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  1. #1
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    New bie Test only

    In my precious threat I was asking if Winstrol only was a good cycle to start with. I have learned that Test only will be more better for me.

    I would like to hear from you some reactions about Test only and what your experience were.
    When I start with it, what kind of reactions can I expect in my body.
    I suppose to use injections it better than tabs.

    Is it possible to get Gyno with using Test only???

    My stats:
    44 years, + 6 feet (1.83) weight 184,8 pound (84 kilo) 15 % vet. (15 yrs lifting experience)

    I am from the Netherlands and I have been searching on the websites there too but It seems to be that Test only is more popular in the US than in Holland. So far I have noticed that they use all kind of difference cycles.
    So as you can see, I am a newbie

    I hope I wont bother you with my (maybe stupid) questions
    Last edited by bodyguardt; 05-10-2005 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    MUSCLE Increased muscle strength and mass.

    SEXUAL POWER Increased sexual potency and frequency.

    ENERGY Increased energy , stamina and endurance.

    MEMORY Improved mental functioning and ability.

    MOOD Improves mood and feeling of well-being.

    CONCENTRATION Improved concentration and focus.

    YES you can develop gynocamastia. That is why you should use or at least have nolvadex on hand. Letrozole and anastrozole are aromataze inhibitors, instead of blocking the breast tissue it stops the conversion of test to estrogen.

  3. #3
    yenstrol is offline Junior Member
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    Test e at 500 mg per week

  4. #4
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    Thanks Mesomorphyl,
    its for sure when I use Nolvadex to not get Gyno?

  5. #5
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    it is not 100% guaranteed, but it is unlikely to get gyno. take 20mg ED throughout PCT and cycle.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    unless youre really prone to gyno, its highly unlikely at 500mg/wk. Just have the stuff on hand in case. Look at a lot of the old time bodybuilders from the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Most of them didnt have anti e's on hand and seemed to avoid it for the most part

  7. #7
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    I found this cycle, what do you think?

    Week 1-10 : 500 mg Test Enth /EW
    Week 1-3 : 80 mg Test Prop /ED
    Week 11-12: -
    Week 13-15: 13= 40mg Nolva /ED, 14=20mg Nolva/ED, 15=20mg Nolva/ED
    of: Week 13-15: 13= 100mg Clomid /ED, 14=75mg Clomid /ED, 15=75mg Clomid /ED

    To be honoust I have still to study, need to know what everything means.

  8. #8
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
    FrkyBgStok is offline Senior Member
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    run PCT 2 weeks after last test enan injection.

  9. #9
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    run PCT 2 weeks after last test enan injection.
    He does show that. He runs to week 10 test and then starts pct in week 13.

  10. #10
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    yes that aint a bad 1st cycle,good job mate,have the nolva on hand you can take 10-20mg throughout but personally i would not take it unless needed,just my opinion.

  11. #11
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    why not using the Nolva but only when needed?

  12. #12
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodyguardt
    In my precious threat I was asking if Winstrol only was a good cycle to start with. I have learned that Test only will be more better for me.

    I would like to hear from you some reactions about Test only and what your experience were.
    When I start with it, what kind of reactions can I expect in my body.
    I suppose to use injections it better than tabs.

    Is it possible to get Gyno with using Test only???

    My stats:
    44 years, + 6 feet (1.83) weight 184,8 pound (84 kilo) 15 % vet. (15 yrs lifting experience)

    I am from the Netherlands and I have been searching on the websites there too but It seems to be that Test only is more popular in the US than in Holland. So far I have noticed that they use all kind of difference cycles.
    So as you can see, I am a newbie

    I hope I wont bother you with my (maybe stupid) questions
    Im a newbie as well....ran a cycle of test (250mg/5 days) and had phenomenal rise in strength and put on close to 30 pounds (i think i would do much better a second time around, but live and learn) anyway, yeah i was happy overall but did see signs of gyno....have that nolva on hand before you even think about it

  13. #13
    sauceman19 is offline Junior Member
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    along with preventing gyno it is also used to reduce water retention.. so if u want to reduce water retention take it ed throughout the cycle @ 10mg.. if the extra mass doesnt bother you then just keep it on hand till u see any signs of gyno

  14. #14
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    What would be a negative effect to taking nolva everyday?

