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  1. #1
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Exclamation 1st cycle a quick 4-6 week of tren-a. Advice?

    I want to do a quick 4-6 week of just pure tren -a to bust through a plateau. Im running clom/nolva a week before and about a month after as well also have letro on hand incase the gyno hits. Just a few ?'s

    on research done i have heard it doesnt aromatize but reading hear for the past month it seems like a big concern.. So yes or no?

    Dont want to run test cause i hear it can speed up gyno or worsen all other estro sides since its a progestin...what do you think?

    What do you recomend for pct?

    Also dont want to do a test only cycle cause of fear of bitch tits, give me any side thats not bitch tits.

    working out for 6 years on and off dedicated for about 2 years

    220 lbs
    about 14% bf
    clean diet lots of chicken and egg whites + whey

    just some extra info. I know a lot about juice and their sides but i strongly feel their is always someone who knows more

  2. #2
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Oh forgot wanted to do 75mg eod. Thanks

  3. #3
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARBENDR View Post
    I want to do a quick 4-6 week of just pure tren -a to bust through a plateau. Im running clom/nolva a week before and about a month after as well also have letro on hand incase the gyno hits. Just a few ?'s

    on research done i have heard it doesnt aromatize but reading hear for the past month it seems like a big concern.. So yes or no?

    Dont want to run test cause i hear it can speed up gyno or worsen all other estro sides since its a progestin...what do you think?

    What do you recomend for pct?

    Also dont want to do a test only cycle cause of fear of bitch tits, give me any side thats not bitch tits.

    working out for 6 years on and off dedicated for about 2 years

    220 lbs
    about 14% bf
    clean diet lots of chicken and egg whites + whey

    just some extra info. I know a lot about juice and their sides but i strongly feel their is always someone who knows more

    Bro tren only?? And you're in Miami?? So am I.

  4. #4
    T_Own's Avatar
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    you obviously haven't done enough research if you think a tren only first cycle is better than test only... its not like you inject test and the next day you have b cups. at first its hardly even noticeable to anyone else and you can reverse it with letro.

    so why are you taking pct things BEFORE a cycle then way too long afterward?

    really, you need to do some research. i'm sure your diet isn't that great either, if you list lots of whey as part of it

  5. #5
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    hope u dont wanna be sexually active bro ..esp with no test. tren = first cycle = bad idea. tren + no test + 1st cycle = REALLY bad idea IMO. Id do a low dose test cycle with estro control from the start (armidex or nolva/proviron ) if u are that concerned with androgenic sides. Im a firm believer in test only for first cycle. here is my reasoning why test only should be first cycle:

    So many reasons a test only cycle should come first.
    1- it is the bodies predominant naturally occuring hormone that will establish muscle mass.
    2- It will -whether u start with it first cycle or not become the base for 90% of all future cycles , and if u think that doesnt apply cause u only wanna do one cycle...i got news for ya- after that one cycle you WILL wanna do more!
    3- You need to know the effects of test on your body throughout a cycle - that way when when you do stack other compounds with it you can get a true guage or feeling for what they provide for you in terms of gains , sides etc. Almost all other feelings you establish on different steroids will be based on their interaction and synergy with test . This will be your "baseline". Later you might explore how 2 or 3 compounds (maybe more) synergistically interact with one another...but you need an accurate baseline - test will provide that as it is prob the only compound that stacks well with virtually every steroid ..
    4 - IT WORKS ...WELL!
    5- straightforward ,relatively easy pct
    6- relatively easy to control sides
    Oh and did i mention it works..WELL!

  6. #6
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    My diet is on point i dont just eat eggs and whey.

    6am 6-8 whites 1 whole 1 cup oat meal
    9am 50 gram whey w/1tblsp pb
    1pm 2 chicken breast/ small sweet potato
    4pm fresh fruit apples, pineapple, etc and a yogurt
    7pm post workout shake 50 grams whey, pb, vitamins (animal pak) and a bannana
    10 pm small chicken breast

    im taking as much anti estrogen to try and guarantee myself no bitch tits plus i have seen lots of people here saying its good to start the anti-e b4 the cycle . Like i said i know enough but some one always knows a bit more dont need to get flamed bro just asking some advice

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    hope u dont wanna be sexually active bro ..esp with no test. tren = first cycle = bad idea. tren + no test + 1st cycle = REALLY bad idea IMO. Id do a low dose test cycle with estro control from the start (armidex or nolva/proviron ) if u are that concerned with androgenic sides. Im a firm believer in test only for first cycle. here is my reasoning why test only should be first cycle:

