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  1. #1
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    First Time cycle looking for advice

    Let me start by saying I am currently 5'10" 180lbs and 19 years old. I am not going to start any cycle until 2 summers from now when I am 21 years old. I hope to be around 190lbs @ 8-10% bodyfat before I start.

    I plan on doing only 1 cycle, I know everyone says that to begin with, but I believe I really will only do 1 cycle if I get good gains off of it.

    After doing some research I've read that Equipoise + Test Cypionate is effective and can be used as a first cycle by those who are educated. I plan on doing a ton of research on this stuff before I commit to a cycle.

    Here's an early plan on what I think my cycle should look like.

    12-Week Cycle
    Equipoise 350mg/week
    Test Cypionate 500mg/week
    Nolvadex 30mg/week (plus 2 weeks after cycle ends)

    Clomid (2 weeks after cycle ends?) 1'st day 350mg Next 10 days 100mg next 10 days 50mg
    Is a natty T-booster such as Act X beneficial?

    And of course a high calorie diet (5k cals) and good training regimen.

    From experience, does training during a cycle change very significantly? I know most people train more often, but how much more often does that mean?

    Thanks for any responses, I want to know as much as I can about this cycle before I run it.

  2. #2
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakmentality View Post
    Let me start by saying I am currently 5'10" 180lbs and 19 years old. I am not going to start any cycle until 2 summers from now when I am 21 years old. I hope to be around 190lbs @ 8-10% bodyfat before I start.

    I plan on doing only 1 cycle, I know everyone says that to begin with, but I believe I really will only do 1 cycle if I get good gains off of it.

    After doing some research I've read that Equipoise + Test Cypionate is effective and can be used as a first cycle by those who are educated. I plan on doing a ton of research on this stuff before I commit to a cycle.

    Here's an early plan on what I think my cycle should look like.

    12-Week Cycle
    Equipoise 350mg/week
    Test Cypionate 500mg/week
    Nolvadex 30mg/week (plus 2 weeks after cycle ends)

    Clomid (2 weeks after cycle ends?) 1'st day 350mg Next 10 days 100mg next 10 days 50mg
    Is a natty T-booster such as Act X beneficial?

    And of course a high calorie diet (5k cals) and good training regimen.

    From experience, does training during a cycle change very significantly? I know most people train more often, but how much more often does that mean?

    Thanks for any responses, I want to know as much as I can about this cycle before I run it.
    Welcome. 21 is still too young. Read some of the young and steroid forum stickies. Best thing you can do is eat healthy and train naturally until 24+.

  3. #3
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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  4. #4
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    With your well being in mind. It would be best to run one compound for your first cycle. Test-E is a common first cycle choice. I would keep it at a moderate 300mg jabs. At 21,your still far too young. Wait till 25+, build your foundation till then, that way, when you do join the darkside, you will be more likely to keep those gains.

  5. #5
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    I know most will say it's too young, but I know I can't wait that long and I'll have a very solid base by the time I run it. I'm here to look for advice for when I run the cycle, but I appreciate you looking out for me.

  6. #6
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply. I've read mixed opinions about a test only first run. I feel as though the mentality is changing from that to a cycle with 2 compounds although I could very well be wrong.

  7. #7
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Could I get a response on the effectiveness of this cycle and if the dosages & PCT is correct. I appreciate the concern of my age, but I'd appreciate an unbiased review of the dosages etc..

  8. #8
    sixoner is offline Member
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    make sure your diet and training are squared away bro..its really impressive what some solid work and diet can do. a lot of guys come on here and say their diet is good to go and when they post it up for review lets just say they're lucky to be growing hair on their nuts much less any muscle..

  9. #9
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixoner View Post
    make sure your diet and training are squared away bro..its really impressive what some solid work and diet can do. a lot of guys come on here and say their diet is good to go and when they post it up for review lets just say they're lucky to be growing hair on their nuts much less any muscle..
    Hey, I'm actually a Kines major & I'm going into Nutrition for my masters post-grad so I'm very knowledgeable about nutrition. It's a bit tough when I'm at college at the cafeteria, but I'm going to run this in the summer when I'll have access to quality food, and have plenty of time to workout so I'll be sure to have a diet regimen in place long before I start this cycle. Thanks for the advice

  10. #10
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Planning a cycle at 19 while waiting until you turn 21....either way it is too early. When you turn 21 you will still have TONS of HORMONES!!!

    You would be a lot better off eating and training correctly
    Doing everything naturally to build a great base.... until you reach your mid 20's...
    please re-think this plan...
    and please read this by Marcus
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-13-2010 at 04:40 PM.

  11. #11
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Planning a cycle at 19 while waiting until you turn 21....either way it is too early. When you turn 21 you will still have TONS of HORMONES!!!

