After reading so many threads about people having sex drive issues and libido issues i feel its time for us to get together and have a post explaining the following-
- The best anti-estrogens to take after a cycle and what doses, and time periods, at present there are so many posts all stating different things, looking at these from a new users point of view its too confusing,
- The supplements to take to bring testosterone levels back to normal or help increase them, i.e. cilia’s, zma, with information on the doses, where to get them from and how long to take them for.
- What to take during cycle to keep our sex drive and stop our balls from shrinking, we’ve all read silly things like take Viagra, or get your girlfriend a dildo, but that’s not good enough, we need to know what to take, how much, and whether it will compromise our gains.
Whoever can provide any information on any of the above points feel free to contribute, it would be even better if links to facts, studies of previous findings are posted, (no stupid replies please, only knowledgeable, serious, experienced members replies needed)
Hopefully once the points have been answered i will go on to edit it and move it to the educational threads.
We should all contribute to this thread if we can, because we share a few things in common
- 1) Love sex, (if you don’t they boy you have serious issues)
- 2) Don’t want to get embarrassed when in bed, i.e. have problems getting it up, or find it hard to get aroused.
- 3) Want to protect and maintain our manhood. (Cumon no one wants their co*k to shrink and balls disappear do they)