  15. #15
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Don't DO TEST!

    Listen...your first cycle should NOT BE TEST. Unfortunately, many on this board value their gratification moreso than their health and well-being. YES, by taking any foreign androgen you will temporarily supress your testosterone production(to VARYING DEGREES) YES for the TIME BEING, you may encounter some sexual difficulties ON CYCLE. ONCE you come off, you will exprerience a rebound (so long as NON-AROMATIZING steroids are used) in natural test levels, and with the help of clomid and tribulus, you will maintain nearly all of your gains. HOWEVER, most people on this board WANT TO KEEP TEST IN THEIR BLOOD AT ALL TIME. They FEEL intuitively that the body should always have test. This is WRONG. This is NOT HEALTHY. By supplementing with SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL amounts of TESTOSTERONE to compensate for the loss of natural test production is downright RIDICULOUS logic--formulated soley for the purpose of justifying adding test to EVERY CYCLE. You are SHUTDOWN--with test or WITHOUT it. When you are on TEST however, it doesnt matter if you are shutdown, you will still experience the effects of TEST because there is 1,000 mgs of it pumping through your blood. HOWEVER, NOW when you come off cycle, you must recover from a MUCH DEEPER supression, which likely will make it VERY difficult to maintain your gains. SO....TEST is NOT The answer. In my humble opinion, you should run a moderate dosage of Anavar for your first cycle. I did this and put on 15lbs of ROCK HARD mass in 6 weeks. KEPT ALL OF IT and gained on post cycle. Run var at 30mgs for 8 weeks. If you are over 200 lbs, up it to 40mgs. Good luck buddy.

  16. #16
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    Sounds interesting,but what i have heard is that Anavar is more for strength gains and muscle hardness
    Last edited by bodyguardt; 05-13-2005 at 04:38 PM.

  17. #17
    geesler's Avatar
    geesler is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    ...This is NOT HEALTHY. ... because there is 1,000 mgs of it pumping through your blood. HOWEVER, NOW when you come off cycle, you must recover from a MUCH DEEPER supression, which likely will make it VERY difficult to maintain your gains.
    What is not healthy about it?
    Please explain why you believe one will have a DEEPER supression?
    How will that make it any more difficualt to keep gains?

    Shut down seems shut down to me. And having no test levels seems pretty bad if one is trying to keep strength up and and grow.
    Last edited by geesler; 05-15-2005 at 01:04 PM. Reason: spellin'

  18. #18
    TRICK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    Listen...your first cycle should NOT BE TEST. Unfortunately, many on this board value their gratification moreso than their health and well-being. YES, by taking any foreign androgen you will temporarily supress your testosterone production(to VARYING DEGREES) YES for the TIME BEING, you may encounter some sexual difficulties ON CYCLE. ONCE you come off, you will exprerience a rebound (so long as NON-AROMATIZING steroids are used) in natural test levels, and with the help of clomid and tribulus, you will maintain nearly all of your gains. HOWEVER, most people on this board WANT TO KEEP TEST IN THEIR BLOOD AT ALL TIME. They FEEL intuitively that the body should always have test. This is WRONG. This is NOT HEALTHY. By supplementing with SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL amounts of TESTOSTERONE to compensate for the loss of natural test production is downright RIDICULOUS logic--formulated soley for the purpose of justifying adding test to EVERY CYCLE. You are SHUTDOWN--with test or WITHOUT it. When you are on TEST however, it doesnt matter if you are shutdown, you will still experience the effects of TEST because there is 1,000 mgs of it pumping through your blood. HOWEVER, NOW when you come off cycle, you must recover from a MUCH DEEPER supression, which likely will make it VERY difficult to maintain your gains. SO....TEST is NOT The answer. In my humble opinion, you should run a moderate dosage of Anavar for your first cycle. I did this and put on 15lbs of ROCK HARD mass in 6 weeks. KEPT ALL OF IT and gained on post cycle. Run var at 30mgs for 8 weeks. If you are over 200 lbs, up it to 40mgs. Good luck buddy.

