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Thread: Red Spots?

  1. #1
    TheMachine06 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Red Spots?

    Hey guys. Im currently on 500mg/week of Test Cyp. Im midway in week 2 now and ive gotten weird red spots on my stomach and lower back are. They dont itch nor do they burn. Could this be a allergic reaction or is this because of the spike in test?

  2. #2
    dirtle90 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    This is normal, but keep an eye on it because your skin may react badly to the high testosterone levels. If the acne becomes more than you bargained for I would stop taking it. I have experienced these red dots though and since you have been on test you probably find yourself looking in a mirror a lot more too huh? Keep that in mind as well that higher testosterone levels make you more subconscious of your self image and you will start to notice things that most people would not.

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