OK, backstory: Been on TRT for 10 years. Off and on took HCG typically at 1000 units per week. The past 6 months I've been taking about 2000 units per week of HCG. Last year I came off TRT for about 4 months but had too much going on such as recovering from surgery and I jumped back on. I crashed HARD last time when I came off so tried doing things a little different this time around. I tore my bicep tendon in August and basically at that point I dropped my TRT dose to just 70mg/week and only took one injection per week instead of my typical every 3.5 days. I haven't been lifting just doing cardio and some cable stuff so I'm not sure how bad my strength has dropped.
I thought my rotator cuff was also torn but it's not. Been massive pain but MRI showed it's fine just major swelling and bursitis in the shoulder so I started PT last week and it's already starting to improve so that's exciting. Anyways, I had my yearly physical last week with full blood panels. My Test numbers came back at 227 with a range of 250 - 1100. The blood was drawn 1 week since my previous shot which was on Dec 2nd. During this time I've felt fine and figured my numbers would have been higher. I originally planned on coming off in September but decided I might as well do it now with the numbers being so low. I do have a child with my ex wife and I wasn't on when we started trying. That literally happened in the first month that we tried so this is def. frustrating.
The reason for coming off is we want to have a baby and she's been off birth control since August of 2020. She's had tests done and she's totally fine as far as ovulation etc. I've done some home Semen tests and they came back as not adequate. When I was off last year I met with an Endo and he ordered a Semen analysis but I never got it done. I will contact him within the next 6 weeks and see if I can get a starting point there and will prob. run a blood panel around the 6 to 8 week mark.
I'm going to start PCT tomorrow taking 50mg Clomid day one and 100mg day two and for the next 6 weeks. I'm starting with 50mg on day one to see how I react to it. Often Clomid gives me a massive headache so I would rather taper it to limit that. I will also take Nolva at 40mg per day for 2-3 weeks and then drop that to 20mg per day for up to 6 weeks total. Will continue taking Clomid at 50mg per day for the duration of the next 6 months or until we have a pregnancy. I'm also going to run HCG at 2500 units per week for the next month and maybe longer. Haven't decided on that yet.
- Today Dec 15th- is 13 days since last injection of 70mg Test E. I've felt fine up until today. I didn't sleep well last night but I've had brain fog and been beyond tired all day long. I actually took 2 naps today once before I went to the gym and again after. Not sure if it's just a coincidence or if this is a sign that my levels have bottomed out. I'm hoping tomorrow I don't feel this drained. When I came off last time I never felt right for the entire duration of being off. I'm hopeful this time will be a different story.