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Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans!
What better way to celebrate than with Squat Day?
Started with squats, but I think I mistimed my meals. I seem to do that a lot. Gotta work on it. Anyhow, got my warm up sets in, and started feeling a little weak, but still got in the work sets. Just short a few reps here and there. No bigs, intensity was there, so it just is what it is today.
Did calf work next. Started with barbell raises off the block, then super setted with raises off the platform, holding on to two dumbbells.
Leg extensions and curls were next. 3x8-15. Started light and worked up to a little heavier than usual.
Was on the fence about what to do next, and somehow decided on single leg split squats with the rear foot elevated. 3x8, light weight but I will work on getting those figured out with my home equipment.
That wrapped the weights. HIIT was on tap, though it turned into more like intense cardio.
3 rounds of:
3 minutes on the climber with intervals
5 to 6 pull ups
15 kettlebell swings
1 minute rest
I had 4 rounds on tap, but after the second, I was way dizzy and had to take a longer rest. Still, I finished up that third round eventually, and thought about the fourth, but not today, Mr HIIT, not today.
About a half mile walk to cool down, then hopped in the pool. That was refreshing! Yoga stretches to wrap, then shower and food.
Life is groovy, baby! #AustinPowers
07-04-2022, 03:26 PM #602
I like leg day!
07-06-2022, 07:01 PM #603Junior Member
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That was one hell of a workout. A lot people stomach's would have turned green after all that leg work: weights, bodyweight and high intensity cardio.
Bench day, but it turned short. Work got in the way, so that through off my timing a bit.
BUT, I still got it done.
Started with barbell bench, and got my target weight and then some.
Skipped dips, went straight to skull crushers super setted with dumbbell hammer curls.
Finished with dumbbell flyes super setted with side raises.
1 mile walk to warm up, 1+ mile to cool down and for some extra LISS, and all is good, Jack!
07-08-2022, 07:34 PM #606Junior Member
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Do you use a fitness tracker or a smartwatch?
Deadlift day today, giggity giggity!
Worked up to 3x5 for working sets, and then a fourth single at the same weight because I was just out of gas. These were legit raw lifts by the way, no wraps, no strap, no belt, nada.
Moved to barbell rows, 3x8.
And just like that, I was 30 minutes into my work out.
Did some front squats, light 1x8, then heavier 2x6.
Barbell calf raises 3x15, with calf raises with the farmers walk handles, 2x15 mixed in.
That was it for the weights, but on this day, it was enough.
HIIT was going to be something different, but I ended up doing interval runs / sprints, 7 or 8 total intervals, anywhere from 2 minutes to 20 seconds work, 90 seconds to 2 minutes rest. Now, you might have watched me doing this and said "he looks like he is working hard but barely moving." To which I would respond a) you are not wrong, I'm no Usain Bolt and b) go have sex with a goat. Fast is relative, brothers and sisters, and my heart rate hit nearly 160 a time or two, so I'm going to say its all good!
Hopped in the pool to cool down, then grilled some burgers The Wife and I just finished enjoying. Life is good!
07-08-2022, 08:37 PM #609Junior Member
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07-08-2022, 09:43 PM #611Junior Member
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Super noobie question, but why clomid instead of trt?
Thats what the doc started me on. I wanted to give it a try, and did, I just couldn't get it or enclomiphene to live up to the hype.
I'm on 20% compounded test cream now, with hcg . Just waiting on bloodwork to come back to see how that is treating me.
07-08-2022, 10:36 PM #613Junior Member
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I have a write up on Enclomiphene (which is part of Clomid) that goes into a little detail on why clomid does what it does. I will include the link below.
TRT with Clomid (that is, both presribed testosterone and clomid) is a thing now and then, though I believe that is largely because a lot of docs are concerned about the availability of HCG since recent rulings in the US mean it isn't as readily available as it was. You can still get it, though. Anyhow, it is generally thought in the Iron Game that clomid will simply be overpowered by exogenous test and will only bring the negatives. I've not done bloodwork on that, though.
Overhead press day today. Got my 3x8 work sets and was feeling eh but also good, though I recognize that makes no sense. I did take about 3 mg Rad 140 as pre-workout so maybe that was helping.
Anyhow, moved on to dips, 3x8 no weight today. Did shrugs with the farmers walk handles, 90 lbs on each. I was going to do actual walks with them last night and did do calf raises with them yesterday, so they were already loaded up. 3x 12 to 15 on shrugs.
