Hey guys,
Just wanted a little advice on getting out of a training rut. It happens to all of us I think where our beloved workouts just seem dull. You guys ever just ditch the training log for a week or two and just go lift? I've pretty much always followed a workout log and made sure to make progress from each workout to the next, but these last few days my training notebook just pisses me off just the look of it. I'm not a HUGE believer in instinctive training but does anyone here ever just go in, pick a muscle group, hit it hard and then call it a day? I leave for vacation in 10 days where a gym will not be available, just lots of walking and tasty foods. Once I'm back I'm sure I'll be dying and itching to get back to my routine but I kind of feel like for these next 10 days just lifting and doing what made me happy to begin with. I'm not looking for approval as much as input on how certain guys go about this. Thanks.