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  1. #1
    jgg1221 is offline Member
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    how much igf1lr3 is too much?

    ive heard it can get dangerous in really high dosages

    well some point or another i wouldnt mind doing 160mcg-200mcg/d for 25 days

    think your jaw would over grow?

  2. #2
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    How old are you? What's your cycle history with LR3 IGF-1?

    Side note more doesn't always mean more results


  3. #3
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    30-40 mcg for 30 days is enough.

  4. #4
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I'm going to do my first run soon. 50mcg for 25 days

  5. #5
    omega labs is offline Junior Member
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    This is sooooo true Johnny B... nice post bruda!!

    Keep your dosages between 50mcgs-100mcgs...


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    How old are you? What's your cycle history with LR3 IGF-1?

    Side note more doesn't always mean more results


  6. #6
    HumanPerfection1 is offline Associate Member
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    my first cycle is 70-80mcg a day, im 22, doin alot of juice with it, test/tren /winny/dbols/nolva/anavar and gh im quite happy with it, but i get really tired after i inject almost like slin

  7. #7
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    new info from Pumped Mag, info from real gurus and people with real meat,not rookies.

    "For the last several years, most bodybuilders that were privy enough to get their hands on synthetically produced IGF-1 have been using the Long R3 IGF-1 variety thinking that it will last longer in the body (12 hours as opposed to 20 minutes) and that more of it will be available (unbound) to help build and repair muscle. The theory is essentially correct, however, what bodybuilders started noticing after extended usage of Long R3 IGF-1 was that it stopped working as effectively after about 4 weeks. I began to keep notes and I worked out a system by which bodybuilders would inject Long R3 IGF-1 [about 10-20mcg (micrograms)] within 15 minutes following a workout so that the IGF-1 could circulate and locate these newly produced IGF-1 receptors on the damaged muscle cell membranes (These new receptors appear as a direct result of damage induced by intense weight training and muscular trauma). It is at these damaged cells that the body increases the number of IGF-1 receptors so that it can “signal” where the muscle repairs must be performed (this is why muscle cells GROW, preferentially, and not bone tissue or internal organs as rumored). However, as the dosage of R3 IGF-1 increases above the suggested 10-20mcg per day, the R3 IGF-1 muscle cell receptors become saturated and now all this excess IGF-1 goes straight to the highest naturally occurring concentration of IGF-1 receptors-- the extremities (i.e. feet, hands, and facial bones), whereby, side effects such as shoe and hand size increases and facial bone thickening can occur. Additionally, high Long R3 IGF-1 dosing will lead to decreases in muscle cell IGF-1 receptors thus diminishing the results seen with Long R3 IGF-1 usage over time. In summation, anecdotal reports by Long R3 IGF-1 users suggest that 10-20mcg per day of Long R3 IGF-1 causes significant muscle cell hypertrophy, and will continue to do so extremely effectively for approximately 30 days.
    Even with conservative amounts of Long R3 IGF-1, the hormone still stops functioning after a period of time, therefore, I usually suggest that bodybuilders take a 2-4 week “holiday” off the Long R3 IGF-1 after every 30-day course of administration"

    rethink all again!
    pd: Bacteriostatic water for receptor grade.

    30-40 mcg.

  8. #8
    WannabePro's Avatar
    WannabePro is offline Associate Member
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  9. #9
    Slic4788 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't understand how igf-1 can cause facial bone thickening though?

  10. #10
    WannabePro's Avatar
    WannabePro is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
    new info from Pumped Mag, info from real gurus and people with real meat,not rookies.

    "For the last several years, most bodybuilders that were privy enough to get their hands on synthetically produced IGF-1 have been using the Long R3 IGF-1 variety thinking that it will last longer in the body (12 hours as opposed to 20 minutes) and that more of it will be available (unbound) to help build and repair muscle. The theory is essentially correct, however, what bodybuilders started noticing after extended usage of Long R3 IGF-1 was that it stopped working as effectively after about 4 weeks. I began to keep notes and I worked out a system by which bodybuilders would inject Long R3 IGF-1 [about 10-20mcg (micrograms)] within 15 minutes following a workout so that the IGF-1 could circulate and locate these newly produced IGF-1 receptors on the damaged muscle cell membranes (These new receptors appear as a direct result of damage induced by intense weight training and muscular trauma). It is at these damaged cells that the body increases the number of IGF-1 receptors so that it can “signal” where the muscle repairs must be performed (this is why muscle cells GROW, preferentially, and not bone tissue or internal organs as rumored). However, as the dosage of R3 IGF-1 increases above the suggested 10-20mcg per day, the R3 IGF-1 muscle cell receptors become saturated and now all this excess IGF-1 goes straight to the highest naturally occurring concentration of IGF-1 receptors-- the extremities (i.e. feet, hands, and facial bones), whereby, side effects such as shoe and hand size increases and facial bone thickening can occur. Additionally, high Long R3 IGF-1 dosing will lead to decreases in muscle cell IGF-1 receptors thus diminishing the results seen with Long R3 IGF-1 usage over time. In summation, anecdotal reports by Long R3 IGF-1 users suggest that 10-20mcg per day of Long R3 IGF-1 causes significant muscle cell hypertrophy, and will continue to do so extremely effectively for approximately 30 days.
    Even with conservative amounts of Long R3 IGF-1, the hormone still stops functioning after a period of time, therefore, I usually suggest that bodybuilders take a 2-4 week “holiday” off the Long R3 IGF-1 after every 30-day course of administration"

    rethink all again!
    pd: Bacteriostatic water for receptor grade.

    30-40 mcg.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    i'm running it 25 days at 100mcg\day (split). after that it'll be 4 weeks til i cycle again. is this ok?

  12. #12
    Nicky B's Avatar
    Nicky B is offline Senior Member
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    I wouldn't run anything more then 120mcg's. No need for anything more when IMO 60mcg's gave me great results going to try 80 in few weeks.

  13. #13
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicky B
    I wouldn't run anything more then 120mcg's. No need for anything more when IMO 60mcg's gave me great results going to try 80 in few weeks.
    What else are you taking along with your l3 IGF-1?

  14. #14
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
    rethink all again!
    pd: Bacteriostatic water for receptor grade.

    30-40 mcg.
    Bro the guys saying they have receptor grade have been caught lying about more then one thing. They also got caught using generic HGH as the picture for their LR3. Using the insert of the same HGH as the info for their HGH. Most people believe the HGH that they are selling is the generic HGH that they used the insert from. If that is true, they are selling that HGH at almost double what you can get it for, from any other source. I think their LR3 could be from the same source, if it is they are selling it for alomst double what you can get it for domestic and theirs is international. But they have their guys that are hyping it up and making money doing it.


  15. #15
    Nicky B's Avatar
    Nicky B is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    What else are you taking along with your l3 IGF-1?
    I usually run test with my igf-1.

  16. #16
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
    oswaldosalcedo is offline Senior Member
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    Smile Receptor Grade

    I know a german lab (formal,serious lab), that have receptor grade (and other substances). they make it, but they are very expensive.
    this are the prices:

    LongTMR3 Insulin -like Growth Factor-I, (LongTMR3IGF-I), (Receptor Grade)
    20 µg BU020 135.- Euros
    100 µg BU100 230.- Euros
    1 mg BM001 1715.- Euros
    Last edited by oswaldosalcedo; 08-16-2005 at 05:15 PM.

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