Tricep pushdowns super setted with ez curl bar curls, 3x10-15 each. Since I had the cables setup already, I did single arm cable flyes, 2x8 each side.
1 mile walk to warm up, 1+ to cool down and for LISS.
I did a new to me peptide, post workout. I did 100mcg of PEG-MGF. That seemed to make me a little uncomfortable, though it could have just been low blood sugar from the workout. Still, not sure I will try it again. Maybe though, let see.
07-09-2022, 08:57 PM #616Junior Member
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Just read up on that peptide. Article recommended higher doses on off days and a four week run.
Hypoglycemia in animal testing. Perhaps a glucometer would help.
Brothers and Sisters, I have my first blood work on HCG and Test cream coming in. I will post up in the HRT section in detail but it looks good EXCEPT DHT is 3 times the normal range. Details forthcoming in the HRT section...
Here is the link to the bloods:
Also, my 5-alpha reductase can beat up your 5-alpha reductase
Well, I'm feeling burned out, so I'm taking this week easy. I should have done two deloads back to back, but tried to muscle through and now the body is like "dammit, man, it's time to chill!"
And that is what I'm doing. A couple of walks so far this week, probably will hit some weights tomorrow.
I'm also debating the way forward on my trt. Can't continue with the cream without finasteride, and finasteride long term scares me. Decisions decisions...
Still, life is good!
07-14-2022, 01:03 PM #620
You got to read your body & listen.
Myself, have been on finasteride for 20+ years, it helped my hair and that trumps the fact that I’ve grown a small tail from my lower back. Hey, priorities, you know?
Give me pharmaceutical test and the sub-q is a piece of cake, not so with any other UGLs I’ve used.
I actually seem to do better with over range DHT than I do with under range. Fina hammered my dht into the dirt in my first dance with it, but that was trying to nudge it down from 65 or so to 40'ish. It went to 12 and I felt horrible.
That said, 215 is WAAAAAAYYYYYY out of range, so let's hammer that down by 75%! That would bring me into the 50s, which would be just fine.
You can take care of the tail with some toenail clippers, rubbing alcohol and a soldering iron. Who needs anesthesia, right?
Rock salt might work if you don't have rubbing alcohol.
Last edited by Cylon357; 07-14-2022 at 03:05 PM.
Allright you hoo-uhrs, I'm back at it!!
Well, almost.
Took most of the last week off. Had a run / walk Friday morning, then worked around the house Saturday.
Did a fasted 2 mile walk this morning, some grocery shopping, then some more work around the house and, da fuq is dis?? A second workout?? Hellz yeah! Another run / walk, heart rate got to 172 at one point.
Some MORE house work, shower, and then the energy was gone. Almost a nap, but I futzed around for a bit, had some dinner (filet, sweet potatoes and sautéed mushrooms) that The Wife put together, and everything is chill, Jack!
Weight workouts start back in earnest tomorrow with everybody's favorite: squat day! Yay!
I also have my annual physical tomorrow, where I will ask the doc "the fudge you doing putting me on cream with all that 5-alpha reductase??" And we will talk about path forward.
That said, I do actually like the cream. It is easy and convenient, but man, I read that it converts to DHT at some thing like 2.5x more than injections. It might be something good to keep handy for travel, but probably not all the time. I will say that it works, anyone who says it doesn't hasn't seen the numbers. This is the 20% compounded cream, not the 1% gel. That gel couldn't do shit at 1%.
Life is good!Last edited by Cylon357; 07-17-2022 at 08:09 PM.
Squat day, huzzah! Yes, it is a day later than I planned, but that crazy funtime run walk go go Gadget Cylon thing on Sunday had me sore and tired Monday and I took the day.
But it was good to be back, Jack!
Squats started off, you know, with that "barbell" thing that is all the rage now. Was planning on keeping it light since I've sort of been off for two weeks. And I did keep it light, kind of. I did my normal work weight but for sets of 4, 4, 5 instead of 8 to 10. So, I count it as good return that won't have me cussin' out Lamont come Thursday.
Pullups were next, and I focused on keeping the rocking to a minimum. Did a little toe tap on the ground at the bottom to steady myself. Something like 4 sets of 6 to 8 with varying grips.
Calf work, again with that new age barbell thing. 3x20 with more weight than normal, so maybe I won't walk like Fred Sanford, but maybe more like Cotten Hill. You youngun's might not get those references, but hey, evidently "google" is a "thing", whatever all that noise means.
