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Thread: training rut

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    training rut

    Hey guys,
    Just wanted a little advice on getting out of a training rut. It happens to all of us I think where our beloved workouts just seem dull. You guys ever just ditch the training log for a week or two and just go lift? I've pretty much always followed a workout log and made sure to make progress from each workout to the next, but these last few days my training notebook just pisses me off just the look of it. I'm not a HUGE believer in instinctive training but does anyone here ever just go in, pick a muscle group, hit it hard and then call it a day? I leave for vacation in 10 days where a gym will not be available, just lots of walking and tasty foods. Once I'm back I'm sure I'll be dying and itching to get back to my routine but I kind of feel like for these next 10 days just lifting and doing what made me happy to begin with. I'm not looking for approval as much as input on how certain guys go about this. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Check out my thread I just made. Just for this type of situation. Never a dull moment when conquering a long term goal. Maybe routine. But be creative. Check it out. Because i have little to work with currently so I made do with what I had. But I just applied some general knowledge to the situation. Never cycled before. But I use random creativeness to break thresholds and up intensity.
    The thread is called "Churnoble nuclear leg attack " or something like that lol. Being funny. For real though I documented it. Lol I enjoy it man. And telling others if it may help
    Last edited by Marsoc; 08-31-2016 at 06:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    When I don't have access to a gym. You can find me doing stuff outside like rocky IV lol. Squatting with logs, deadlift and cleaning boulders, pull-ups on branches, push-ups with a ruck sack MOLLE pack with 80 lbs of sand inside it..etc etc... Stair sprints super set each climb with air squats...lunges, calf raises, one leg air squats....

    A few years ago. Someone in prison challenged me to a 45 minutes session. Of back to back to back , 15 minutes air squats right into 15 minutes of lunges right into 15 minutes of burpees...Blew my bunk mate out the water. He was 10 years younger lol. I got up my last burpee and puked lol. Then finished. ..shit like that man is real gratifying to me man.. Not so much then45 minutes of death but the sprints and stuff...thanks man

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hey Marsoc, thanks so much! I'll check it out. I sometimes let myself get away from the fundamentals and I overthink things too much. I love learning about fitness, bodybuilding etc. but often take in so much, try to apply it all, and then end up burnt out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by zinghigh89 View Post
    Hey Marsoc, thanks so much! I'll check it out. I sometimes let myself get away from the fundamentals and I overthink things too much. I love learning about fitness, bodybuilding etc. but often take in so much, try to apply it all, and then end up burnt out
    Right there is so much to learn as I'm getting from learning about cycles and pct etc. I like just applying ages old solid and proven base general knowledge and perhaps putting a twist or tweak on it. Anything slight variation to excite the muscle again ya many combos of this and that or rest periods etc...Along with this or that. I'm sure you know plenty. I like to have fun with it and get excited when I'm exhausted after a random session of different things. I like real life applicable stuff as well. Like I think Of deadlifts when Im loading some tree logs into a truck etc... I guess I just love beyond failure stuff like drop sets and triple super sets etc. Or exhausting your muscles with a compound move (squats) followed by a body weight move that can be associated with an actual real life movement of the body ( pre exhaust/post exhaust) compounds with super set with isolation moves..I can go on forever explaining it. But you know what I mean,, I feel you on wNting to spice things up a bit..hit that random button and that Turbo Go button..lace your shoes up and puke after. Maybe not puke lol. But still...
    Last edited by Marsoc; 08-31-2016 at 06:40 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I like to do different things to keep it fresh, so I will Crossfit 1-2 times a week, powerlift some weeks and bodybuild other times. I try to make my workouts, fun, efficient and not routine. Sometimes I will just go out to the farm and do physical work to get a burn.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the 100 lb plates.
    Quote Originally Posted by zinghigh89 View Post
    I leave for vacation in 10 days where a gym will not be available, just lots of walking and tasty foods.
    I bet this is where your mind is right now. Just use the time between now and when you leave to try something different. Try different reps, different movements. Do stuff you normally don't do when training. You may find something you really like that you can apply when you get back from vacation. There's plenty of time when you return that you can seriously train. Have a great vacation man.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I even read once that " strongmen" competitors will actually do high reps. Like as many as they can with pretty light weights just to get the Latin acid built up in their muscles. I forget what lactic acid does specifically. But I heard that. And when I was on that bowfelx. Since all the bendy bars were still way to light for even leg extensions. I just ripped them out as many as I could and was super setting with air squats. Etc. that's a change lol I wouldn't stay on that routine but maybe throw that in one week see what's happens

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