    So many reasons a test only cycle should come first.
    1- it is the bodies predominant naturally occuring hormone that will establish muscle mass.
    2- It will -whether u start with it first cycle or not become the base for 90% of all future cycles , and if u think that doesnt apply cause u only wanna do one cycle...i got news for ya- after that one cycle you WILL wanna do more!
    3- You need to know the effects of test on your body throughout a cycle - that way when when you do stack other compounds with it you can get a true guage or feeling for what they provide for you in terms of gains , sides etc. Almost all other feelings you establish on different steroids will be based on their interaction and synergy with test . This will be your "baseline". Later you might explore how 2 or 3 compounds (maybe more) synergistically interact with one another...but you need an accurate baseline - test will provide that as it is prob the only compound that stacks well with virtually every steroid ..
    4 - IT WORKS ...WELL!
    5- straightforward ,relatively easy pct
    6- relatively easy to control sides
    Oh and did i mention it works..WELL!
    Good post and agree^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  8. #8
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Thanx jimmy! That swhat im talking anout! An honest answer with great info **bump** good lookin

  9. #9
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    So im guessing do away with the tren all together?
    Another reason i wanted to just go tren cause i wanted just straight lean gains no bloat no water retention just wanted to go with a simple affective cycle.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARBENDR View Post
    So im guessing do away with the tren all together?
    Another reason i wanted to just go tren cause i wanted just straight lean gains no bloat no water retention just wanted to go with a simple affective cycle.
    Yes, do away with Tren,
    Stick with test only.

  11. #11
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^ agreed - never seen this man give bad advice (well there is the eq thing *L* but thats opinion based on his experience.. not advice *L*)
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-16-2008 at 12:12 PM.

  12. #12
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Alright i'll let you know how it goes with the test thanks for the info. Could have made a big mistake with out you guys, thanks again

  13. #13
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    One more ? Should i run letro only if i feel gyno coming on? When should i start using arimidex , nolva, clomid? And if so whitch ones do you recomend. I read the entire spread dr. Tits wrote very helpful but just want you opinon?

  14. #14
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    how much test / what ester r u running /week? That info would be helpful(unless i missed it above?) and then u can set up pct correctly....what were u thinking as far as pct?

  15. #15
    T_Own's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARBENDR View Post
    My diet is on point i dont just eat eggs and whey.

    6am 6-8 whites 1 whole 1 cup oat meal
    9am 50 gram whey w/1tblsp pb
    1pm 2 chicken breast/ small sweet potato
    4pm fresh fruit apples, pineapple, etc and a yogurt
    7pm post workout shake 50 grams whey, pb, vitamins (animal pak) and a bannana
    10 pm small chicken breast

    im taking as much anti estrogen to try and guarantee myself no bitch tits plus i have seen lots of people here saying its good to start the anti-e b4 the cycle . Like i said i know enough but some one always knows a bit more dont need to get flamed bro just asking some advice
    thats not much food.. 3 decent meals, one of all fruit? no protein? and 2 of just shake + pb?

  16. #16
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    100 mg eod for 12 weeks
    .50 arimidex from week through 12
    and taper off during pct along with nolva and clomid

  17. #17
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    My body actually does well on this diet, everyone is diffrent i have a slow metab so my body actually gains real good with this diet. If i have too much protein and less carbs i start to feel lethargic making harder to finish my cardio and weight training. I didnt just come up with this diet, its what i have found works best for me through trial and error

  18. #18
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Its about 250 grams of clean protein

    whats your problem if your not gonna help just back up and get off my case if it was vice versa i would be trying to help not flame

  19. #19
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Correction!! Not .50 1 thru 12
    1mg 1-12 then taper, sorry about that

  20. #20
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARBENDR View Post
    My diet is on point i dont just eat eggs and whey.

    6am 6-8 whites 1 whole 1 cup oat meal
    good meal
    9am 50 gram whey w/1tblsp pb
    add some real food here or you can switch this meal with your 6am one to get the benefits of a shake in the morning to boost blood amino acid levels, double the pb
    1pm 2 chicken breast/ small sweet potato
    how much pro/carb is this, i would shoot for 50-60g of protein and the 60-70g of carbs
    4pm fresh fruit apples, pineapple, etc and a yogurt
    this isn't a meal, a meal is either pro/carb or pro/fat, you can have the fruit if you must, but i would change it to two bananas and some tuna
    7pm post workout shake 50 grams whey, pb, vitamins (animal pak) and a bannana
    bump up shake to 60g of protein and triple the bananas, you need carbs here
    10 pm small chicken breast
    half your protein from chicken, half from cottage cheese(made of casein proteins which take 8-12 hours to digest), add some good fats here like pb or a salad with olive oil dressing
    im taking as much anti estrogen to try and guarantee myself no bitch tits plus i have seen lots of people here saying its good to start the anti-e b4 the cycle . Like i said i know enough but some one always knows a bit more dont need to get flamed bro just asking some advice
    bold, thought i'd help you with your diet a bit