Lying leg curls, ohhhh, those felt good. 3x8-12.
That was it for the first day back. No HIIT, but like I said I did the go go Gadget... ah, you know what I did, on Sunday that involved a bit of almost sprints, so I count it. Hey, this is my world, and I can do what I want.
About 3/4s of a mile to warm up, about a mile and half for LISS at the end. Then that hop in the pool, 78 degrees, BTW, so cool but not too cool. Shower and now feeling the post workout feels and jabbering with you all, my fellow and favorite primates. Well, some of you are "favorite" primates, others just "fellow" primates. You know who you are.
The snark is strong with the post work out feels, but it's all in fun, y'all! If you read this far, you know this already!Last edited by Cylon357; 07-20-2022 at 03:05 PM.
BTW, stuffed peppers with ground turkey and rice, topped with some sort of cheese, was the protein source last night. Forgot to post this for you animals.
Attachment 181941
Nice little bench workout at lunch today, quick but good.
Barbell bench started, got my work weight on that.
Did one set of dips 10 reps, then had an idea for a super set thing.
I super setted dips with pushups from the raised handles, with sets of 8, 7, 6 of each, about 90 seconds rest between sets. That was fire!
Skull crushers and dumbbell curls were next 3x10-12 of each.
2 sets of dbell flyes followed, one conventional for 10 reps. The second set was partials, sort of. Starting from the bottom position, I went to about 20 degrees, then back down, then to 45 degrees, back down and then finally all the way up (90 degrees). That was a rep. I did 4 of those for my second set. This, too, was fire.
Half mile walk to warm up, very brief walk to cool down, then shower and back to work.
Oh my brothers and sisters, test test TESTIFY!
Good back workout today. The weight portion was so so, but I did HIIT too and it Was All Good.
Started with hyperextensions and reverse hypers. I've made the decision to cut back on deadlifting (officially) to maybe every other week or possibly every third week. We will see about that, but I did the hypers to warm the low back and get some reps.
Moved on to chinups, 3 sets wide parallel grip, 2 sets 45 degree underhand grip, 1 set narrow parallel grip. All sets were reps each, no weight.
Single arm dumbbell rows, 60s today 2 sets each side, 8 reps each.
8 was not the number of the counting by design, but it does seem to be where I landed.
Moved on to barbell rows, cause I wasn't sure what else I wanted to do. 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps there.
Hip thrusters were last on the weight plate for today, 3 sets of 8 to 10.
HIIT was freestyled today and looked like this:
2 minutes hammer swings (that poor tire!)
1 minute rest
2 minutes consisting of:
- 10 kettle bell swings (THERE you are, snookums!)
- 10 kettle bell squats
- shadow boxing for the remaining time on each minute
1 minute rest
3 round (12 work minutes) total of those.
The kettle bell round was 10 swings, 10 squats, then shadow boxing for the remainder of the minute, so I did 2x swings, 2x squats, 2x boxing for each round.
For the hammer swings, I did do shadow boxing when I was feeling winded, so like 16 swings with the big hammer, 8 swings each hand with the little hammers, then if I was 'hitting peak heart rate', I would shadow box some to get my wind back. No half stepping allowed, but dang, man I thought I was going to yak a time or two.
BTW, swinging the little hammers actually seems to be helping me with my off hand coordination. Just an unexpected perk.
Grilling some chicken on the new grill... Friggin' grills, man, you can spend as much as you want. Ours is 'smart grill enabled', and of course, OF COURSE, I was like 'hey-oh, can we get the smart A** enabled grill?'
IDK, man. I'm chilling now for sure.
07-23-2022, 10:25 PM #627
Shoulders today.
Started with barbell overhead press, 3x9 as work sets.
Wen to dips, 3x8, no weight today.
Super setted dumbbell bicep curls with narrow hand spacing push-ups, 3x12 each.
Wrapped with dumbbell laterals super setted with reverse laterals. 3x8 for each of those.
Half mile walk to warm up, 1.5 miles for cool down and liss and now I am done for the day!
Squat day today, WHOOO!
Got the post workout feels, OH YEAH #MachoMan
Squats, with that whacky barbell thing (I think it is going to stay around), did like 6 total work sets, the middle 3 being 3x5 with minimal rest between sets. Didn't have 4x5 in me at that pace today, but getting back to it.
Barbell (there it is AGAIN!) calf raises followed, 3x15 to 20.
