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yes military press is the same
the way u train i okay, what your doing is called scaling, or scaled pyramids
meaning u build up the weight progressivaly, as u increase weight u decrease reps
i personaly dont like scale pyramiding since its not as effective as reverse pyramiding for strength and muscle growth commanly (starting off with heavy weight low reps, then going down weight with higher reps)
this is becuase lower rep ranges like 6-8 are usually better for strength and size
also since in the begging of your workout your always at your strongest, and as a workout goes on you beocme tiered, fatigued and your muscles weaken
so the best time to lift the heaviest weight is in the start of your workout becuase this is the time when you can lift the most
the more you lift, the more likely your gonna grow or get stronger in the next workout
it makes sense why start off training with lighter weight if you can lift heavier in the start?
try training begining wiht heavier weight first, and lowering the weight as the workout goes on
e.g for chest
1-2 warm up sets bench press, 100kg 8-10 reps
then 1 warm up set for ur tricep, e.g one arm over head dumbell extensions 15kg 8-10 reps
set 1: 160kg 4-5 reps
rest 2-3 mintutes
set 2: 150kg 6-8 reps
rest 2-3 minutes
set 3: 140kg 10 reps
and try a similar fashion for the rest of ur exercises