Sorry GH...
I didnt mean to derail your experiment with dick measurements and fingers in my butt out in the twilight zone.
my brain is not working .. gears are malfunctioning. I think I'm off to bed
Btw: my shoe is 13 wide. Just sayin
Update -
so I'm a little over a week into this 'mini cut' . I'm about 5-6 pounds down (sitting at 202). I have to say I feel better already. even though I'm doing 1 to 1.5 hours of cardio per day, plus weight training (often twice per day). my sleep is better. just feel a bit healthier .
I really think the FOOD is a big part of it guys. when your plowing down lots of food tying to bulk and put on size, that is really stressful on the body. more so then the drugs. its not like the high dosages of gear I was taking are magically out of my body (heck still on 1.5+ grams). nope, its the food. its no longer taxing me the way it was before mini cutting.
we talk about all these muscle building GENETICS that we have or other guys have. well the biggest factor in genetics to who can get the most muscular has to do with DIGESTION and ASSIMILATION.. whoever has a genetically blessed digestive system and assimilates all their calories well is going to put on a lot more muscle then someone who can't
Man that’s a lot of training per day with all that cardio in there.
Food and digestion wise it is crazy to even fathom what the ifbb pros at 250+lbs must consume. I remember reading about one of the pros daily consumption of sweet potatoes alone was several pounds (3-5 iirc). I can’t even begin to imagine that plus all the protein and fats. Surprising that the top level guys are not also top level competitive eaters.
I am getting into the kinetics and muscle science of exercises. Ie: how the muscles attach, the exercises to get a response , etc
My knees naturally point out at a 45 degree angle when standing straight.
Will pointing my toes in (knees straight forward) when doing quads and hams have better results? I know that toe position does effect the muscle development however if my toes are in, it is like someone else with the toes straight forward in regards to the knees.
I have moved my feet until my knees are straight forward and I do feel a difference. Is this just something in my head, or is there validity to it?
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So I've been pretty swamped with some personal stuff that last couple weeks and haven't been around much.
anyways.. I'm done with this mini cut. the goal has been accomplished. I started to feel much better, I started sleeping a lot better, an hour of cardio was a breeze, my insulin sensitivity improved quite a bit , etc.. I shed about 11 pounds (two a day sessions plus a calorie deficit)
now its back to the mass gaining phase.
so I came off everything except for some mast and a cruise dose of test (which is 500mg for me). I added in some Winny. no hgh, no insulin or any other growth factors.
so now to continue the massing phase.
1-2cc of test E per day (dosed at 250mg/ml) . so 1500-2000mg+ per week.
Tren Ace - 100mg EOD
Tren E - 200mg 2-3x per week
Tren Base - 50mg pre workout
Masteron P - 150mg EOD
Dbol - 60mg per day (only for about 14 or so days to get my estrogen elevated while I run this Tren base .. tren base and dbol pre workout)
Insulin 30iu per day minimum, 45iu per day on large body part training days
Diet - I'm not going to track or plan anything. I'm going to go strictly by feel and just see how my digestion is and modify things along the way.
I'm not going to force feed myself. with the amount of Tren I'm running plus the slin I'm going to need to keep the Carbs pretty high (will take priority over protein)
my staple to start will be eggs, chicken, beef, white rice, potato, and whey shakes.
note: as I stated earlier in this log. I was going to be adding in a 3 or so week long Tren blast where I run close to a gram of Tren, but only for 3 weeks . This is that phase.
Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-16-2018 at 11:47 AM.
You mentioned cardio twice daily. Was that two half hour sessions or two one hour sessions? If it’s the latter I doubt you will miss that!
I would do two a day sessions. this including weights and cardio.
example -
11am - 1 hour of cardio - 25 mins of weights, mainly focused on touch up work (often times training the body part I trained the night before, but with light weight and just bringing in some blood).
5pm - 1 or so hours of weights (my main weight training split) - and then after weights 30 mins of cardio
so 1.5 hours of cardio per day total.
I don't recommend that for most people.. but keep in mind this was just a very short 'mini cut'.. the point is to be very aggressive . you can't start off slow and steady with a mini cut that only lasts 3 or so weeks . plus cardio works very very well for me
my cholesterol is usually always in a pretty good range.
on a side note to that , for me personally (not for clients, just my personal choice) I don't really concern myself with cholesterol a whole lot. I don't think the connection between cholesterol and heart disease is that well established and has been way blown out of proportion so that the drug companies can push cholesterol drugs and make billions. the reality is, guys with lower cholesterol levels in general have an elevated mortality rate then guys with higher cholesterol. So I don't stress it one way or the other.
this is just my personal belief though.. for clients or other people I'm helping, I have a responsibility to concern myself with this and advise keeping blood work in range as best as possible.
for me (and everyone else in the world) I'm likely to eventually die of heart disease or a stroke. unless I get hit by a bus before then. this is essentially how we all go out. I don't really think my blood lipid panel one way or the other is going to make a huge difference in the big picture. so I'm surely not going to let it keep me up at night or stress me out.
if I need to take certain measures later on, I will. but I'm not going to chase numbers on blood work right now. I'll try to be as healthy as I can and let the cards fall where they will.
and again,, I'm not convinced by medical evidence that 'bad' cholesterol directly causes heart disease in the first place. so I can' worry about something that may not even exist
edit: if you have a family history of EARLY heart disease and cholesterol issues though. it definitely may be something you want to concern yourself with.. I'm just saying I personally am not concerning myself with it a whole lot
Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-16-2018 at 02:11 PM.
just an fyi disclaimer here -
2 grams of test per week, 1 gram of tren per week, along with nearly a gram of other AAS is definitely NOT necessary for most you guys reading this log. For me a gram of test and 500mg a week of tren is really my sweet spot.
but keep in mind the context and title of this log being "crazy experiments".
a lot of guys have opinions saying that low dose is definitely the way to go and anything higher is just a waste and causing side effects. other guys will swear by high dosages. a lot of us have opinions , but not a lot of us have actually experimented on ourselves and really formulated that opinion based on real experience.
its like formulating an opinion about someone you don't even know. its not based on anything real. so too with AAS usage. lots of guys have their opinions, yet even some of the 'vets' probably only have a half dozen cycles under their belts and only ran a few different compounds over the years. how many times could they of really ran high dosage cycles with various compounds over the years if they only have ran 6 cycles total.
we all are entitled to our opinion, but often times its not based on anything substantial.
so sure I've read lots of theories. seen 'pro' cycles. understand how a lot of these things work at the cellular level to a small degree. I can explain in writing how high dosages can create more androgen receptors and illicit more gains over time etc. etc..
but my opinion, even for myself, has much more weight and bearing when its based on real world experience and self experiment.
so keep that in mind.. I'm running certain compounds at certain dosages for 'experiment' sake and not necessarily because thats the best thing for YOU or anyone else to do (even though doing things yourself will better help you formulate a valid opinion) .
I'm simply experimenting and trying to find out whats going to work best for me , and sharing that with you all
Novolog at 10iu every two hours, all day.
Do it!
Its good for your body.
Easy breezy- just after I kill everyone because they piss me off.
Actually, I am more tolerant with people on tren because I know how to control it. I think to myself.... don’t try that when I’m not on tren because I will react. LOL
I tried 900 tren for two weeks- it felt like I wasn’t alive anymore. NFW will I try 1000. 700 was good.
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“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
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"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
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