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  1. #1
    msu16366's Avatar
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    Time on -time off bull shit!

    Well until I can find a doctor that will do the tests and bill my insurance company I am gonna have to follow the time on =time off method. WHich really sucks because last cycle was a 19 weeker not including PCT that just ended October 1.
    A few questions:
    1) DO you count the PCT time as part of cycle time (thus I ran clomid for 4 weeks + 19 weeks anabolics = to much time

    2 If any of you do follow the time on-time off method, and you run deca or EQ which needs at least 12 weeks, perferably more, than 3 weeks you must wait to start clomid so I am sure many of you run prop for a few weeks before PCT<
    How the hell do you fit a winter bulker and a summer cutter.

    Please help me figure this out! I am already fuked this winter now because for time on-time off I cant start to march 1, or april 1 if you count PCT.
    I have not had any blood test done yet but Its been about a month since finishing PCT and I am still horney most the time.

    What do some of your winter bulker's and summer cutter look like and what dates do you start them. There is alot of members here, hopefully someone will share their knowledge of how to winter bulk and summer cut with respect to time on time off.

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    go to you can get bloodwork done fairly cheap if you cant get insurance to pay for it

  3. #3
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Not everyone follows the time on/time off rule. Alot of ppl(more than you can imagine)will barely make it 3 mos before jumping back on.

    I don't agree/nor disagree with that approach.Just stating a fact of life.


  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    No one says that you have to follow that routine. Whats recommended by some is for health reasons. I roughly follow that protocol b/c thats what works for me.

    I'm coming off a 14 weeker and will run PCT throughout the month of December. I'll take Jan, Feb, march off and get back on my cutter starting April 1st. That way I can run another up until mid July.

    Dont forget there are other options besides those of AAS that wont effect natty test levels. Slin, IGF, Gh are all other components that I personally use to get me where I need to go. In all honesty I"m going to experiment more and more with Slin. I seem to get the best results incorporating it. Let's see how it goes when all I"m running is that.

    There's nothing written in stone on what you HAVE to do. Precautions along with health factors play a role in my decisions, I"m sure they do in yours as well.

  5. #5
    ajfina's Avatar
    ajfina is offline Senior Member
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    I do "cutting"cycles all the time (trenb,winnie,prop,EQ,oxan,IGF,GH etc etc ) so no need to worry about "bulker or cutter" cycles all year around (bulking cycles for what? to get fat and full of water? (YES IM A ROID SICK)
    I need some time "off" (yeah right)
    did a lblood work 4 months a go it was perfect for exeption of Blood pressure was a little high ( was the winnie)
    I guess because i live in FL where is basically summer alll year around,no need to think about winter and summer
    i just switch gear all the time
    btw no count PCT for time on
    Last edited by ajfina; 11-20-2005 at 06:28 PM.

  6. #6
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    Thanks for the info,
    For those that do run time on time off , I am guessing they do not count pct time or do they?

  7. #7
    goose is offline Banned
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    I do time on time off,because I have to save up for my next cycle.It`s not easy being on HGH for life,and having an expensive lady,but she is worth every penny!!!


  8. #8
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by ajfina
    I do "cutting"cycles all the time (trenb,winnie,prop,EQ,oxan,IGF,GH etc etc ) so no need to worry about "bulker or cutter" cycles all year around (bulking cycles for what? to get fat and full of water? (YES IM A ROID SICK)
    I need some time "off" (yeah right)
    did a lblood work 4 months a go it was perfect for exeption of Blood pressure was a little high ( was the winnie)
    I guess because i live in FL where is basically summer alll year around,no need to think about winter and summer
    i just switch gear all the time
    btw no count PCT for time on
    A great quote by DoggCrapp "People who refuse to cruise (one way ticket to being unsuccessful in all this)"

  9. #9
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I do time on time off,because I have to save up for my next cycle.It`s not easy being on HGH for life,and having an expensive lady,but she is worth every penny!!!

    The right one always is brutha!

    im on week 16 of a 22 weeker...... im going to take off jan and feb and probably march...... then start up again in april...... bloodwork will be done around february/march since it will be about 1 years since my last blood test.....


    oh and regarding PCT..... i've always heard to count it as "time on" then again.... who says thats the correct way?
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  10. #10
    ajfina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    A great quote by DoggCrapp "People who refuse to cruise (one way ticket to being unsuccessful in all this)"
    is not like im on 5 year straigh cycle , but yes i've being on it for a bit of time now, and yes im going to take the time off and only do IGF and GH for a while
    please PINNA don't be that hard on me , u the man
    Last edited by ajfina; 11-20-2005 at 06:53 PM.

  11. #11
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    AJ, do you use jino's or a generic for HGH

  12. #12
    ajfina's Avatar
    ajfina is offline Senior Member
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    serostim by serono bro

  13. #13
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ajfina
    serostim by serono bro

    Ahhhh music to my ears

  14. #14
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard
    The right one always is brutha!

    im on week 16 of a 22 weeker...... im going to take off jan and feb and probably march...... then start up again in april...... bloodwork will be done around february/march since it will be about 1 years since my last blood test.....


    oh and regarding PCT..... i've always heard to count it as "time on" then again.... who says thats the correct way?
    I thought it was time on=time off or else minimum of 2.5 months off and the time off timer starts when all roids wear off, that means 2 weeks after last testosterone enanthate /cypionate inject, or 3 weeks after last sust or deca injection.

    The minimum of 2.5 to 3 months off is suggested because this is the time required to "normalize" your blood cell counts, in otherwords blood cells individually only last 90 days, we all get reverse of anemia or excessive red and white blood cells on steroids , this increases chance of heat stroke or other strokes, its also the time required to fully normalize your cholesterol levels and right about the time that the PCT bacne starts to go away. You may take more time off to equal time on but I tend to believe the 3 month minimum is an appropriate standard. For one even slow or low PCT weight loss begins to really pickup more beyond the 3 month unless you are teenager or early 20's. Like it or not, evidence suggest, steroid use in low 20's and teens might result in more permanent gains then at other ages.

  15. #15
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Pissing on saluu
    Just belly up and pay for the tests... if you financially can.

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