    You would be a lot better off eating and training correctly
    Doing everything naturally to build a great base.... until you reach your mid 20's...
    please re-think this plan...
    and please read this by Marcus
    I understand where you are coming from, but I think planning the cycle now is a very good idea. If I start studying now I'll know a lot before I start my cycle. I just read the article you linked me to, but it's far from conclusive. It basically states you have a higher chance of irreversible side effects if you cycle under the age of 25 y/o. I already know this, however from the knowledge I have gathered it is still a small chance of irreversible side effects if the cycle+SERM & PCT is done correctly. Don't most irreversible side effects come from use by unknowledgable individuals who do not use a SERM or don't have any PCT?

    Don't get me wrong, I know there is still a chance of bad sides, but is there any data on what that % is under 25y/o vs. 25y/o or over. I would be interested to know

  12. #12
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakmentality View Post
    I understand where you are coming from, but I think planning the cycle now is a very good idea. If I start studying now I'll know a lot before I start my cycle. I just read the article you linked me to, but it's far from conclusive. It basically states you have a higher chance of irreversible side effects if you cycle under the age of 25 y/o. I already know this, however from the knowledge I have gathered it is still a small chance of irreversible side effects if the cycle+SERM & PCT is done correctly. Don't most irreversible side effects come from use by unknowledgable individuals who do not use a SERM or don't have any PCT?

    Don't get me wrong, I know there is still a chance of bad sides, but is there any data on what that % is under 25y/o vs. 25y/o or over. I would be interested to know

    You will have to wait and hear from the guys who wish that they had not cycled early and why they feel this way I suppose.
    I know you are 19 now and doing your research which is good for planning for 21..but even 21 is still too early as many members here believe to be the case. So keep reading and learning until you see the big picture...please.

  13. #13
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    No offense but something inside me says you are doing this cycle much sooner then 21 and that you are telling us 21 as to keep the lecturing down. I am not flaming you but you should really consider what you are doing to yourself at such a young age wether you are waiting or not. Even at 21 you are looking at causing some harm to yourself.

  14. #14
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    ^^^ THANK YOU!!! anyone else want to chime in? 19 going on 21? and why not a good idea?

  15. #15
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Would something like H-drol be recommended over this cycle at 21y/o? less harmful?

  16. #16
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    You are not even 21 are 19..
    Again...I know you are doing your "research" for "when" you "turn" 21...
    please hold off on ALL AND EVERYTHING ....and please keep reading....there are many post where the guys wish they had waited....many...if you look around you will find them..

    Any of this can have wear and tear on your natural testosterone and possibly give you erectile dysfunction at an early age thus leading you to the Over 40 forum in your early 20's and force you to stay on some type of HRT for a long long the emotional lows which can happen too....
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-14-2010 at 12:31 PM.

  17. #17
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Any of this can have wear and tear on your natural testosterone and possibly give you erectile dysfunction at an early age thus leading you to the Over 40 forum in your early 20's and force you to stay on some type of HRT for a long long the emotional lows which can happen too....
    This is it in a nut shell. You dont want for any reason to surpress your natural hormones, down the road you will definitly regret it. Your natural hormones are high enough right now to get cycle like gains with out doing any future damage. Stop being fuc'n lazy and get your diet together. I only have the cafeteria to eat out of...what no food stores around? I spend 3 hours every sunday cooking so I have food all week. You already making excuses to use, with out a real good diet your not going to get keepable gains from a cycle. So by going on , eating out of the cafeteria, surpressing your natural hormones your just fuc'n yourself up just to use steriods . Again your just lazy.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  18. #18
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This is it in a nut shell. You dont want for any reason to surpress your natural hormones, down the road you will definitly regret it. Your natural hormones are high enough right now to get cycle like gains with out doing any future damage. Stop being fuc'n lazy and get your diet together. I only have the cafeteria to eat out of...what no food stores around? I spend 3 hours every sunday cooking so I have food all week. You already making excuses to use, with out a real good diet your not going to get keepable gains from a cycle. So by going on , eating out of the cafeteria, surpressing your natural hormones your just fuc'n yourself up just to use steriods. Again your just lazy.
    agreed and well said BG...

  19. #19
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This is it in a nut shell. You dont want for any reason to surpress your natural hormones, down the road you will definitly regret it. Your natural hormones are high enough right now to get cycle like gains with out doing any future damage. Stop being fuc'n lazy and get your diet together. I only have the cafeteria to eat out of...what no food stores around? I spend 3 hours every sunday cooking so I have food all week. You already making excuses to use, with out a real good diet your not going to get keepable gains from a cycle. So by going on , eating out of the cafeteria, surpressing your natural hormones your just fuc'n yourself up just to use steriods. Again your just lazy.
    I'm not lazy at all, so don't try to act like you know wtf my life is like. I train hard at the gym 5 days a week. If I could cook food for myself I would. I live in a dorm where there is no place to cook and indoor grills etc.. are not allowed. I'm living off campus next year when I'm 20 so my diet will be back to normal and I'll be back to cooking for myself almost everyday. I'm not using any excuses to use I'm very satisified with my progress over 2.5 years of lifting, but I want to be huge not just big.

