Hi there, I have back injuries. And because of it I do take Morphine related drugs. Not to get high, I don´t even get high on the dozes I take. These are pills. So I have Adrenaline in my possession. If I should overdose I am suppose to inject it into my muscle and call an ambulance. And I do take steroid cycles once or twice a year. When I take part in competitions here in Iceland I have once gotten a bronze medal and twice gold. But somehow this thought came to mind the other day. What if I inject myself with Adrenaline minutes before I am suppose to lift weights in a competition. Would it boost up my strength? I would believe it would give me up to 20% stronger. Has anyone tried it? I have read about it online, and mostly it´s said that it is dangerous and it´s use for allergy attacks. But I somehow believe it would give me great strength minutes before me lifting weights in a competition. But of course I would never **** with something I do not know much of, or trust. So I seek information here, has anyone experience with this?