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  1. #1
    uncgboro's Avatar
    uncgboro is offline Associate Member
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    Arrow Help me with 2nd cycle

    I want to start my second cycle and need some help with compounds. I previously ran test-e @ 500/wk for about 14 wks.

    I am thinking of stacking one compound with a test. I am unsure whether I will go for test-e again or switch to test-p. Any suggestions on a stack with some test for my second cycle? I was thinking of Masteron or Equipoise or maybe Halo. I am not trying to cut, but if it happened it would be ok. I am trying to get as strong and fast as possible before the spring baseball season starts. Also, anything that will help advance my weak rotator cuff is a plus. (I am doing PT for the injured cuff).

    Here are my stats:

    23 yrs. old.
    5'10" 193 lbs.
    aprox. 12% BF

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncgboro View Post
    I want to start my second cycle and need some help with compounds. I previously ran test-e @ 500/wk for about 14 wks.

    I am thinking of stacking one compound with a test. I am unsure whether I will go for test-e again or switch to test-p. Any suggestions on a stack with some test for my second cycle? I was thinking of Masteron or Equipoise or maybe Halo. I am not trying to cut, but if it happened it would be ok. I am trying to get as strong and fast as possible before the spring baseball season starts. Also, anything that will help advance my weak rotator cuff is a plus. (I am doing PT for the injured cuff).

    Here are my stats:

    23 yrs. old.
    5'10" 193 lbs.
    aprox. 12% BF
    EQ and masteron are very poor choices for compounds to be stacked along side Test for your goals.

    Your 2nd cycle should be designed off your first, so if you had great results with just test only, stick with that but add an oral kickstart, this should help boost your 2nd cycle.

    I feel you shouldnt be trying to run with loads of compunds, if one compound worked for you before it will again with a little bit of additional help ie oral kickstart IMHO you will experience great gains again, gains and results are alot to do with diet, so keep swapping and changing things in this area for more development.

    If your injured i wouldnt advice you go back on cycle, i would wait till full repaired...

  3. #3
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    how long ago did you finish your last cycle?

  4. #4
    uncgboro's Avatar
    uncgboro is offline Associate Member
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    I finished my last cycle early sept. As for the gains, I went from 176 to 196 during the cycle, then dropped to 188 and have been eating to maintain that and put on a few lbs. and are about 193ish now.

    So do you think that I should maybe try a kickstart of anadrol ? Would that be 4 weeks of that @ 50mg/day with running some test @ 500/wk shot EOD?

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Anadrol would be my choice for a kickstart or your cycle. Im not a big fan of Dbol although some are. Your dosages look fine. You could get by with Test Prop EOD, but I would shoot ED. Its your second cycle, I would stick to test E or C shot twice a week. I know a lot of guys that run fast esthers doing EOD injections but Im a firm believer in injecting these ED. The guys that I know that shoot EOD experience more sides, such as acne.

    Do some research into Deca . Im not suggesting a high dose, but low dose for joint support. I run deca/NPP as low as 150mg per week and my elbows feel much better. A buddy of mine tore 3 upper pec tendons from the bone this past year. The surgeon told him to always run Deca in every cycle ( he was not running deca then). The surgeon said deca was the only steroid proven to not only heal but strengthen connective tissue.

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