  19. #19
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    SUPRESSION is not static--there are varying DEGREES of suppression that are dose and chemical dependent. The amount of testosterone the body produces while on a TEST/DECCA cycle, is FAAAR LESS then the amount the body produces while on Winstrol , EQ, Var, or Primo--Even d-bol. However, the difference is that these other compounds don't stimulate libido like test does, so YES, while on cycle you will have some sexual difficulties in the absence of TEST. However, it will be far easier to recover from a cycle WITHOUT test than with a FACT.

  20. #20
    cdogge's Avatar
    cdogge is offline Associate Member
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    must have hush or cyber-

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    Listen...your first cycle should NOT BE TEST. Unfortunately, many on this board value their gratification moreso than their health and well-being. YES, by taking any foreign androgen you will temporarily supress your testosterone production(to VARYING DEGREES) YES for the TIME BEING, you may encounter some sexual difficulties ON CYCLE. ONCE you come off, you will exprerience a rebound (so long as NON-AROMATIZING steroids are used) in natural test levels, and with the help of clomid and tribulus, you will maintain nearly all of your gains. HOWEVER, most people on this board WANT TO KEEP TEST IN THEIR BLOOD AT ALL TIME. They FEEL intuitively that the body should always have test. This is WRONG. This is NOT HEALTHY. By supplementing with SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL amounts of TESTOSTERONE to compensate for the loss of natural test production is downright RIDICULOUS logic--formulated soley for the purpose of justifying adding test to EVERY CYCLE. You are SHUTDOWN--with test or WITHOUT it. When you are on TEST however, it doesnt matter if you are shutdown, you will still experience the effects of TEST because there is 1,000 mgs of it pumping through your blood. HOWEVER, NOW when you come off cycle, you must recover from a MUCH DEEPER supression, which likely will make it VERY difficult to maintain your gains. SO....TEST is NOT The answer. In my humble opinion, you should run a moderate dosage of Anavar for your first cycle. I did this and put on 15lbs of ROCK HARD mass in 6 weeks. KEPT ALL OF IT and gained on post cycle. Run var at 30mgs for 8 weeks. If you are over 200 lbs, up it to 40mgs. Good luck buddy.


  21. #21
    dirtyvegas's Avatar
    dirtyvegas is offline Senior Member
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    would it be kool to mix it up a bit? how about taking Anavar & Test.E. If so how would be the best way to take these two together..Mg & and how ofter for how long?

  22. #22
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    Listen...your first cycle should NOT BE TEST. Unfortunately, many on this board value their gratification moreso than their health and well-being. YES, by taking any foreign androgen you will temporarily supress your testosterone production(to VARYING DEGREES) YES for the TIME BEING, you may encounter some sexual difficulties ON CYCLE. ONCE you come off, you will exprerience a rebound (so long as NON-AROMATIZING steroids are used) in natural test levels, and with the help of clomid and tribulus, you will maintain nearly all of your gains. HOWEVER, most people on this board WANT TO KEEP TEST IN THEIR BLOOD AT ALL TIME. They FEEL intuitively that the body should always have test. This is WRONG. This is NOT HEALTHY. By supplementing with SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL amounts of TESTOSTERONE to compensate for the loss of natural test production is downright RIDICULOUS logic--formulated soley for the purpose of justifying adding test to EVERY CYCLE. You are SHUTDOWN--with test or WITHOUT it. When you are on TEST however, it doesnt matter if you are shutdown, you will still experience the effects of TEST because there is 1,000 mgs of it pumping through your blood. HOWEVER, NOW when you come off cycle, you must recover from a MUCH DEEPER supression, which likely will make it VERY difficult to maintain your gains. SO....TEST is NOT The answer. In my humble opinion, you should run a moderate dosage of Anavar for your first cycle. I did this and put on 15lbs of ROCK HARD mass in 6 weeks. KEPT ALL OF IT and gained on post cycle. Run var at 30mgs for 8 weeks. If you are over 200 lbs, up it to 40mgs. Good luck buddy.
    let me guess, your next cycle will be deca alone??

