I'm currently on TRT taking 200mg/week of Test C and have been taking .5mg/week of Anastrozole without issue. I have a ton of this stuff on hand because I've been using only 25% of what I've been prescribed.

That said, my 2nd cycle will consist of 200mg Test C/week (keeping TRT the same) and adding in Test Prop starting at 50mg EOD along with Anavar at 60mg/day. Just curious what everyone recommends with the Anastrozole?

Should I start really low at 1mg/week and see if I'm getting any sides before upping it or should I just start at 2mg/week? During my first cycle 4 years ago I had high E2 issues such as bloating and moon-face and some itchy nipples. I also wasn't taking any E2 blockers until mid-way thru.

Thanks in advance,