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  1. #1
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col

    diet, cardio, and AS...a few opinions needed.

    First a lil' background is in order. I've been cutting up the last 10 weeks, and have recently started my Fina/Winny cycle, with Clen /Eca thrown in.

    Winny does not start for 3 more days. Fina is hitting me NICELY!!!

    the main problem...

    My diet has been off for the last few days, not terrible, but around 150carbs a day to 250 a day. Which is high for me cutting right now.

    I typically cycle them from 200 down to 75 over 7-8 days.

    My weight was dropping nicely, and since the fina has kicked in, it's stopped dropping and infact i've added a few pounds.

    I have not weighed in for a few days, however i'm guessing I'm around 202.

    I've got 6 weeks left, and the winny is about to start

    My question is about my cardio. Currently it is at 5X45mins

    I'm not seeing any fat loss with this,anymore... and since i'm running the Fina and Winny AND body shouldnt catabolize muscle, so would it be alright to up the cardio to say 3X60 2X 45 for the first two weeks, then gauge weight loss/fat loss,

    ultimately i'm guessing I should be at around 190 at the end of this...but i am not sure...I'm still holding a bunch of fat around my obliques...and i know this is the last to come off...

    I'm thinking of upping the cardio since my body should NOT burn the muscle, the fat should be shredded.

    I'm guessing the last week my cardio will be 6X60...

    Also, if this is a good thing, should I break the cardio sessions up like 45 in the am, and 20 in the afternoon or what?

    I'll edit this in about 10 minutes, with my cardio tracking sheet for all opinions.

    Thanx in advance!

    The NEW Lounge Lizard!

  2. #2
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails diet, cardio, and AS...a few opinions needed.-cardio.jpg  

  3. #3
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Bottom line is your cutting, if you stop making progress , then you have to make adjustments. I think increasing cardio would be no problem at all.

    I'm also doing a Fina cutting cycle with test in there. I'm suprised you said progress has stopped since the Fina kicked in. My progress sped up considerably with my fina addition.

    Right now I get 120g of carbs a day Mon-Sat and carb up to 200 on Sun.
    My Fat intake is huge. But I believe since I only have 2 meals with carbs(1st & 3rd), thats the reason my fat loss is consistant. Calories right now are at 2073, I'm 5'10 197 11%BF witha maintenance of 2400.

    Whats you maintenance and are you sure your not going so low in cals. that your body is slowing the metabolism?

    I've been hitting cardio 7x a week, 2 times on 2 days and once a day for three days. I've shed about about 1.5points and I'm up 6Lbs so don't be afraid to kick up the cardio. Fina is plenty strong to keep catabolism down.

  4. #4
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    HELL - I got the last col
    damn dude, i didnt expect a response so quickly!

    My maint. level..

    well i'm 5'7-5'8 (not sure which) 200lbs. I dont know the bodyfat, it's still pretty high..i'd guess around 14ish...

    I'm also gulpin the water, so...and my body holds on to it pretty when i cut that out, i'm sure i'll drop a few lbs...

    Last time I figured everything out, *ROUGHLY* I think my maintenance was around 2600ish..

    It is a distinct possiblity that i'm not timing my carbs right, and it is slowing the metabolism down.

    I'm trying something new this week, and getting my carbs in 3 periods.

    1st thing in the am..(i do cardio from 6-7ish...) eat around 8:15 (30-40g carbs)

    2nd time is 1 hour before workout
    3rd time is right after workout

    going to try this to get better timming...

    How would this look for the cardio.

    Day 1 45 in the am 20-25 in the pm
    Day 2 45 in the am
    Day 3 45 in the am
    Day 4 45 in the am 20-25 in the pm
    Day 5 45 in the am
    Day 6 45 in the am 20-25 in the pm
    Day 7 OFF

    Gradually increasing it per the last 6 weeks till it's roughly 60 mins 5 days a week...

  5. #5
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by KunipshunFit
    damn dude, i didnt expect a response so quickly!

    My maint. level..

    well i'm 5'7-5'8 (not sure which) 200lbs. I dont know the bodyfat, it's still pretty high..i'd guess around 14ish...

    I'm also gulpin the water, so...and my body holds on to it pretty when i cut that out, i'm sure i'll drop a few lbs...

    Last time I figured everything out, *ROUGHLY* I think my maintenance was around 2600ish..

    It is a distinct possiblity that i'm not timing my carbs right, and it is slowing the metabolism down.

    I'm trying something new this week, and getting my carbs in 3 periods.

    1st thing in the am..(i do cardio from 6-7ish...) eat around 8:15 (30-40g carbs)

    2nd time is 1 hour before workout
    3rd time is right after workout

    going to try this to get better timming...

    How would this look for the cardio.

    Day 1 45 in the am 20-25 in the pm
    Day 2 45 in the am
    Day 3 45 in the am
    Day 4 45 in the am 20-25 in the pm
    Day 5 45 in the am
    Day 6 45 in the am 20-25 in the pm
    Day 7 OFF

    Gradually increasing it per the last 6 weeks till it's roughly 60 mins 5 days a week...
    I think it's probably a good call switching the timing up on carb intake.

    And the cardio looks almost exactly like mine except my longer periods are in the PM due to time constraints with work and school. The longer periods in the morning should render better results.

    Whats your fat sources?

  6. #6
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    HELL - I got the last col
    fat sources...

    Flaxseed oil

    Fish (orange roughy fish)

    basically that's it...


  7. #7
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by KunipshunFit
    fat sources...

    Flaxseed oil

    Fish (orange roughy fish)

    basically that's it...

    Well fats look on key. I get most of mine from flax to but every once in a while I'll dig into an avacado. 8g of fat per 2Tblspn.

    I think your on key. They increased cardio and differentiated carb intake should get ya burnin.

  8. #8
    Anabolica's Avatar
    Anabolica is offline Associate Member
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    good post,
    what intensity level are you doing your cardio?

  9. #9
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolica
    good post,
    what intensity level are you doing your cardio?
    dip $hit look at the date on this post

  10. #10
    Anabolica's Avatar
    Anabolica is offline Associate Member
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    hey Chefj ease up there.

    It was a simple Question, a question about something that is NOT on his post.
    I asked about What intensity level he was doing in cardio and that was nowhere in his post.

    maybe you should look at the data.

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