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  1. #1
    sales18 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009
    Noryh Shore Maui Hawaii

    Question Somatomedin-c levels

    What is a good range for my IGF-1 levels??? I'm 38 and I got my levels from my Dr. "listed below" Are these high or low??? I was able to get a scrip for Saizen and I was also wondering what IGF-1 levels I should be shooting for "i.e. I don't know what I'm doing really"...I figure I'll get another test in 3 months to see where my levels are at.I've been on hgh now for 3 weeks,costs a fortune, and my little bottle of somatropin contains 5mg...How long should that last 1-2or 3 weeks??? how long should 5mg's last??? I used it in 18 days,now I'm on my second bottle...Any ideas on what I should be doing would be greatly appreciated...

    Component Results
    Component Your Value Standard Range

  2. #2
    Deep_Fried is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008
    333ng/ml is "before" you started HGH?

    I would never have given you a script for anti aging with those levels!! Many that are on therapy (younger than you) dream of reaching those levels and you have them naturally...
    Anyhow, it seems like you are concerned with an anti aging prespective in the way you phrase your post so that is the reason for the tone of my answer. If you are interested in a BB dose, thats a different story and there is a wealth of protocol info on this already.

    36-40 years old range is 109-284ng/ml

    Your value of 333 is above average and EXCELLENT!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Somatomedin-c levels-igf1refranges.jpg  
    Last edited by Deep_Fried; 03-06-2009 at 01:23 PM.

  3. #3
    sales18 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Noryh Shore Maui Hawaii
    Yes, 333ng/ml is my level before I started the hgh...And yes I'm Taking hgh for all of it's benifits,especially packing on some good quality muscle...And still curious For how long 5mg hgh should last me for a BB dose...Thanks so much for the info, I'm Going to start fileing all of this great advise I see here on this site. Again I appreciate the IGF-1 reference ranges chart...

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