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  1. #1
    booku is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    First Follow up Blood work after 9 weeks - Sub Q Testosterone Only - Results Inside


    23 years old
    194 lbs
    Train 5 times/week

    Link to pre TRT blood work:


    CBC with differential
    WBC 5.71, 4.0-11.0 k/uL
    RBC 5.13, 4.60-6.20 M/uL
    Hemoglobin 15.8, 14.0-18.0 g/dL
    Hematocrit 45.5, 40.0-52.0 %
    MCV 88.7, 83.0-95.0 fL
    MCH 30.8, 28.0-32.0 pg
    MCHC 34.7, 32.0-36.0 g/dL
    RDW 13.5, 11.0-14.0 %
    MPV 10.5, 9.0-12.0 fL
    Platelets 179, 150-450 k/uL
    Neutrophils Percent 63.7, 47.0-82.0 %
    Neutrophils Absolute Count 3.64, 1.80-8.00 u/kL
    Lymphocytes Percent 28.9, 15.0-45.0 %
    Lymphocytes Absolute Count 1.65, 1.00-5.00 k/uL
    Monocytes Percent 5.1, 2.0-12.0 %
    Monocytes Absolute Count 0.29, 0.00-1.00 k/uL
    Eosinophils Percent 1.8, 0.0-6.0 %
    Eosinophils Absolute Count 0.10, 0.00-0.60 k/uL
    Basophils Percent 0.5, 0.0-2.0 %
    Basophils Absolute Count 0.03, 0.00-0.20 k/uL
    Nucleated RBC Percent 0.0
    Nucleated RBC Absolute Count 0.0

    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    Sodium 139, 136-145 mmol/L
    Potassium 3.8, 3.4-4.8 mmol/L
    Chloride 105, 98-107 mmol/L
    CO2 26, 22-29 mmol/L
    BUN 21, 8.9-20.6 mg/dL
    Creatinine 1.2, 0.7-1.3 mg/dL
    Glucose 81, 74-99 mg/dL
    Calcium 9.9, 8.5-10.5 mg/dL
    Total Protein 7.2, 6.0-8.3 g/dL
    Albumin 4.6, 3.2-5.2 g/dL
    Total Bilirubin 0.9, 0.3-1.2 mg/dL
    Alkaline Phosphatase 72 , 40-150 U/L
    AST 44, <35 U/L
    ALT 41, <55 U/L
    CALC GFR (mL/min/1.73m2) >60
    Anion Gap 8 , 5-15 mmol/L

    Iron 63, 60-160 ug/dL
    Transferrin 245, 190-315 mg/dL
    PERCENT SATURATION 18, 16-48 %
    Cortisol 10.3
    Ferritin 57, 20-275 ng/mL
    Free T4 1.03, 0.7-1.5 ng/dL
    TSH 1.96, 0.45-4.50 uIU/mL
    FSH <0.1
    LH <0.1
    Prolactin 5.9, <20 ng/mL
    Testosterone 920, 310-1010 ng/dL
    SHBG 29, 13-71 nmol/L
    Free Androgen Index 110.0, 19.2-123.2
    Testosterone, Free 233.1, 47.0-244.0 pg/mL

    Doctor comments:
    - concerned about elevated AST, thinks it could be related to previous drug exposure of decadron used for mononucleosis?

    My comments:
    - How concerning is elevated AST of 44 (<35 U/L)?
    - Responding very well to the testosterone only therapy at 100 mg/week injected sub-Q every 3.5 days
    - Life has changed dramatically for the better in all aspects
    - I am still waiting on the Estradiol Sensitive Assay, and a couple other tests will post when I get those next week.

    Injection chart, (Note, blood drawn on 2/27 Wednesday at roughly 5 pm, with injection schedule of Sat AM, Tues PM)

    First Follow up Blood work after 9 weeks - Sub Q Testosterone Only - Results Inside-injection-chart.jpg

  2. #2
    jomamma007 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Great levels with just 100/week. Are you on hcg as well?

  3. #3
    booku is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jomamma007 View Post
    Great levels with just 100/week. Are you on hcg as well?
    No, not at the moment, Testosterone only. Working on finding a doc that is knowledgeable and can help me further

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    What's important for our purposes here:

    Hematocrit 45.5, 40.0-52.0 %
    Fine, no need to give blood...although it's a good thing just to do anyway.

    Albumin 4.6, 3.2-5.2 g/dL

    AST 44, <35 U/L
    ALT 41, <55 U/L
    AST is slightly elevated but nothing to be alarmed about as anything like an OTC pain reliever to diet to life style and on and on can cause this. Hell, a few beers can cause this. Keep in mind, these two liver enzyme panels measure inflammation in the body or the liver and not necessarily disease of the liver. So, you could have pulled a muscle or have a minor issue somewhere else in body to cause this. I wouldn't personally be over concerned with this.

    Free T4 1.03, 0.7-1.5 ng/dL
    TSH 1.96, 0.45-4.50 uIU/mL
    If you're testing your Thyroid beyond TSH why just FT4? Make no sense. Both here look okay however, but you'd need more to make an accurate assessment on your Thyroid health.