  21. #21
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    eod ? are u using prop? im getting a little thrown off here bro .... the armidex ..the tapering ...tapering into pct ...not jiving man bout this: a straight up 500mgs/week test cycle 10 -12 weeks .5 armidex eod ...followed by a solid pct 2 weeks after last injection if u r using test e or test c( start pct 3 days post inject if test p). Solid pct could be many things but for kicks lets say 100mgs clomid/40mgs nolva per day 1st week followed by 3-4 weeks of 50mgs clomid/20mgs nolva per day. Maybe something like that?
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-16-2008 at 03:52 PM. Reason: edited pct - my bad

  22. #22
    T_Own's Avatar
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    phate, half protein from cottage cheese? i can eat a couple spoonfuls but thats like 8oz lol

    i'm also completely lost with your arimidex schemes

  23. #23
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    phate, half protein from cottage cheese? i can eat a couple spoonfuls but thats like 8oz lol

    i'm also completely lost with your arimidex schemes
    my bad, i didn't explain

    what i mean is eat 25-30g of protein from chicken and 20-30g from cottage cheese, and noone ever said dieting was easy, lol, i eat two cups of rice and 10-12oz of steak or chicken in some of my meals since i'm bulking, it was fun the first couple days but now it's a pain in the ass

  24. #24
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    yeah i know what you mean. but i draw the line at that much CC. i understood what you meant, doesn't it take a lot of it to get a good amount of protein?

    and i put tabasco sauce on pretty much everything. very little sodium and makes things taste better. plus it helps get you to drink more water lol

  25. #25
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    yeah i know what you mean. but i draw the line at that much CC. i understood what you meant, doesn't it take a lot of it to get a good amount of protein?
    mine is 15g per half cup, so you were right on the amount
    and i put tabasco sauce on pretty much everything. very little sodium and makes things taste better. plus it helps get you to drink more water lol
    i know, i have 6 types of hot sauce in my fridge and about 50 different spices, lol

  26. #26
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Sorry i couldnt give exact details i was at work and had to put as much info as possible as quick as possible here it is more detailed and what i meant about "tapering the arimidex "

    -week 1-12 test e (500 mg a week, 250mg every mon, thurs
    -week 1-12 arimidex 1mg ed (then taper down to .5 ed during week 13-17 for pct)
    -week 13-15 100mg clomid/ 40mg nolva
    -week 16-17 (or 18) 50mg clomid/20mg nolva
    (will keep letro on hand just in case)

    make more sense? This is what i meant about tapering down the arimidex for pct. Sorry for sounding like a dumb ass!


  27. #27
    BARBENDR is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the help jimmy **bump** for the info

  28. #28
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    start your pct 14 days after last shot not 7. Take the arimidex .25mg/ed or .5 eod. 1mg ed is way to much.

  29. #29
    bmit is offline Member
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    take phate's diet advice and run the 500mg test wk - you will be a happy bigger man

  30. #30
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    hope u dont wanna be sexually active bro ..esp with no test. tren = first cycle = bad idea. tren + no test + 1st cycle = REALLY bad idea IMO. Id do a low dose test cycle with estro control from the start (armidex or nolva/proviron ) if u are that concerned with androgenic sides. Im a firm believer in test only for first cycle. here is my reasoning why test only should be first cycle:

    So many reasons a test only cycle should come first.
    1- it is the bodies predominant naturally occuring hormone that will establish muscle mass.
    2- It will -whether u start with it first cycle or not become the base for 90% of all future cycles , and if u think that doesnt apply cause u only wanna do one cycle...i got news for ya- after that one cycle you WILL wanna do more!
    3- You need to know the effects of test on your body throughout a cycle - that way when when you do stack other compounds with it you can get a true guage or feeling for what they provide for you in terms of gains , sides etc. Almost all other feelings you establish on different steroids will be based on their interaction and synergy with test . This will be your "baseline". Later you might explore how 2 or 3 compounds (maybe more) synergistically interact with one another...but you need an accurate baseline - test will provide that as it is prob the only compound that stacks well with virtually every steroid ..
    4 - IT WORKS ...WELL!
    5- straightforward ,relatively easy pct
    6- relatively easy to control sides
    Oh and did i mention it works..WELL!
    Good post Jimmy Dude knows his shit !!!

  31. #31
    boDAWG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BARBENDR View Post
    My diet is on point i dont just eat eggs and whey.

    6am 6-8 whites 1 whole 1 cup oat meal
    9am 50 gram whey w/1tblsp pb
    1pm 2 chicken breast/ small sweet potato
    4pm fresh fruit apples, pineapple, etc and a yogurt
    7pm post workout shake 50 grams whey, pb, vitamins (animal pak) and a bannana
    10 pm small chicken breast

    im taking as much anti estrogen to try and guarantee myself no bitch tits plus i have seen lots of people here saying its good to start the anti-e b4 the cycle . Like i said i know enough but some one always knows a bit more dont need to get flamed bro just asking some advice

    not to burn on you bro but your diet is NOWHERE near even good, you need to work on your diet, if you would have had a good SOLID diet with ENOUGH protein, and Carbs you probably would have made bigger gains in the past 2 years than you did

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