I'm almost two years post surgery for ACDF (I have C5 - C7 bone removed, cages installed, a plate over that with 6 screws then bone marrow from my hip put into the cages).
After surgery I was left with nerve damage to my left side from my nerve root down so my entire left arm, some delt and lat are affected (not from the surgery, from the damage inside the neck that needed repaired). When I was finally able to lift again I had gained quite a bit of weight and lost an amazing amount of muscle (for example when I tried to bench press for the first time, I put on 55lbs and the left side just fell to my chest, I struggled with it). My current state my left tricep has one head that doesn't work so it adds more stress to my chest and shoulder, my symmetry is off yadda yadda I have a long ways to go.
When I could start pushing it some, I ran some heavy cycles (heavy for me) to aggressively get back to where I was before I lost it all. I'm a long ways a way but I'm a lot better off than what I was, my bench and squat are both back up over 300lbs, I can't really deadlift yet and I'm limited on some other things but the point is I tried to make an aggressive comeback and I think I've made good progress with the time I've had to recover.
I'm not fully healed yet, C6-C7 has enough bone that the plate does not flex, C5 - C6 however has longer to go before it's closed up, I was told part of the long healing time is due to how much bone they removed so for a while and for some time longer my head is connected to my body through a thin plate and some screws until the bone grows into the gap.
So on my "road to recovery" I'm not lifting as aggressive as I used to but there are times I start to push it and I gotta remember hold on, not yet.
When I squat light, say 225lbs everything is peachy, when I start putting on some weight, say 300lbs I feel like a "grinding metal" vibrate up through my neck. When I went to 325 something just wasn't right and I backed it back down but at 300 I can go ass to grass, no struggles everything is solid but some of the reps I get that feeling of metal stressing or grinding.
What I don't know is, am I stressing the metal in my neck (the weight sits nearly on top of the fusion site) or am I feeling like the plates rub against the bar and the vibration comes up through my neck.
When ya'll start pushing enough weight on squats that the bar starts to get a bend in it, do you ever feel like a grinding vibration in the bar, am I being paranoid or am I about to snap off a screw?