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  1. #1
    mikeysauce is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    Anavar/Winstrol prevents DBOLS from aromatizing??? True???

    I was reading an article on that was posted by "Big Cat" giving some examples of steroid stacks. On his "oral only" stack that consisted of anavar , winstrol , and dbols... he states that

    "Because anavar and winny block the aromatisation off d-bol, there isn't much post-cycle estrogen so the use of clomid/Nolva afterwards is limited but still advised. It should be started immediately after the cycle is over."

    If this is true would it be wiser just to use dbols and not dbols/anavar to jump start a cycle. The whole point of using dbols for the first couple weeks is to retain water to help with gains in the long run. If the anavar or winny blocks the aromatisation of the dbols then there would be no water retention because we all know that the conversion of testoserone to estrogen leads to water rentition. Hence, wouldn't there be greater gains from just dbol alone?

  2. #2
    mikeysauce is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    I mean I knew winstrol had some "anti-estrogenic properties" but I had no idea that anavar would do the same thing.....

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeysauce
    I was reading an article on that was posted by "Big Cat" giving some examples of steroid stacks. On his "oral only" stack that consisted of anavar , winstrol , and dbols... he states that

    "Because anavar and winny block the aromatisation off d-bol, there isn't much post-cycle estrogen so the use of clomid/Nolva afterwards is limited but still advised. It should be started immediately after the cycle is over."

    If this is true would it be wiser just to use dbols and not dbols/anavar to jump start a cycle. The whole point of using dbols for the first couple weeks is to retain water to help with gains in the long run. If the anavar or winny blocks the aromatisation of the dbols then there would be no water retention because we all know that the conversion of testoserone to estrogen leads to water rentition. Hence, wouldn't there be greater gains from just dbol alone?
    I've never heard of anyone purely running Dbol for this reason. Yes, 'some' water retention has a positive affect for muscle gains, but Dbol does yield some muscle gains, be it with water retention of not.

    I've also never heard of Winny/Var "blocking" the aromotasation of Dbol. Dbol is the only one of the 3 that aromotases, yes.

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Many (like myself) disagree with BIG CATs theories.Go over to CEM and do a search.He's been beatin' on that board more times than a redheaded step child.I haven't seen him venture to avant.I doubt he would....take what that individual says with a grain off salt.And please......

  5. #5
    mikeysauce is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2005
    lol...yea that is what i thought... i mean i know plenty of people who've jumpstarted with var and dbols and ballooned up...i really doubt that anavar or even for that matter the winny could somehow prevent it to a noticeable degree..

  6. #6
    Rushzilla's Avatar
    Rushzilla is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2005
    How about HCG blocking the dbol bloat?

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