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  1. #1
    Stout1's Avatar
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    Arrow Dosing and Half Life info!!!

    Proper Dosing and Frontloading using the Principles of Half-Life’s

    By SuperDuty

    I’ve decided to write this article in regards to a great post made by Got Gear. He simply stated that at no time during a cycle will your test levels reach above 500mg a week if you’re taking 500mg a week of test enanthate . This is so very true and a lot more detailed than you probably think. This is what we base our dosages on since the onset and peak of most AAS is/are not established. The definition of half-life in regards to biology and pharmacology is simply the time required by the body, tissue, or organ to metabolize or inactivate half the amount of a substance taken in (Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary). These principles are used for all medications, not just AAS. I’m going to break this down to the simplest form I can so bare with me because it may get a little confusing.

    The key thing to remember when it comes to half-life’s is that they will always be reduced by half of what’s remaining on a proportional and timely basis.

    I’m going to use Testosterone Cypionate as my example in this demonstration since it is a commonly used AAS for beginners and pros alike.
    Testosterone Cypionate half-life is 8 days (Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses 9th Ed.)

    500mg Test Cyp every 8 days
    Day 1 – 500mg (remember that the bioavailability at this point is 0 because it takes 8 days to metabolize 250mg, and this will be true for every dose that follows)

    Day 9 – 500mg (remember what was stated on day 1), so at this point you have 250mg remaining in the body from day 1 because your body has used 250mg over the past 8 days)

    Day 17 – 500mg, at this point you have 250 from Day 9 and 125 from day 1 (don’t confuse yourself here, the body does not process 250mg every 8 days, it simply reduces the remaining by half every 8 days)

    Day 25 – 500mg, at this point you have 250mg from Day 17, 125 from Day 9, and now just 62.5 remaining from day 1

    Day 33 – 500mg, at this point you have 250mg from Day 25, 125 from Day 17, 62.5 from Day 9, and 31.7 from day 1.

    The easy way to keep going on with this formula is to take the smallest number (31.7 in this case) and reduce it by half, then add it to your existing numbers for the total, and then repeat.

    The total looks like this:
    The first 8 days your body will metabolize 250mg
    The second 8 days your body will metabolize half of the remaining 250 (125) and half of the 500 (250) administered on day 9 for a total of 375.
    The third 8 days your body will metabolize 250, 125, and 62.5 for a total of 437.5. This is one reason it takes a couple of weeks to start noticing the effects of this drug.
    To keep figuring out the bioavailability just keep reducing your smallest number by half and adding it to the total as described earlier.

    Here is a chart demonstrating the bioavailability and how long it takes to even reach that 500mg per 8 day mark. For this demonstration we will use 8 days for 1 wk.
    Wk 1 – 250mg
    Wk 2 – 375mg
    Wk 3 – 437.5mg
    Wk 4 – 469.2mg
    Wk 5 – 485mg
    Wk 6 – 492.9mg
    Wk 7 – 496.8mg
    Wk 8 – 498.7mg
    And so on….

    So what does all this mean? Well for one it brings up a very important issue of frontloading. To frontload, you simply double your weekly dose just for that first week. It would look like this:
    Wk 1 – 1000mg Cyp
    Wk 2 – 500mg Cyp
    Wk 3 – 500mg Cyp
    And continue on at the normal 500mg/wk

    The way this works is simple, during week 1 your body will metabolize 500mg of the first dose leaving you with 500 remaining. The second week your body will metabolize 250mg from the first dose and also 250 from the second dose for a total of 500. Now do you see how beneficial frontloading really is? You will stay constant at 500mg/wk throughout your cycle instead of tapering up by not frontloading.

    All that has been described in this post is hypothetically based on the principles of half-life’s. Nevertheless, this should give you a general idea of how much your body is using in any one given week. This holds true for every AAS and medication there is, after all that’s what medication administration is based on so don’t argue with me about this, argue with science and the millions of doctors who actually get paid to come up with this stuff.

    Also, on a side note, I’ve noticed quite a few boards that vary on half-lifes for certain AAS such as Cyp, most state the half-life as being around 10 days. I’m in no way saying this is wrong but I tend to get and base as much information as possible on medical articles and websites. I have found the half-life of cyp to be 8 days both in a nursing book and also on The only catch to this is that some, in fact most AAS are not evaluated, published, or even talked about in the medical field so your on your own on that one.


    Disclaimer: This report is for entertainment and educational purposes only and should not be used in any illegal or immoral way. With that said, the writer takes no responsibility and will not be held liable for any such actions. The only person you should seek medical advice from is your doctor.