    FSH <0.1
    LH <0.1
    HPTA suppressed. HCG BTW?

    Prolactin 5.9, <20 ng/mL

    Testosterone 920, 310-1010 ng/dL
    Free Androgen Index 110.0, 19.2-123.2
    Testosterone, Free 233.1, 47.0-244.0 pg/mL

    SHBG 29, 13-71 nmol/L

    My comments:
    - How concerning is elevated AST of 44 (<35 U/L)?
    Addressed above. I always have elevated liver enzymes as I work out hard and have a few G&T's every night.
    - Responding very well to the testosterone only therapy at 100 mg/week injected sub-Q every 3.5 days
    Excellent, don't change a thing.
    - Life has changed dramatically for the better in all aspects
    Now you know why this is a gift from God to men...luv ya man and happy for you
    - I am still waiting on the Estradiol Sensitive Assay, and a couple other tests will post when I get those next week.
    Ah ha, was going to ask for them but looking at everything here my guess they are dialed in as well.

    Live long and prosper my member friend

  5. #5
    booku is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    What's important for our purposes here:

    Hematocrit 45.5, 40.0-52.0 %
    Fine, no need to give blood...although it's a good thing just to do anyway.

    Albumin 4.6, 3.2-5.2 g/dL

    AST 44, <35 U/L
    ALT 41, <55 U/L
    AST is slightly elevated but nothing to be alarmed about as anything like an OTC pain reliever to diet to life style and on and on can cause this. Hell, a few beers can cause this. Keep in mind, these two liver enzyme panels measure inflammation in the body or the liver and not necessarily disease of the liver. So, you could have pulled a muscle or have a minor issue somewhere else in body to cause this. I wouldn't personally be over concerned with this.

    Free T4 1.03, 0.7-1.5 ng/dL
    TSH 1.96, 0.45-4.50 uIU/mL
    If you're testing your Thyroid beyond TSH why just FT4? Make no sense. Both here look okay however, but you'd need more to make an accurate assessment on your Thyroid health.

    FSH <0.1
    LH <0.1
    HPTA suppressed. HCG BTW?

    Prolactin 5.9, <20 ng/mL

    Testosterone 920, 310-1010 ng/dL
    Free Androgen Index 110.0, 19.2-123.2
    Testosterone, Free 233.1, 47.0-244.0 pg/mL

    SHBG 29, 13-71 nmol/L

    My comments:
    - How concerning is elevated AST of 44 (<35 U/L)?
    Addressed above. I always have elevated liver enzymes as I work out hard and have a few G&T's every night.
    - Responding very well to the testosterone only therapy at 100 mg/week injected sub-Q every 3.5 days
    Excellent, don't change a thing.
    - Life has changed dramatically for the better in all aspects
    Now you know why this is a gift from God to men...luv ya man and happy for you
    - I am still waiting on the Estradiol Sensitive Assay, and a couple other tests will post when I get those next week.
    Ah ha, was going to ask for them but looking at everything here my guess they are dialed in as well.

    Live long and prosper my member friend
    Thanks for the reply gdevine, always admired your ability to help others and your intellectual abilities.

    Yes, as far the slightly elevated liver enzymes it makes sense, as I train very intense and heavy, and also as I am a college student, I drink most weekends, but never to excess.

    And as far as my situation going forward. This is the second endo I have been to and basically, he is not ready to prescribe test + hcg (currently on Test only) because he still wants to search for a cause and the only thing he can come up with is I had low test (mind you severe, 70 ng/dL) due to my diet and exercise which I passionately disagree with. You know, I told him I workout yada yada, and I sometimes do a 'cutting' cycle for 6-8 weeks where I decrease cals modestly and then continue on with normal diet. And mind you, I have never been less than 8% BF, never actually competed, etc. This doc had a bad experience with a wrestler so I feel that is another reason he is implying this. So basically, to satisfy him, I would have to stop my therapy and get blood tests biweekly for six weeks. If after six weeks my levels are still low, he would prescribe what I need. Problem is I am feeling so good and I am graduating from college in May, and going to grad school in Cali or Florida in August. So I realllyyy do not want to do that 6 week test period right now. I feel like my best option is to get settled in Cali or Florida and find a highly respected TRT doc there. Thoughts? any questions you have just shoot. Also, doesn't my good cortisol number support me and not the doctor in regards to the diet/exercise theory?

    P.S. Already gave blood about 7 weeks into therapy ! I want to keep up with it like you all recommend!
    Last edited by booku; 03-10-2013 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #6
    booku is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2012
    results for estradiol and igf-1:

    igf-1: 224, 83-456 ng/mL

    z-score (male) 0.2 , -2 to +2 SD

    free estradiol, percent 3.1%, age range: adult males, 1.7-5.4, adult females, 1.6-3.6

    free estradiol, serum, 0.65 pg/mL, adult males 0.2-1.5, adult females 0.6-7.1

    SHBG: 31.2 nmol/L

    estradiol, serum, 21 pg/mL, age range for adult males 8-35 pg/mL

    So what does all this mean? I am thinking pretty darn good? remember total Test was 920 ng/dl, free test was 233.1 pg/mL

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