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Thread: Please Critique fellas

  1. #1

    Please Critique fellas

    couple of cycle under belt:
    250mg test e @ 12wks - good gains

    deca only for 1st cycle (no deca dick, kept gains 14lbs) 1st cycle tho lads!

    Next Cycle, please feel free to critique, i'm a fan of bask8kase and his theory on low dosages, so at the minute i'm building up to higher slowly, however this is what im "perhaps" gonna do

    Wk 1-9 Deca Norma @ 300mg pw
    wk 1-10 Primoteston Enanthate @ 375pw every 5 day (think this is correct)
    wk 7-12 Stanol Winny tabs @ 50mg ED
    wk13-16 Anafarm Clomid 300mg day 1
    100mg day 2-11
    50mg days 12-21
    Nolva on hand, may take 10mg all way through, not suseptable to gyno though, not sure, what you guys think?
    ps what gains have you experienced on a cycle similar with a good clean 3500-4000 calories per day


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thats a really good cycle for bulking and managing to stay hard throughout.

    i would probably only change the test to 400 mgs per week.

    great choice on gear by the way, you're using top-notch stuff!

    my first cycle was 300 mgs deca ew with 400 mgs test ew... i gained near 35 pounds and kept like 28 of lbm...

    my second cycle was a little higher, 400 mgs deca with 500 mgs test ew... but again, your dosages are pretty close to that, so you can prob expect close to 15 pounds of quality gains if you keep your cals and protein intake up.

    good luck bro!

    sorry if using pounds was confusing since youre used to the metric system .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    the post office!
    only thing i would do is run both your test and deca longer a bit longer, cause with 9 weeks of deca your sort of gonna miss the punch as it takes a solid 6 weeks to really build that leaves you with only about 3 weeks to to take full advantage of the compound.

    On a side note thats a well planned cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I would up the test to 500w, at least 400w.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I could be wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that you should take Clomid longer than 21 days for your PCT if using Deca. I think I read 30. Maybe someone else will comment on that, as like I said...I'm not totally sure.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    yea, id run clomid for at least a month after deca...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hey what do ya know... I was right for once... doesn't happen often so forgive me while I do a jig

  8. #8
    thanx for all the advice guys, will run clomid longer, cheers

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