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  1. #1
    DieselPlayer is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004

    Winny...Winny...and More Winny

    OK guys:

    I'm looking to start a 10-week (maybe 12-week, ancillaries included) cycle of deca , enanthate and winny (which I plan to run for 5 weeks up until PCT)....I'd like to know a few things before I start:

    1.) Is it still worth it to take Winny EOD (instead of ED)? Would I still see good results?

    2.) Typically how much money do you guys spend on winny? If taken everyday, I imagine the cost would be ridiculous...more than two bottles of test AND deca?? Is the stuff THAT it real worth it???

    3.) Also, what are some of the potential physical/body compositional changes that winny can affect other than a distinct muscle hardness??

    Please help me out, guys!

  2. #2
    Latino~Heat's Avatar
    Latino~Heat is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2004
    they say you'll only get as big as money can buy!
    if you really wanna get the results you want, you will spend more money on "Food and Supplements" then you will on juice!

  3. #3
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    Jul 2004
    Here and there
    great question...bump.

  4. #4
    Crankin'steiN's Avatar
    Crankin'steiN is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DieselPlayer
    OK guys:

    I'm looking to start a 10-week (maybe 12-week, ancillaries included) cycle of deca , enanthate and winny (which I plan to run for 5 weeks up until PCT)....I'd like to know a few things before I start:

    1.) Is it still worth it to take Winny EOD (instead of ED)? Would I still see good results?

    2.) Typically how much money do you guys spend on winny? If taken everyday, I imagine the cost would be ridiculous...more than two bottles of test AND deca?? Is the stuff THAT it real worth it???

    3.) Also, what are some of the potential physical/body compositional changes that winny can affect other than a distinct muscle hardness??

    Please help me out, guys!
    1. NO

    2. Most boards won't allow price talk so I won't get into numbers... But I will say that buying your winny from an UG Lab will be much cheaper then buying human grade tabs.

    3. Read the drug profile on winny..... Winny increases strength and lean mass as well as hardens the muscles. It can be used for both bulking and cutting but it will not produce huge gains like dianabol or any other steroid that aromatizes....

  5. #5
    GrantC5 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2004
    Another Winny side is your hair falls out faster than you can comb it. FYI

  6. #6
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by GrantC5
    Another Winny side is your hair falls out faster than you can comb it. FYI
    If you are predisposed to hair loss

  7. #7
    Steve Johnson is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    if you're gonna take deca and test E, i'd hit up some d-bol or drol, the two injectables would be better suited to bulk....being said Winstrol will also have a severe affect on your tendons

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