASPIRATE.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    Here we go again.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    AHHHHH,this takes the mystery out of a injection i did.One time i did 3cc's and didnt pull back,because when i first went and learned to do a HRT shot from my doctor they never pulled back when it was shown to me.

    Well i always wondered one day i booted 3cc's and right after the shot(minutes) i felt light headed then i got a tightness in my lungs and developed this repeated cough for about 2 hours.I never knew if it was from the shot but it looks like it was! but thats all that happened to me.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    BUYLONGTERM i like your cycle III, just like i was planning for my next!

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