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Thread: Pain in joints, cant go heavy on bench!

  1. #1

    Pain in joints, cant go heavy on bench!

    When I first started my cycle in January my max bench was at 205. I do bench 1 time a week and go heavy. Right off the start I was getting good results and my bench was going up. I got up to 325. Im towards the end of my cycle and I don't have the strength to go heavy on bench. Example, ive done 315 on decline for 4 or 5. now if I even try 275 I have to stop after one because I don't have the push and im having discomfort in my elbows where the inner tricept tendon connects. Someone tried telling me my forearms were under developed and lacked strength to keep up. my only thing is I felt stronger in the middle of my cycle then now. Did I over train? I cut the weight down and increased reps. but im getting ready to run sust, mast and dbol and im wondering if I should take a couple weeks off before starting. Im 36 and never had a problem like this before. Back and shoulders I can max out no problem. just bench is giving me problems. ANY advice please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    So when you STARTED your cycle your max was at 205? Probably should have trained natural longer if thats the case.

    But either way the pain in your tendon needs to heal in order for this pain to subside. Cut back the bench press as far as weight goes, if you do it at all.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by mmaelite View Post
    im having discomfort in my elbows where the inner tricept tendon connects.
    Sounds like triceps tendonitis. Take some ibuprofen for the inflammation. You need to ice affected area 3x/day until pain free. Activity that causes pain should be stopped for at least two weeks. Return to your activity will be determined by how soon your arm recovers, not by how many days or weeks it has been since your injury occurred. After there is no pain at rest you should begin rehabilitation exercises.

  4. #4
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    sounds like you should look into TB500

  5. #5
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    I have pain in my elbows after a long layoff, too. Told my doc about it. He said pretty much exactly what Tigerspawn said above.

  6. #6
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    Java Man if you’re like me and any other serious lifter someone telling you to take it easy doesn't work. I would suggest that you follow Dr. advice. It’s better to allow this minor injury to heal itself before you work out. If you don't you could injure yourself even more and be out of commission for a long time.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigerspawn View Post
    Java Man if you’re like me and any other serious lifter someone telling you to take it easy doesn't work. I would suggest that you follow Dr. advice. It’s better to allow this minor injury to heal itself before you work out. If you don't you could injure yourself even more and be out of commission for a long time.
    Yeah I hear that! I'm trying to. I'm still benching but wider grip to keep more on pecs/off tri's and very light, high reps like 2 wheels fur 30 or whatever I can do 5 sets of. Flyes are ok too, don't hurt my elbows. Pushing movements hurt so just concentrating on core for a while. I said that to the doc BTW'I can't do that I'll shrink!' Lol.

    Squats, shrugs, t-bars. Light light bench and flyes. I'll work on my abs too. Just read that great article on inner abdominals. I got some handles I need gone

  8. #8
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    Unfortunately your not a kid anymore, and you have to start listening to your body. Basically what happened is your muscles got stronger then your tendons with respect of course. Now your elbow tendons are strained and time is the only thing to heal them, you may need to stop benching period for a couple months. If your ego is uncontrollable use wraps for your elbows and keep it light, but it will be the natural progression to go heavier and heavier...right? Imo opion unless done natty, especially at the beginning of a new journey(AAS) your muscle to tendon ratio strength wise would be something like 3:1

  9. #9
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    back in the gym at 40 i am doing vince gironda 8 X 8 who needs to lift heavy. I am building a better physique then ever going intense doing lots of reps and sets and not going heavy at all, we need to think of the future training in our 70 if possible. Lifting heavy only leads to injury from an 11 year chronic pain sufferer injured lifting HEAVY

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    sounds like you should look into TB500
    did nothing for me sorry and it was injected straight into the ligament and bone.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    Unfortunately your not a kid anymore, and you have to start listening to your body. Basically what happened is your muscles got stronger then your tendons with respect of course. Now your elbow tendons are strained and time is the only thing to heal them, you may need to stop benching period for a couple months. If your ego is uncontrollable use wraps for your elbows and keep it light, but it will be the natural progression to go heavier and heavier...right? Imo opion unless done natty, especially at the beginning of a new journey(AAS) your muscle to tendon ratio strength wise would be something like 3:1
    well I did about 3 months of intense lifting before I started running cyp and deca. I run 2 ml a week. since the end of jamuary. I figured the deca would take care of the joint and tendon strength. I can max out on tricept extensions. that's what has me puzzled is I went backwards on bench. I was told to go dumbells only for a month and see how that works. ill try anything at this point that doesn't involve sitting out lol

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    did nothing for me sorry and it was injected straight into the ligament and bone.
    it's not intended to be injected into ligament and bone....'s a subQ shot in the abdomen just like insulin.

    additionally, it's not a single shot, but a weekly shot over a period of 6 to 8 weeks

  13. #13
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    It takes at least a year (perferably two) of continuous controlled lifting to bring about any major changes to the CNS and the joints, and prepare them for heavy lifting, This is particularly true after 30. Clearly increasing your max lifts by 33% over a period of a few months left your joints and CNS way behind and they did not have a chance.

    Take time off from any lift that causes any pain till the injury has had time to heal then start the slow process of rebuilding the injured tissue.

    This is the only thing that will allow you to continue on your journey (getting big) without furthering the injury and loosing in the long term.

    Your call.

  14. #14
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    To avoid this type of injury could one lift moderate weight for higher reps and still get a good response from a cycle? Or must you lift heavy to benefit from AAS?

  15. #15
    i noticed when i take joint pills my elbows and knees feel alot better and the pain is relatively minor. they are now a staple in my supplement selection.

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