  2. #2
    Stout1's Avatar
    Stout1 is offline Banned
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    Maybe this thread will help the people that are having troubles tring to figure out the number of times that you need to inject per week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Whoever wrote that original almost totally...but not quite entirely....wrong about everything.

  4. #4
    Stout1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Whoever wrote that original almost totally...but not quite entirely....wrong about everything.
    Well since you said so, can you explain this to me. What is wrong that is. Cuz we have talked about this on several occasions and I havent seen anything wrong with this. Maybe I am missing something here.

  5. #5
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    It's going to take time (1-2wks)for the AAS to leach from the muscle and kick in so frontloading that amount won't cause tha blood level to reach those high levels that quickly.

  6. #6
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    Well...for example...he says "your test levels will not reach over 500mgs/week"...and really, thats not even a valid measure of the testosterone in your body. Testosterone in your body just isn't measured like that, nor is that a useful way to even speak about dosing in this context. I mean..500mgs/ does that mean? He doesn't account for the ester, doesn't get into actual blood levels...he just makes these absurd blanket statements...I mean...clearly, 500mgs of cyp doesn't give you 100mgs of test (like suspension would)...and the idea that you get "X" amount on day one and "X" amount on day 2 is's different for every ester! Different esters release different amounts of the drug, at different times, and even vastly different levels for 100mgs of the same compound (with different esters)

    The article, and I hope this isn't seen as a cop-out, is just very silly, and would tke tons of time to refute or explain properly (or contextualize) much if not more than it would just take to write a useful article.

  7. #7
    Stout1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Well...for example...he says "your test levels will not reach over 500mgs/week"...and really, thats not even a valid measure of the testosterone in your body. Testosterone in your body just isn't measured like that, nor is that a useful way to even speak about dosing in this context. I mean..500mgs/ does that mean? He doesn't account for the ester, doesn't get into actual blood levels...he just makes these absurd blanket statements...I mean...clearly, 500mgs of cyp doesn't give you 100mgs of test (like suspension would)...and the idea that you get "X" amount on day one and "X" amount on day 2 is's different for every ester! Different esters release different amounts of the drug, at different times, and even vastly different levels for 100mgs of the same compound (with different esters)

    The article, and I hope this isn't seen as a cop-out, is just very silly, and would tke tons of time to refute or explain properly (or contextualize) much if not more than it would just take to write a useful article.
    This thread was started somewhere else in response to someone saying that longer estered gear builds up in your system and you will eventually have more than the amount you are injecting into your system.

    So just as an example. You inject 500mg of Cyp a week at two different times. Someone (not me) was saying that eventually you would have more than that in your system.

    This is not to be a amount of actual test in your system but more of how your body breaks down esters. He is merely explaining how the half-life principle works for that ester. You could then, if you did not know how the half life principle worked, figure it how for something like Prop. Or supsension. He is just doing a "basic" run down on how your body accumulates and disposes of the gear.

    It is not meant to be an actual blood amount.
    Last edited by Stout1; 12-29-2004 at 11:55 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Ok...but he never accounts for the ester length at all, in any I said...if you inject 500mgs of cyp, you do not get 500mgs of test...the ester takes up "space"...but in his example, it doesn't.

    Feel me?

  9. #9
    Stout1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Ok...but he never accounts for the ester length at all, in any I said...if you inject 500mgs of cyp, you do not get 500mgs of test...the ester takes up "space"...but in his example, it doesn't.

    Feel me?
    Oh i know what you are saying. I am sure the ester weight thread is here somewhere. There is no need to dig it up. But I get at what you are saying. You would actually only be getting about 340-375 mg of actual TEST in your system. Because of the ester weight.

  10. #10
    odrorir's Avatar
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    I don't think many people realize what a depot is, and how it goes about entering the bloodstream. The weight of the ester is beyond the scope of what the author is writing, and probably a bit too in depth for the avg juicer. I do agree the article never really does hit on a proper explanation of what is going on, but the frontload principle is sound, I don't think anyone would refute that more drug equals higher blood level faster...

    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Ok...but he never accounts for the ester length at all, in any I said...if you inject 500mgs of cyp, you do not get 500mgs of test...the ester takes up "space"...but in his example, it doesn't.

    Feel me?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Well..its like...he's giving poor explanations, and is just wrong in some cases...but the end result is that he's kinda right about some of it.

    This rubbish doesn't fly anywhere in the world except for the 'net...being only 1/2 right and incomplete and getting credit for it...

    In school, at work, etc...this would be a failing effort.

    Why is it different here?

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