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  1. #1
    MacGyver's Avatar
    MacGyver is offline Associate Member
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    Lightbulb MacGyver's LAST CYCLE!!! Please comment

    Thanx to all that have helped me recently! I really appreciate it.

    Ok Here we go, I want this one to be my last cycle (who am I kidding) so I want it to be a long, moderate dosed one. I have taken everyones advice and formulated something that I think will work great for me.

    Wk1-4 Fina 75 EOD
    Wk1-4 Prop 100EOD
    WK5-8 Winny 50mgED
    Wk9-12 Fina 75EOD
    Wk9-12 Prop 100EOD

    Heres my reasoning. I opted to do this long and moderate rather than the before proposed cycle of

    Wk1-6 Fina/Prop/Winny 100/100/50 ED

    because although I might gain the lean 12-15 pounds of beautiful musclemass that I am shooting for, I probably wont keep even half of it. The last cycle I did was 11.5 weeks of EQ/TE 400/400 and I thought it sucked completely because i didnt blow up and look completely amazing during the process like in the previous cycles. But now in retrospect, I never really kept shit from the other ones while I have kept almost all of what I gained in this one. Granted I didnt look like the most ripped guy in the gym like on the previous ones I looked way better than everyone else still. I dont think it was the EQ either that allowed for the keepable gains but the moderate doses and the longer length in cycle.

    Now, in all previous cycles I have only gained mass in the first 4-5 weeks! If the point of carrying out your cycle for the next 8 weeks is to solidify gains than I will do it with something else for shorter like winny. Everybody has been ranting and raving about Fina/Prop and Ive been dying to jump on the bandwagon. Either everybody is full of shit and Im about to prove the board wrong and start my own or, everyones a member of MENSA and I will buy a AR tshirt and wear it to my next competition.LOL

    Part 3, I want to go for 192-195 mark and then maintain naturally. I m in the low 180's right now. Now if I gain 11 lbs in the first four weeks and loose 5 during the winny, then Im still up 6. If I gain another 10 during the last phase and loose another 5 then I walk away with a grand total of 11pounds of solid muscle. I hope this will leave me at a ripped 193.

    So now everyone critique! All comments are welcome please. I dont know which parts i need to drag out the winn or the first phase or the last. I wanted to do two phases of a great combo so I can do the last phase right if I have to bump them both up or add a week. Sorry this was soo long, think of it as poetry eh.

    Thank you again.

  2. #2
    Tedmax195's Avatar
    Tedmax195 is offline Member
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    Why are you splitting up the fina/prop just a question otherwise that looks like a badass cycle. I going to be doing the same thing in late feb early march.
    Profina Week 1-8 (Fina90mg/Prop 45 mg) ED
    Winstrol Week 6-10 50 mg ED
    Proviron Week 1-13 50 mg ED
    Clomid as follows

  3. #3
    MacGyver's Avatar
    MacGyver is offline Associate Member
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    Well my intentions were to get 2 boosts in one cycle. Since I never make any gains in the 6th week and little to none in week 5 then taking any gear during those weeks is just a waste. its like doing two 6 week cycles with a bridge of winny. I just eliminated the wasted end two weeks.

  4. #4
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    what are your stats macguyver? they're not listed in your profile. that would help alot of the bros out giving advice...

  5. #5
    MacGyver's Avatar
    MacGyver is offline Associate Member
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    i gave more background in the last paragraphs
    3.5 previous cycles
    Looking to get to 193-95

  6. #6
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    South Florida
    Hey MacGyver bro, let me take a shot at this forya. Id run it something like this....

    weeks 1 - 8 Fina .75cc ed or eod
    Weeks 1 - 8 Prop 100mgs ed
    weeks 3 - 8 Winny 50mgs ed

    Reason being fina only last between 4 - 12 hrs in ur system. You need to saturate ur body with it till u reach a consistent level. In my last cycle it took almost till week 5 untill i started seeing/feeling any results of the fina. So IMO u should just run it straight through for 8 weeks.

    I have to get going. If u need any other help let me know. Good Luck!!


  7. #7
    MacGyver's Avatar
    MacGyver is offline Associate Member
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    So in your opinion I should just do the one 8week phase. I had heard in some posts that Tren took up to 4 weeks to kick in and some said just a week or two.

    If I do EOD for 8weeks thats 28cc of 75mg Ill need. If I use the Fkits 4G and 2 carts that will give me 40ml @100mg right? So that will go for 65 ED injects @ 75mgs right?

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