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Thread: Long Term Gains

  1. #1
    respek is offline Associate Member
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    Long Term Gains

    If I am looking to harden up and gain a little muscle what would be the best steroids for keeping my gains and minimal side effects (hair loss)?

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    age, bf%, height, weight, training experience?

    gains can be kept from any cycle provided pct is done correctly and diet/training are spot on.

    if you are prone to mpb, all steroids will aggrivate it.

    duta or finasteride can help with that, as well as spiro and nizoral 2%

  3. #3
    respek is offline Associate Member
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    29 yrs old, 220 lbs, 15% bf, I have been training for 10 years. What is spiro? and why is it that I see guys gain so much muscle in a short tme and loose it when they stop taking aas?

  4. #4
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Thats because they dont do a proper PCT. They also get lazy, depressed, and slack off on their diet and training. I know that because a while back I was one of them. But a nice PCT and working through the rest you can keep most of your gains. Last cycle I just lost a little water weight, not muscle, which was nice
    Maybe think about running Equipoise for 10 weeks. Its really weak, you wont gain to much but its nice for some gain, hardning and vascularity. Good for the appetite too. Just my opinion

  5. #5
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    Alot of what is lost is water wieght and if you are prone to water retention then a over the counter anti-arom like novdex xt from gaspri can keep water off I have used it with some d-bol for a bridge and kept every pound even when my gear got taken from customs and I had to come off. So what happened was my bridge became a d-bol only cycle not good to do but it worked good for me 15 pounds no water in 6 weeks everyone is different though I am also prone to mpb but I shave my head try some durtast for hair loss

  6. #6
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Try t-bol or anavar for low sides and lean gains at your body weight with good diet you should be able to cut the bf% down to around 10 in as little as 6 weeks but everyone is different

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