    Oh, and lol @ saying anyone under 25 using steroids is lazy, brb half the pro bodybuilders in the world are lazy as hell.

  20. #20
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakmentality View Post
    I'm not lazy at all, so don't try to act like you know wtf my life is like. I train hard at the gym 5 days a week. If I could cook food for myself I would. I live in a dorm where there is no place to cook and indoor grills etc.. are not allowed. I'm living off campus next year when I'm 20 so my diet will be back to normal and I'll be back to cooking for myself almost everyday. I'm not using any excuses to use I'm very satisified with my progress over 2.5 years of lifting, but I want to be huge not just big.

    Oh, and lol @ saying anyone under 25 using steroids is lazy, brb half the pro bodybuilders in the world are lazy as hell.

    ^Read that, it may help.

    You're not a pro BB, so don't compare yourself to them.

    And if you're considering AAS at your age, then yes, you're lazy.

    Trust me, you could make crazy gains at your age if you adjusted your diet and training.

  21. #21
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    Hey OP....the members here are trying to look out for you....they are. Tough Love is what it is called. I know you are anxious. I can hear it.

    i wish you would believe that going naturally will pay off. Yes there are guys who juice real early and they start getting huge but then all of the sudden they come to a halt and all of the sudden can go no further. They have maxed out. Their story is over. However a better strategy is to USE what you have and build on that... until you max out.. and then BANG! Go for it! This is when you really do go past all the guys who looked great in the beginning but....guess what? Guess who comes across the finish line? Guess who wins the prizes? And guess who still has their libido? YOU!

  22. #22
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post

    ^Read that, it may help.

    You're not a pro BB, so don't compare yourself to them.

    And if you're considering AAS at your age, then yes, you're lazy.

    Trust me, you could make crazy gains at your age if you adjusted your diet and training.
    How quickly should I be making gains? I've been training 2.5 years and I've gone from 5'9" 145lbs to 5'10" 180lbs. I just got my bf tested in the bodpod at my uinversity at 9.2%

    Monday- Legs
    Tuesday (cardio + abs)
    Wednesday (Chest& arms)
    Thursday (cardio + abs)
    Friday (Back&Bis)
    Sat-Sun (depends, usually have hockey games) (1 day rest 1 day I might do chest & shoulders if I feel recovered.)

    Can't really comment, all I can say is I choose the best options that are available to me. Usually I'll have eggs + fruit + small bowl of cereal for breakfast

    Lunch is usually 2 turkey sandwiches double meat on WW bread, and a salad

    Dinner is usually huge bowl of chicken and brown rice with a lot of broccoli and some sour cream & fruit

    About 3,500 to 4,000 calories total
    Typically a protein shakes after I workout, and some gatorade + protein after cardio sessions. Sometimes I use casein before bed, but I don't think it's very effective.

  23. #23
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    Why not go on over to the diet section and get help there. Start a thread and give your stats and goals and what you eat and when. The guys over there will love to help you out and help design a program JUST FOR YOU!.....give it a go...PLEASE

  24. #24
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Hey OP....the members here are trying to look out for you....they are. Tough Love is what it is called. I know you are anxious. I can hear it.

    i wish you would believe that going naturally will pay off. Yes there are guys who juice real early and they start getting huge but then all of the sudden they come to a halt and all of the sudden can go no further. They have maxed out. Their story is over. However a better strategy is to USE what you have and build on that... until you max out.. and then BANG! Go for it! This is when you really do go past all the guys who looked great in the beginning but....guess what? Guess who comes across the finish line? Guess who wins the prizes? And guess who still has their libido? YOU!
    I know what you are saying, but if I wait til I'm 25 then I'll never even wind up doing a cycle. I didn't think that one cycle would be so detrimental if all the precautions were taken but apparently it is.

    Also everybody thinks I'm lazy but I'm not. I'm willing to put in the work I just want to see gains faster than natural gains is all. It's not like I'd take a cycle and then be like ok I'm done that's enough I'm going to be working out til I die.

  25. #25
    freakmentality is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Why not go on over to the diet section and get help there. Start a thread and give your stats and goals and what you eat and when. The guys over there will love to help you out and help design a program JUST FOR YOU!.....give it a go...PLEASE
    I'm at a cafeteria so there is no plan, they don't even have accurate food labels for instance I got BBQ chicken once and the label sadi something like 3g fat, 2g carb, 24g protein and no way in hell does bbq chicken only have 2g carb. So it's nearly impossible to know the exact amounts of macronutrients that are gong into your body. I just try to get approx 1600 cals from carbs, 1200 protein, and 900 fat

  26. #26
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    ^^^^ I could also tell them that this is your situation...your challenge and they might have some good tips which could make all the difference in the world right now at this crucial time of GROWING!!! while your hormones are at their PEAK......they know their stuff over there and simply love helping give it a try...they are waiting!

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