  23. #23
    dirtyvegas's Avatar
    dirtyvegas is offline Senior Member
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    bump he he

  24. #24
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    Has anybody used Anavar here and what were the results?

    I am a bit confused now

  25. #25
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodyguardt
    Has anybody used Anavar here and what were the results?

    I am a bit confused now
    Do not listen to themindofross... He obviously does not know what he is talking about. Again TheMindOfRoss is very uneducated and is guessing without medical documentation or studies, or even a veterans/pros experience... So caution is needed if you even think about listening to him.

  26. #26
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    I am extremely educated--THAT is a FACT. MANY people on THIS BOARD are extremely MISINFORMED about AAS and their chemical properties, and are only regurgitating ANECDOTAL information from other MEMBERS OF THIS BOARD. Ergo, a VISCIOUS and harmful cycle of misinformation perpetuates, and newbies continue to use the CLASSIC AMERICAN cycle of TEST ONLY, when everyone in the rest of the world knows that SLOW and STEADY wins the race every time. I URGE you to visit OTHER boards and see for yourself. I have consulted with dozens of elite bodybuilders and have spoken to thousands of AAS users across the world. The DOSAGES and kinds of chemical compunds suggested on this board are primarily LUDACRIS, which is why there are 4 TIMES as many posts ON THIS BOARD about HORRID sides than on any other board I have visited. Please, you do your reasearch! NO ONE will be HARMED by my conservative and OVERcautious advice--DOING ANAVAR 1st cycle would be only POSITIVE. I am only here to help.

  27. #27
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    I am extremely educated
    Thanks for letting us know how smart you are... just ask you right

    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    people on THIS BOARD are extremely MISINFORMED about AAS and their chemical properties, and are only regurgitating ANECDOTAL information from other MEMBERS OF THIS BOARD.
    Well, I do hate when that happens but your little short cycle slow and steady bull sh!t does not hold water. If you are so informed, show us proof consisting of clinical studies or at least medical science behind your thinking.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss

    I URGE you to visit OTHER boards and see for yourself.

    I have visited other boards... Which one are you talking about
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss

    I have consulted with dozens of elite bodybuilders and have spoken to thousands of AAS users across the world.
    Who are you big shot? Or all the elite you consult

    TheMindOfRoss theories.

  28. #28
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    I appreciate it if you could show me the boards and the researches about Anavar . So far, I have been looking for information on the internet but I couldnt found anything than information that Anavar is good for strength gains and muscle hardness

  29. #29
    sasquatch's Avatar
    sasquatch is offline Associate Member
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    Anavar is a very mild steroid , and very expensive. The main reason people take it is because it is also extremely safe. Anavar will not build 15 lbs of rock hard muscle, it will (at best) allow you to keep the muscle you have already built through other means. It's an intrinsically weak steroid. Very weak, but safe. In fact, so safe, it's been used for medical treatment in children. It is also safe for women to take. This is undoubtedly one of the reasons for its popularity.
    It may be useful in a cutting phase before a contest, but not as a mass builder.
    In fact, Anavar has such a little effect on muscle increase (and weight gain) that it is also popular for fighters and powerlifters, when they need to NOT gain muscle mass to stay in a certain weight class.
    So if you just want to gain increased strength but NOT muscle mass, (and if you can afford it), then go for it. If you want to build muscle mass, go for something else, as Anavar has very little anabolic effect.

  30. #30
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Everyone is extremely defensive--as if I am percieved as some sort of threat--LOL. You want studies demonstrating the effectiveness of 3-6 week cycles (and there ARE--ill grab em), but I truly DOUBT there are any "8-16 Week cycle experiements" published in the scientific literature. Unfortunately, EVERYTHING we know about steroids is MOSTLY anecdotal, which is how these boards survive--and why they are so helpful! If you have good results with your current training/steroid regimens, then STICK TO THEM! I am not asking you to change, I am simply offering ANOTHER opinion than the one most commonly conferred on this BOARD.

    Ive got nothin but love.....

  31. #31
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    Everyone is extremely defensive--as if I am percieved as some sort of asshole--LOL.
    Well yeah I do think you are a bit of an asshole, but never a threat with the advice you are throwing around.

