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  1. #1
    mikewgd is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    ready for 2nd one

    So, I got my diet down and that’s improved so I need some help with the second cycle again.

    -24 yrs old
    -150 lbs
    -18.6% body fat
    - Only have done one cycle before (links below)
    - To get bigger, stronger, lean mass and burn body fat

    Breakfast: 2 cups of plain oatmeal, 2 whole eggs and 10 egg whites
    Post Workout: protein shake 45g of protein, +1 scoop of glutamine
    Lunch: fish, chicken, or steak, green salad and cup of brown rice
    Post Lunch Snack: protein shake 45g of protein, +1 scoop of glutamine
    Dinner: Chicken breast, green salad, potato or white rice 1 cup
    Post Dinner Snack: protein shake 45g of protein, +1 scoop of glutamine
    - protein shake: isopure

    Day 1: chest/abs
    Day 2: back/abs
    Day 3: legs
    Day 4: rest
    Day 5: arms/abs
    Day 6: shoulders/abs
    Day 7: legs
    Day 8: rest
    Day 9: start at day 1
    * 5 sets reps of 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
    * different exercises each time
    * cardio before breakfast, HIIT cardio 16-20min

    Links to First Cycle:

    So, Im almost done with my first cycle and I want to get things ready for the second one. The second one I am doing for 12 weeks and going to use: Tren , EQ, Test and adding Anavar . Friend said I could do them twice a week and the pills every day.

    Can anyone help me put a schedule together, like this:
    - Something that says Week 1, Week 2 … Week 12 about how much to do ?


  2. #2
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    1-forgot your Height on your stats.
    2-150 lbs? after a cycle? whats your previous weight before cycle?
    3-Diet need a lot improvement.
    4-Need a PCT and time off, before next cycle.
    5-18%BF is a big NO NO NO cycle, need to lower your BF

  3. #3
    mikewgd is offline New Member
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    Really? I had a bodybuilder do this for me. I do have a PCT and everything just need help planning my next cycle.

  4. #4
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikewgd View Post
    Really? I had a bodybuilder do this for me. I do have a PCT and everything just need help planning my next cycle.
    sure, what's your full stats?

  5. #5
    mikewgd is offline New Member
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    Height 5'7, I was 140, there was definitely gain from my last cycle.

    I mean originally my friend said to use this:
    1 Week- Anadrol - 25 mg per day, Deca -600 mg per week, Enantate-500 mg per week
    2 Week- Anadrol-50 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Enantate-750 mg per week
    3 Weeek- Anadrol-50 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Enantate- 750 mg per week
    4 Week-Anadrol-75 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Enantate -1000 mg per week
    5 Week- Dibol-50 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Sustanon -1000 mg per week, Winstrol - 50 mg per day
    6 Week-Dibol-50 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Sustanon-750 mg per week , Winstrol-50 mg per day
    7 Week-Dibol-25 mg per day, Deca -600 mg per week, Sustanon-500 mg per week, Winstrol-50 mg per day
    8 Week-Dibol-25 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Sustanon 500 mg per week, Winstrol-50 mg per day
    9 Week-Testosterone Propionate - 100mg per day, Boldenone -100 mg every ather day, Trenbolone -50 mg every ather day, Winstrol-50 mg per day
    10 Week-Testosterone propionate -100 mg per day, Boldenone-100 mg every ather day, Trenbolone -50 mg every ather day, Winstrol -50 mg per day
    11Week-Testosterone propionate -100 mg per day, Boldenone-100 mg every ather day, Trenbolone -50 mg every ather day, Winstrol -50 mg per day
    12Week-Testosterone propionate -100 mg per day, Boldenone-100 mg every ather day, Trenbolone -50 mg every ather day, Winstrol -50 mg per day

    Said that you need one cycle to get big and then after to get lean that true?

  6. #6
    mikewgd is offline New Member
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    He is a professionally bodybuilder and knows all my stats and etc. Im also having problems converting this into days. Like 600mg of Deca what would that be in terms of days?
    so "1 Week- Anadrol - 25 mg per day, Deca-600 mg per week, Enantate-500 mg per week"
    -- Im assuming means take Anadrol 25mg a day,
    -- For all of week 1 I should have done 600mg of Deca
    -- For all of week 1 I should have done 500mg of Enantate
    Lets say week 1 starts on a Monday, so ...
    Monday I would do 25mg of Androl (one pill,right?), and 2 shots (Deca and Enantate) -- How much in terms of cc/mL though?
    Like 1.5mL of deca and 2ml Enantate (example), not sure how to do that conversion.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You really need to stop listening to your friend because he isn't going to do you any good at all.

    First you need to sort your diet out and build more of a foundation, its doesn't matter if your diet is right now you need to build more of a base so steroids have a platform to work off,

    Your BF is to high, so this needs addressing, need to get down to under 14% at least.

    Your first cycle was totally mad and your doing this all wrong, stop listening to your pro friend regarding steroids your going to hurt yourself,

    Forget steroids for the time being, build a base and reduce your bf....

    best of luck

  8. #8
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    Don't take me wrong,
    If your friend is a Bodybuilder he will tell you NOT to cycle, and improved your diet and work out, reduce your BF. You and I have the some height, but I weight 186 lbs, with 12% BF. Also HE will tell you exactly how to do the cycle, pills and injections, etc.
    You need more time to research and think about.

  9. #9
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Ready for second one? Looks to me that you weren't ready for your first.
    That cycle layout is horrible, don't like it at all.
    Your buddy may be a pro bb but that doesn't mean he knows what he's doing. It just means he's willing to sacrifice his health for his aesthetic appearance

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