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Thread: Dnp/insulin

  1. #1
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have read alot lately that there is so many guys that say "I wont touch slin" or "dnp is to dangerous" but why. Should these compund be treated with respect and caution like the rest of things we use yup. So what makes people believe that these will be the compounds which will mame them or kill them on the spot? I would like to hear some reasons why lets say you are scared of dnp, or slin. I have been really racking my brain trying to think of why most guys are so much more cautious with these compounds.

    With proper research and knowledge none of the possible side effects are even a problem.Imo We all know that you dont take 200mg of drol and 80mg of winny together for 8wks. Then why is so hard to understand that you need to watch you bg while using slin? Why is it so harf to understand that if you start to go hypo eat more carbs? With dnp why dont people understand that it used to be a drug used for the obesce? Why is it not anymore the long half-life, people forget that half the strength of the compound is still in your system 36hrs later. Why is this so scary to understand? Do you think following a normal dosing scheduele you will burn up and die? Its not liver toxic so lets not even go there. I would just like to hear some thoughts about why these to topics are kind of taboo

  2. #2
    dieseL atC's Avatar
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    I'd love to hear some comments about this too, up we go..

  3. #3
    iNvid's Avatar
    iNvid is offline Senior Member
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    I'm not afraid of DNP at all actually. With insulin , if one thing goes wrong, and I mean just the slightest thing, you can get diabetes or even die. I'm not saying you wont die from DNP so dont think I'm trying to say DNP is safer. I personally would just do dnp than shoot slin.

  4. #4
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    I didnt mean doing them together I just meant in general. Most guys when either subject comes up they get very closed minded

  5. #5
    iNvid's Avatar
    iNvid is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    I didnt mean doing them together I just meant in general. Most guys when either subject comes up they get very closed minded
    Well slin and dnp are probably some of the most controversial things out there. People would rather just be scared and not touch them rather than even thinking about trying it. I dont blame em, I mean who would be crazy enough to digest something used to make TNT?

  6. #6
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    I used to be scared of DNP , then I researched it. After that I wasn't scared anymore, go figure.

  7. #7
    nobbythedonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    I used to be scared of DNP, then I researched it. After that I wasn't scared anymore, go figure.
    im with sv-1 on this, its only dangerous and scary if you dont read up on it, after i read the info on DNP and did one "safe" cycle i feel fine with it.

    i rekon ill be the same when i shoot test or another aas for the first time, but im confident ill be ok i have read up alot

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well I think both drugs if taken incorrectly can cause more immediate harm. I mean lets face it if you are suppose to take a 250 mg shot of test and you accidentally take a 500mg shot nothing happens. Accidently double your dose of Insulin or DNP and you can be headed for the hospital. Like any drug if used properly and with the respect it demands you should be safe, but I will say that almost anyone who has used Insulin a lot has experienced some level of going hypo no matter how careful they are with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Neither are as dangerous as made out to be. With insulin , you need only to have a source of sugar and you're "safe". All you need to do is read up on it.
    With DNP , it's a bit different, as it's irreversible.....however, worse case scenario, you can just mass consume'll likely never get to that point, but neither of these things are really that bad....there's just more of an acute margin of error than with injecting esterified AAS, where there is no real acute effects

  10. #10
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    insulin is dangerous if not used properly, but after reading many of einsteins posts and other slin articles im more confident that id be able to use insulin if i oneday chose to

    but as to the question, id agree withg what einstein said, its easier to get serious problems than with normal AAS, i.e. if you use the wrong insulin (major mistake) but some people will make it, it will lead to problems

  11. #11
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree that you dont have as much wiggle room with slin but thats why we all come here to learn about this stuff. Just it seems that there is a lot of guys that seem to really fuss over these to compounds. They seem to shut down the learning and just say its dangerous. Nice thoughts everyone

  12. #12
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    No one else?

  13. #13
    BDTR's Avatar
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    I use them both and they both still scare me. Especially DNP .

  14. #14
    Steroids101 is offline Member
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    I believe that if you research them both then they are fine. There is a certain reverence about them mainly because they are the ones with the worst side effects (ie. Death).

  15. #15
    TheChosenOne's Avatar
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    I personally dont think I will use slin because I just dont feel comfortable messing with my body's insulin to such a large degree. I realize I have not done near the research on this subject that many others have but there is just something unsettling to me about altering one of the most vital aspects of the human body. Another reason is that I don't believe there is enough long term research done on insulin usage for those who are not diabetic and rely on insulin for survivial. Again that could be an issue where the lack of my reseach comes in. There may be studies out there that I have not come across. I think I will just stick to my basic AAS compounds for quite sometime.

  16. #16
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I personally dont think I will use slin because I just dont feel comfortable messing with my body's insulin to such a large degree. I realize I have not done near the research on this subject that many others have but there is just something unsettling to me about altering one of the most vital aspects of the human body. Another reason is that I don't believe there is enough long term research done on insulin usage for those who are not diabetic and rely on insulin for survivial. Again that could be an issue where the lack of my reseach comes in. There may be studies out there that I have not come across. I think I will just stick to my basic AAS compounds for quite sometime.
    Thank you I wanted to hear some of the con side of the equation

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