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  1. #1
    BuffGuy is offline Associate Member
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    Disgusted by My Pot-Belly While Bulking

    So I started my cycle...I've done a cycle before, and although it was utter crap since I hadn't done good research, I had gotten HUGE off of it anyways...Everyone was complimenting my size when I had done it...but with the bulking cycle, I also developed a rather annoying belly. So I had a great chest but a belly to accompany it.

    And now I'm on my second cycle but really my first since it's the first EDUCATED one I am doing...

    Here it is:

    Weeks 1-12* 400 mg Deca
    Weeks 1-14* 500 mg Test ethan
    (I got the proper Anti-E, anti-bloat, and PCT but no point mentioning it here.)

    *In any case, I am considering changing this up and adding some weeks of cutting. Is that a good way to get rid of the bulking belly? Seriously, don't you guys get this belly too? How do you cope with it? I HATE the occasional comments by skinny bone people saying that I got a stomach. I feel like bashing them in the face.

    So should I switch it up at like Week 10 or something and switch the Test Ethan for Winnie....and add Clen ....??? Then run that for how many weeks? I am a newbie but I think my body can recuperate pretty quickly considering the first cycle I had totally screwed up but my body still managed...

    How do you guys deal with this crap? It's really ticking me off ... especially since I am on roids so I am even more likely to bash someone's head in....(by the way, I've already gained hella size in one week...very pleasing...) But still, the belly is driving me nuts.

  2. #2
    BuffGuy is offline Associate Member
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    On the converse side, I heard from some people that the biggest mistake novices make is worrying too much about cutting up, when they really should just focus everything on bulking....

    So what is your take on it? Can I switch it up like on week 10 or something...and how many weeks then should I do a cutting cycle...what results can I expect? Should I even add T-3 or what? I guess then I'd need test as well....

    Or is it a sin to focus on cutting right now? I'm only 170 right now. But I know I'll be like 190 or so in 10 weeks.

    I'm going back home soon and seeing some people I need to impress with my shirt I'd love to be cut up for that....
    Last edited by BuffGuy; 02-27-2004 at 05:39 AM.

  3. #3
    abmyers's Avatar
    abmyers is offline Associate Member
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    You need to answer this question for yourself. Ask yourself whats more important, low BF or size. And when you say belly, do you mean body fat, bloat from eating a lot, or water retention?

  4. #4
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    if it's just bloat from eating all the time and drowning yourself in can get rid of that in a few days.but if it's fat you are talking about then you need to clean your diet up

  5. #5
    RJM03's Avatar
    RJM03 is offline Senior Member
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    In terms of trying to bulk and cut at the same time, it reallly doesnt work. You should focus on one or the other, right now you are on a bulking cycle, so bulk. Run a full cutting cycle as a next one, maybe consider a prop/winny.fina down the line to cut. But IMO its tough to do both.

  6. #6
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    if you add fat, or worse a pot-belly, something is not right....need to evaluate yourself and fix the problem whatever it might be(diet, etc.) then get back on....remember,test actually promotes lean muscle, leans you out even on a bulker

  7. #7
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by asymmetrical1
    if you add fat, or worse a pot-belly, something is not right....need to evaluate yourself and fix the problem whatever it might be(diet, etc.) then get back on....remember,test actually promotes lean muscle, leans you out even on a bulker
    but you should never use any kind of TEST when body fat levels are high.for one the conversion to estrogen will be higher.and the test will be stored in fat after a cycle it is possable to get gyno when burning fat unless your on a steady diet of nolva...only use test when BF is low.

  8. #8
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    but you should never use any kind of TEST when body fat levels are high.for one the conversion to estrogen will be higher.and the test will be stored in fat after a cycle it is possable to get gyno when burning fat unless your on a steady diet of nolva...only use test when BF is low.
    well, that would be the problem i am referring to fix(high bf%) then get back on

  9. #9
    abc 1 is offline Associate Member
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    what's the diet like?

    you complaint is why i don't see the use of aas for non-competing bb's to bulk with. it's much easier to bulk naturally and then cut with aas then vice versa. also, what's the point of balloning up just to have to work that much harder to get the excess crap off. this is only my opinion and if you compete, you need to blow up to be competitive. if your using aas for cosmetic purposes only, bulking and cutting leads to alot of unnecessary work. it's easier to try and gain a few pounds while bulking and then having less work to cut, usually leaves a better looking physique (from my experience because i used to do the bulk cut thing, never ever again).

  10. #10
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    A clean bulk is your best chance for on putting muscle mass while keeping your bodyfat at bay. But whenever you bodyfat percentage reaches a certain (undesirable) level simply tighten up your diet to all clean foods (still keeping cals high) and up the cardio. A that point I would slowly drop the cals on a weekly basis to where your maintaining the same weight but dropping bf and getter leaner. Post cycle slowly shoot the cals back up again.

  11. #11
    BuffGuy is offline Associate Member
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    OK cool...Yeah actually I didn't understand what you guys meant by "bloat" until now. Yes, it is not a "pot-belly"...just bloat from eating so much and drinking gallons of water.

    So hopefully that will go away like you guys said. Thanks.

  12. #12
    asymmetrical1's Avatar
    asymmetrical1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffGuy
    OK cool...Yeah actually I didn't understand what you guys meant by "bloat" until now. Yes, it is not a "pot-belly"...just bloat from eating so much and drinking gallons of water.

    So hopefully that will go away like you guys said. Thanks.
    bloat is an easy fix bro

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