boy did you just open up a big can of worms
ok, I won't rant on Obs thread as tempted as I am to talk about how AI's effect gains
so here is some direction
if your like Obs and your not sensitive to elevated estrogen, and you can get by letting your E levels elevate significantly while on cycle while your androgens are elevated, your going to get a significant increase in growth factors and anabolism . so its a big benefit to not have to use AI's on cycle, if your going after muscle mass and size .
guys that are estrogen sensitive can't take advantage of this benefit to the degree that guys like Obs can (and if your just a bit gyno prone, you can still let estrogen levels elevate to get the growth factors, you just use Masteron and Nolvadex to limit its effect at the receptors themselves in things like breast tissue)
Still sore as shit.
Abandoned workout halfway through and helped gf.
Could not get warmed up.
Iso lateral machine x3 light
Rev peck deck x3 light to heavy
Laterals db x3
Front plate raise x3 called it quits...
Gf stole weight by a little gym princesses phone.
She had the all scattered everywhere and was bullshitting with people who couldn't see that she only came to the gym to get her narcissistic needs met and instagram ass shots.
Girl started to say something to my gf but she stopped. Wonder why....
Gf is doubting herself constantly. I am supportive and encouraging and being easy on her.
Told her she needs to lose the self doubt and embrace the pain. Make the decision to go to the gym once and punish herself with productive behavior.
She likes the drive there and the drive back though lol.
Hope I start feeling better.
Last edited by Obs; 02-21-2019 at 12:56 AM.
Oh... Daily gratitude
I am grateful my gf is so smart. She really is very wise of the world. A wise woman is rare. You won't pull the wool over her eyes. She sees you a mile out.
Felt much less discomfort.
It is lack of sleep and diet.
Thanks btw Ken.
Slept in today. I will see what work brings tomorrow.
Diet has been shit. Never hungry and havent been preparing meals necessary.
It will change. Still have a lot of personal shit to deal with but its leveling out. Lady and I have been doing good. Trying to go out of my way to put extra effort in her direction. Its not that hard to show them.
Make them a drink before your own without them asking etc. Just easy to forget.
No gym today it would have set me back. Simply not repaired enough. Hoping this snow will leave and be the last round we get. Weather has fucked me for a month.
Today I am grateful for being able to have a brief moment of mental peace. I get caught up on the wirlwind and have to lose myself it seems. Anger has always been my tool to overcome things. It's hard to turn off because then I feel I am vulnerable. I watched "A Star is Born" with the GF and actually forgot my little problems for a bit. She cried a bit telling me about how she feels about me. Thats not a common thing for a woman today.
I have a lot of shitty traits.
Unless I have a life or death battle I feel lost and little things build. I find myself waking up thinking about the situation and switch on the anger over coffee.
Even just making a dozen phone calls I have been dreading and setting a schedule is a good accomplished day when things are slow.
I have spent enough time overcoming obstacles I have learned only a head on method. If something is a threat or burden I charge it before it can grow. I never plan and prepare for a wolf attack. I just start looking for wolves to kill. Fact is I like killing wolves. I only lose my shit when its just den after den of wolf pups that need smacked against a rock.
Bunch of little bitchy wolf pups yapping at my door that aren't even worth a bullet, but gd there are a million of the annoying little assholes. Where in the hell are their parents ffs!?
I need a fight not a damn puppymill.
Anyway I gotta lose this mentality.
Need to turn of the anxiety and anger more often.
Prepare better and relax more.
Id literally kill over if i ran that much gear..hell im runin 25 mg winny and 180mg test pw and i worry about my liver. Lol bro you are hardcore , good luck with it man i wanna pull the trigger on a big cycle but i to chicken right now. Ill just watch and listen
Attachment 175809
Skipped injections so I had to deal with this and two more ml later today.
Oddly enough I need slin right now more than anything. Just cant eat for shit lately.
And I dont wear panties unless I am playing dress up.
Them drag curls are good shit btw.
I threw them in toward the end and holy shit they lit me up.
They are a strict form exercise which I usually like.
Keep elbows tucked and it is a fire in your lower and outer bis
Charher what do you like about bfr training? How do you do it?
BFR training, in my opinion, compliments a normal workout. I like it even better if your doing feeders.
Using it to compliment is like having a quick shot of slin. You fill the muscle with blood which also feeds the muscle- not a GH explanation, but I think you understand.
BFR as the only workout I would say no.
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Also charger what is your opinion on timing?
I have an issue with pumps.
I get so damn full during arm workout it is hard to get past a 90° bend with any weight on curls.
Likewise my arms will not straighten all the way even with no pump.
My range of motion is shit.
Do you think it would be beneficial still?
Beneficial- yes. To straighten your arms - no
I do my regular workout and I do 4 sets of high reps , low weight.
Try dumbell curls with 25 -30 lbs for 3-4 sets of 30 . Superset tris if you want. You’ll be crying like a pussy.
You do need to have the BFR bands.
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Hate to sound like that guy , what's BFR ?
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Do blood clots count as bfr?
I hope you dont mind I added a daily gratitude item in following your lead.
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