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  1. #1
    crazy man is offline Banned
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    anyone ever get sick from fina??

    i took my first shot of fina two days ago , but the day after the shot that night i got sick ass fuck aches and pains and no energy and i was throwing up. can that happen to some people from fina, or am i just sick i allready feel alittle better???

  2. #2
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmmmm... did u make ur own bro? And if so which kit did u use?


  3. #3
    crazy man is offline Banned
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    the one you get a why i think its bacteria cause i didn't boil the finished product...

  4. #4
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well that was my first thought but u dont need to heat or boil the fina if u use a kit. Did u use the coffee filter and then whatman filter at the end? What size kit was it and how many carts did u use? Just trying to get info to help u figure this out bro.


  5. #5
    crazy man is offline Banned
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    i didn't use the coffee fiter but i did use the filter that conects to the pump of the needle. my boy took one of the shots too and he is fine???mabey i am just sick??? i feel real tired achy and water comming out both ends"sorry i know thats gross" i also used a 4g kit

  6. #6
    crazy man is offline Banned
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  7. #7
    crazy man is offline Banned
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    also one bottle of fina is clear and the one i took was cloudy does that matter,,,

  8. #8
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Ok bro, im thinking u maybe coming down with something if ur boy took an injection and had no problem. However i do recommend using the coffee filter next time. U may want to try and reduce ur dose a little bit and see if that helps? U might be sensitive to the tren ? Good luck!
    ohhh and it being cloudy doesnt really matter.


  9. #9
    Matt Foley's Avatar
    Matt Foley is offline Member
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    people react differently to differrent roids.fina is pretty toxic!

  10. #10
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    the clear and not clear....that is in the filtering.

    Mine is clear as shit with that beautiful golden color. Cloudy natures come from not letting the product sit for long enough before filtering.

    So Did you let it sit for 12-24 hours before coffee and whatman filter?

    BTW, I didnt use the coffee filter on mine, but when done I DID bake at 250 for 45 mins. First shot was yesterday and I feel great! Second shot is in 2 hours

    Another question: You say your boy took a shot from the same bottle and is fine? If that's the case it could still be bacteria if it was the "cloudy bottle", it could be some glue/binding agent that made it into your bottle and your body is not enjoying, or it very well could be you were sick to begin with. up the vitamin C, take some pre-emptive measures, like a cold pill or something.


  11. #11
    Matt Foley's Avatar
    Matt Foley is offline Member
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    Originally posted by KunipshunFit
    the clear and not clear....that is in the filtering.

    Mine is clear as shit with that beautiful golden color. Cloudy natures come from not letting the product sit for long enough before filtering.

    So Did you let it sit for 12-24 hours before coffee and whatman filter?

    BTW, I didnt use the coffee filter on mine, but when done I DID bake at 250 for 45 mins. First shot was yesterday and I feel great! Second shot is in 2 hours

    Another question: You say your boy took a shot from the same bottle and is fine? If that's the case it could still be bacteria if it was the "cloudy bottle", it could be some glue/binding agent that made it into your bottle and your body is not enjoying, or it very well could be you were sick to begin with. up the vitamin C, take some pre-emptive measures, like a cold pill or something.

    his friend shot the same batch ,no reaction.

  12. #12
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    OG is right on here, no need to boil is you use both filters or filter multiple times, and ive got sick off fina everytime ive taken it, and i have spectro, finagold from valopharm, and ive made my own, i just dont like my body likes the androgenic strength of this compound, give me some deca , dbol , sust anyday...

  13. #13
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    His friend took the same bottle and had no reaction

    You say your boy took a shot from the same bottle and is fine? or something. If that's the case it could still be bacteria if it was the "cloudy bottle", it could be some glue/binding agent that made it into your bottle and your body is not enjoying, or it very well could be you were sick to begin with. up the vitamin C, take some pre-emptive measures, like a cold pill
    His body may be reacting differently to the drug, or his friend could have had a decent shot and he had some gunk in's highly doubtful due to the filter, but is an option.

    Which bottle did you shoot out of? the clear or cloudy?

    I'm assuming cloudy for hope's sake IF it was the clear, then i'm gonna guess you were sick already and as stated above, just look for symptoms of flu/cold, etc

    Is the site red?swollen?sore? If not, as djdjdjddjon said, your body might simply NOT like the compound.

    Hope this helps!


  14. #14
    crazy man is offline Banned
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    thanks for all the help.. mabey i should bake just to kill any bacteria there may be do you bake it in the glass bottle, also should i keep taking the fina even tho i feel like shit???

  15. #15
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    IF you bake it, put a needle in it or it will blow up (possibly)

    Second, how much did you take 1cc @ 75mg?

    I'd try hitting a lower dosage, or IF it was a first shot, you can lay off and it wont hurt you...get better and try again, if it happens again, cut your losses


  16. #16
    NoLimits's Avatar
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    Originally posted by crazy man
    ???mabey i am just sick??? i feel real tired achy and water comming out both ends"sorry i know thats gross"

    Sounds like the flu or even food poisoning.

  17. #17
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
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    HELL - I got the last col
    water at both ends talk about dehydrated!

    Your NoLimits said..


  18. #18
    crazy man is offline Banned
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    i took about 1 1/2 cc's but i feel a little better today so we will see what happens thanks guys if anyone has any thing to say go ahead

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