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Thread: thoughts on GH?

  1. #1
    anabolicmyo is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Question thoughts on GH?

    Im ready to start a cycle of GH but I have a million qeustions for hopefully some people more expierenced then myself, first Im 27yo, 200lbs, 5'6".
    1.what is the conversion difference between IU and ml?
    2.i would like to run 6 iu's a day for 42 days 5on 2off(im buying 2-126iu packs) is that too much in length or strength? do i figure out for insulin ?
    4.ive heard stacking with dball may release more i.g.f.'s?
    5.if its proper not to hit the same spots where else sub-containous other then abs can i hit?
    6.whats the use of cytomel if its also destroying previous muscle mass?
    7.if also using denkadiol will my recepters respond even more? long are do the effects last?
    9.what are the possibilities with negative effects and me?
    10.what are the possibilities on positive effects and me?
    thanks for all replies


  2. #2
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
    goldenFloyd is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    every one of your questions can be answered by using the search function.

    i have not used GH, but i have read a lot about it and will repeat what i have read and think is reliable information, but again, use that search function.

    First off, you didn't mention your goals.
    6 weeks is short for GH, 6iu is within the normal range, but on the higher side for someone who hasn't used it before.
    your insulin question requires a LOT more research, if you use it incorrectly you can seriously fuck your life up.
    dbol is an oral which stimulates liver release of igf-1 on its first pass.
    anywhere you can pinch fat and inject subcutaneously, as i understand.
    you will be on AAS which will compensate for the t3.
    negative effects: you die from being careless with insulin.
    positive effects: you get extremely ripped, feel mentally great, boost your immune and joints, and add slabs of mass with mostly permanent gains.

    anyway, suffice to say that i don't think you've done enough research to consider yourself "ready" to start a GH cycle, or rather, an effective GH cycle. do some more research. look for posts from ironmaster, m.o.d, bigkev, igf-1, and others. there is a ton of information out there... educate yourself a lot more before you start man. some other questions: Are you sure you've done all that normal AS has to offer you? what's your bf?

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