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  1. #1
    zeraphinn's Avatar
    zeraphinn is offline New Member
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    Question Contradictory information need info


    Anadrol + Sustanon Stack
    What is the best way to stack these in order to get the best gains and keep them as much as possible too? Should they be used concurrently or in series? Should Nolvadex and HCG be used during the cycle as well, and if so at what part? I have read contradictory information on this. have come across two possible cycles. In One cycle I use the Anadrol and the Sustanon concurrently the other looks like this:

    Day Day Day Day
    1. Sus. 250mg 16. 31. Sus. 250mg 46.
    2. 17. AD-50 100mg 32. 47. AD-50 100mg
    3. 18. AD-50 100mg 33. 48. AD-50 100mg
    4. Sus. 250mg 19. AD-50 100mg 34. Sus. 250mg 49. AD-50 100mg
    5. 20. AD-50 100mg 35. 50. AD-50 100mg
    6. 21. AD-50 100mg 36. 51. AD-50 100mg
    7. Sus. 250mg 22. AD-50 150mg 37. Sus. 250mg 52. AD-50 150mg
    8. 23. AD-50 150mg 38. 53. AD-50 150mg
    9. 24. AD-50 150mg 39. 54. AD-50 150mg
    10. Sus. 250mg 25. AD-50 150mg 40. Sus. 250mg 55. AD-50 150mg
    11. 26. AD-50 150mg 41. 56. AD-50 150mg
    12. 27. 42. 57.
    13. Sus.250mg 28. 43. Sus. 250mg 58.
    14. 29. 44. 59.
    15. 30. 45. 60.

    Day 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 & 55, 57, 59, 61, 63 HCG 1000iu
    Optional: Day 60-65 Clomid 100mg & 66-76 Clomid 50mg
    Divide AD-50 administrations into 2-3 equal daily dosages

    Please critique and add suggestions

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    bro, re-organize this so it is readable, then people will be happy to critique
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Contradictory information need info-ot_cantseeshit.jpg  

  3. #3
    wrstlr69sdnl's Avatar
    wrstlr69sdnl is offline Senior Member
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  4. #4
    zeraphinn's Avatar
    zeraphinn is offline New Member
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    Miami, Fl. USA


    Sorry! It did not paste correctly.
    I have made a new post. Title Contradictory Info Update.

  5. #5
    flexgolf's Avatar
    flexgolf is offline Member
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    May 2003
    hahahha funny. delete this thread though

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