  32. #32
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Well yeah I do think you are a bit of an asshole, but never a threat with the advice you are throwing around.
    I never said the word "Asshole"...i said "Threat" changed it again..grow up. Make some gains.

  33. #33
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    I never said the word "Asshole"...i said "Threat" changed it again..grow up. Make some gains.
    Again what is your experience? Who are the elite and pros you consult? What gains, if any have you ever made? Tell us about your anavar only cycle.

  34. #34
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Again what is your experience? Who are the elite and pros you consult? What gains, if any have you ever made? Tell us about your anavar only cycle.
    I have experience with the following compounds:

    Tesosterone Propionate
    Testosterone Enanthate

    And of course, Clomid, Arimidex , Nolvadex , HCG .

    I have used MANY different dosing schemes, and various cycle durations ranging from 2weeks on, 2 weeks off, using short esthers, to 16 week cycles with long esthers. I have run 3 week, 4 week, and 6 week cycles. I have used traditional 8-10 week cycles. I have even tried 5 days on, 2 days off protocol with D-bol and anavar . I am a Scientist.

    As for whom I consult with, not many names that you would know, but they are elite bodybuilders (like myself) nonetheless. Eastern Bloc atheletes have a FAR different, and in my humble opinion, more effective approach.

  35. #35
    Powrlftr is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    I have experience with the following compounds:

    Tesosterone Propionate
    Testosterone Enanthate

    And of course, Clomid, Arimidex , Nolvadex , HCG .

    I have used MANY different dosing schemes, and various cycle durations ranging from 2weeks on, 2 weeks off, using short esthers, to 16 week cycles with long esthers. I have run 3 week, 4 week, and 6 week cycles. I have used traditional 8-10 week cycles. I have even tried 5 days on, 2 days off protocol with D-bol and anavar . I am a Scientist.

    As for whom I consult with, not many names that you would know, but they are elite bodybuilders (like myself) nonetheless. Eastern Bloc atheletes have a FAR different, and in my humble opinion, more effective approach.
    Hey TheMindofRoss, this is the second time I've heard you say you were a scientist, and you are only 21 years old. I am curious what your degree/degrees and advanced degree are in?

    Also, I was always of the understanding that Eastern Bloc athletes were notorious for heavy doping, or at least that's the impression I've gotten.

  36. #36
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powrlftr
    Hey TheMindofRoss, this is the second time I've heard you say you were a scientist, and you are only 21 years old. I am curious what your degree/degrees and advanced degree are in?

    Also, I was always of the understanding that Eastern Bloc athletes were notorious for heavy doping, or at least that's the impression I've gotten.

    I have graduated from Rutgers University with a BA in physics. I am not a "SCIENTIST" that yields an income from his experiments. I am an independent scientist, and my only endeavor is to utilize these remarkable compounds the most EFFECTIVE and SAFEST way possible.

    European athletes are FAAAAR more moderate than American Atheletes. That is a fact.

  37. #37
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    Please, give some links of researches about Anavar here, I would appreciate that. I have been looking but again the information tell me only its good for strength and muscle hardnes and not for adding 15 lbs mass.

  38. #38
    TheMindOfRoss is offline Banned
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    Bodyguard....RELATIVELY speaking...operative word being "RELATIVE"..anavar is NOT A BULKING STEROID . During a TYPICAL BULKING cycle, with traditional BULKING drugs used (Test, anadrol , D-bol), anywhere from 20-30lbs can be expected. ANAVAR will YEILD 15lbs IF YOU DO EVERYTHING PROPERLY! It is not a dramatic steroid, although it is the SAFEST, one of the MOST EFFECTIVE for PERMANANT lean tissue, and one of the most versatile steroids that exists.

    It's good shit.

  39. #39
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    I would like to gain 15 lbs with Anavar but where are the information of ohter guys who got 15 lbs mass from Anavar, i have been looking on other forums but didnt find antyhing so far. Maybe you can give me some information?

  40. #40
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    You can listen to the mind of ross, but he is only about 175-185 lbs after several cycles, and many compounds. If you want to listen to a 21 year old that has no practical experience and lies then go ahead.

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