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  1. #1
    blitz_22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Talking cypionate EQ cycle?

    whats up guys. I'm new here and I've been trying to read all the info I can. I was a member of Steriod Encyclopiedia but I cant even find the site anymore. O well

    My question is I'm about to start a cycle of cyp & EQ for 10 weeks.
    Now from what I'm reading I was about to do this all wrong because of what someone else told me but here goes
    1 300cyp
    2 300cyp 200eq
    3 " "
    4 same
    5 same
    6 same
    7 same
    8 same
    9 same
    10 same
    11 200eq

    I thought test half life was longer than eq is it ?

    my other question is I have clomid and clenbuterol . when should my pct start? Dont flame me to hard I will be looking for the answers until someone replies.

    just incase its of any importance
    Stats : 5'8 164 age 34 bf% 10 to 12

  2. #2
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    is this your first cycle? you'll want to start the clomid 3 weeks after your last eq shot. test c has 2 week half life and the eq has 3. run the test 1 week longer. your eq dose is a bit low. i'd up it to 400

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Weeks 1-14: Testosterone Cypionate @ 250mg E4D
    Weeks 1-13: EQ @ 200mg E4D
    Nova @ 10mg ED
    L-Dex @ .5 ED
    PCT 14 Days after last Cyp Shot.
    Day one: 300mg Clomid.20mg Nolva/4gm Tribulus
    Day 2-28: Clomid 100mg/Nolva 20mg/4gm Tribulus
    If you want to run your Clen during PCT you can, but I would wait at least 10 days from the time you start your Clomid......Clomid is trippy enough, let yourself adjust to it before starting the Clen.

  4. #4
    blitz_22 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2004
    its not my first cycle but it is my first thought out and a little more educated cycle. So you think I should up to 400mg per week on the EQ? My big deal is I didnt want to do to much for my size ? I know its consider a beginner cycle but I still consider myself a beginner.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by blitz_22
    its not my first cycle but it is my first thought out and a little more educated cycle. So you think I should up to 400mg per week on the EQ? My big deal is I didnt want to do to much for my size ? I know its consider a beginner cycle but I still consider myself a beginner.
    We're just giving you Commonly agreed on minimums for these particular gears.
    With the exception of the guys that seem to respond like Nitromethane does to Fire, less than 500mg of Test is "Basically" considered not to be worth the time, mainly because the difference from 250 -500mg is overwhelming, which really cannot be said about the same size jump from 500-750.
    Also, EQ seems to have the minimum requirment of 400-500mg, and even at that you won't see any significant results for Several weeks.

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