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Thread: No gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    No gains

    My stats can be found at my introduction, which is here.

    Bench Press: 235 lbs
    Dead lift: 365 lbs
    Squat: 385 lbs

    I've been training for about a year and a half now. I would basicly lump these up into three periods of time: the first six months in which I experimented with lifting, kept it slow and added exercises to my routine depending on what I liked and what I discovered; the second six months in which I established the routine I still use today which is as follows; and the last six months in which I saw huge gains and then nothing at all.

    In the first year I saw only marginal gains. I had just come off an intense dieting program and was essientially afraid of calories. I wasn't eating enough, and consequently I wasn't making that much improvement.

    Then about six months ago I joined a gym and recieved advice from a strong man competitor. I beefed up my diet, and switched my sets from 4x10 to 5x5. In the four months that followed I saw dramatic improvement. My bench went up 40+lbs, my deadlift almost 90. I added almost two inches to my arms.

    However, in the last two months my workout has grown...stale. I don't get that sore feeling anymore. I lift to total exhaustion, but the next day it just isn't there. Or it is slightly, but not nearly as much as it used to be. My strength has not noticeably increased in a single exercise. Maybe 5 lbs here or there, or an extra rep, but nothing definitive.

    My question then is, what to do? Should I go back to 4x10? Change up what exercises I'm doing?

    Here is my routine, any and all points of advice would be welcome:

    Day 1: Shoulders + Triceps

    Standing Barbell Press
    Upright Barbell Row
    Seated Shoulder Fly
    Front Dumbbell Raise
    Military Press

    Skull Crusher
    Cable Tricep Extension
    Tricep Curl
    Tricep Press

    Day 2: Back

    Barbell Shrug
    Standing Machine Shrug
    Lat Pull Down
    Cable Row
    Seated High Row
    Seated Row

    Day 3: Rest

    Day 4: Legs + Forearms

    Incline Leg Press
    Seated Leg Extension
    Seated Leg Curl
    Calf Raises

    Forearm Curls
    Reverse Forearm Curls

    Day 5: Chest + Biceps

    Bench Press
    Incline Bench Press
    Decline Bench Press
    Cable Cross-overs

    Seated Dumbbell Curls
    Standing Barbell Curls

    Day 6: Swimming (Freestyle, .5 hours)
    Last edited by STP; 01-09-2008 at 01:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New York
    i got the same problem as you, maybe it's time to switch things up a bit

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