Leg curls with the BARBELL! No, I'm kidding, leg curls with the bench attachment, 3x10 but concentrated on feeling it.
Pull / chinups various grips 4x6
For cardio: 1/2 mile run, 1/4 mile walk, 1/8 mile fast run (7:30 pace, I had no clue I had it in me), followed by the rest of a mile and half walk to wrap the night.
#NoFredSanfordWalk #WellMaybe
Chest day today.
Walking like Fred Sanford, BTW.
Barbell bench to start, got my work reps so I call that good.
I did incline bench next, 3x6.
Skull crushers and bicep curls followed, 3 sets each, 8 to 12 reps.
Dumbbell fyes to wrap it 3x8-10.
I actually did a little over 2 miles fasted LISS this morning, so I was expecting my strength to be down a little. It was, but not a lot. Anyhow, I did about 2 more miles between warm up and post workout LISS, then worked in the yard for just a few minutes. Knocked out 2x20 push-ups while waiting on one thing or another.
Should sleep well tonight!
Had a little hiccup, scheduling wise and decided to resync my workout week. So, what better way to end Monday than with Squat Day!!
And there was little more than that today.
I did do barbell squats, 2x8, 1x12 work sets, then did barbell calf raises from a block, 3x15 to 20.
Leg extensions super setted with leg curls, 3x10-15 each.
That was it for the weights.
But then that HIIT'ish thing. Listen, I get that what I do is sometimes not true HIIT... tell you what, wankers that have a problem with it, give me a better term and I will use it. Kidding, but also kind of not, you know?
Anyhow 4 rounds today of:
2 minutes aerobic machine
6-8 pullups
15 kettlebell swings
1 minute rest
Each work portion of the rounds took 3 minutes on the dot.
The "aerobic machine" alternated between the treadmill and the climber in alternate rounds.
I did a 5th bonus round consisting of 90 seconds treadmill, then 90 seconds climber. Dem kettle bell swings get me, man.
That's 15 total work minutes. That's not bad for after a fairly intense workout.
1/2 mile walk to warm up, about a mile as cool down, then hopped in the pool to cool down. Shower, protein and now logging this thing.
Life is good!
08-01-2022, 06:45 PM #633Junior Member
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I remember you mentioning doing a deload for a couple weeks. Do you eliminate all weights or just lighten up intensity and volume?
BTW, I asked @Wango this question, so it only seems fair I should answer as well. My current protocol is pretty mild:
3 clicks of testosterone cream (2 am, 1 pm)
250-300iu HCG MWF
5mg anavar
12.5 to 25mg proviron
I am just conducting an experiment with the var. My sleep gets messed up with as little as 10mg per day, trying 5mg to see if it provides anything of benefit without messing up my sleep too much. Yes, I know that is a tiny dose, but even it seems to provide an extra kick in energy that messes with sleep just a hair. This will likely just be a 2 week experiment, unless I pull the plug before then.
The proviron I like as part of hrt, BUT I think it was acting as a bit of an AI before my last bloods. I may drop it and retest in 6 weeks or so. I don't seem to get the kick from it that a lot of people report, but if it were moving estrogen down some, that might explain it.
08-02-2022, 05:46 PM #636Junior Member
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I have an addictive personality so I usually have a hard time walking away completely and usually end up decreasing the intensity. Once my mid-40's went by, my body let me know to take a week or two at max off completely sometimes...hard for me to do but feel much better after actually doing it (mentally and physically).
08-02-2022, 05:49 PM #637Junior Member
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Your Fitbit should give you some good sleep feedback on Anavar 's (lowered dose) effect on your sleep. Good luck.
Bench day, hurrah!
Pretty tame but a little intense workout.
Barbell bench, 2x6 for main work, then a drop weight wide grip set for 8.
Dips, 1x8 no weight, 1x8 with 25#, 1x12 with no weight.
Super sets were next, yay!
Super setted skull crushers and close grip bench. Man, that one blows the triceps up, 2x10 on the skull crushers, 2x8 on the bench.
Super setted ez-curl bar bicep curls with dumbbell hammer curls, 2x10 each.
Super easy but stretchy set of flyes, 2x10.
1/2 mile walk to warm up, 2+ mile walk for LISS at the end. I'm sitting at 11k steps right now... Not quite @Wango territory today, but close! Hopped in the pool, got some protein and a shower, and now all is right in Cylon Town tonight!
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