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Thread: Starting winny/clen cycle w conflicting weekend lifestyle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Starting winny/clen cycle w conflicting weekend lifestyle

    What's up fellas!? New to these boards, but Im about to start winny but I have some concerns.

    My stats

    31 yr old
    185-195 on cut
    200-215 on bulk
    My comp is somewhere in the middle

    I have a very good understanding of nutrition and supplementation and have been training for 10 years.

    Now I am a rare breed with a very conflicting lifestyle on the weekends. During the week I eat clean, supplement the basics, and do not partake in alcohol ect.

    My weekend lifestyle is quite different. I go out every saturday night and binge drink and my cheat day is on sundays. I understand this is a big no no no matter who you are and ESP if you're trying to take your training seriously. I'm well aware of this conflict of interest but I am a big proponent of work hard to play hard. It's literally my weekly release and I would not have my sanity without this therapeutic release "session" lol. Throughout history people needed to unwind and I'd rather not be judged on this. My friends don't share the same goals as me and the best advice would probably be get new friends, but thats not happening at this time.

    I have taken clen in the past and have had excellent results with it while maintaining the same weekend lifestyle. This was in the summer with a shore house, where we binge drank the whole weekend. I didn't take it on weekends though, only during week!

    My question is I know taking 2 orals puts stress on your liver in the first place. Should i Run them separate? I already bought both. And is it ok to always take the weekends off to be safe when running these esp win!?

    Then i need to know about PCT
    Should I be taking a test booster and milk thistle after or during?

  2. #2
    if you care about your results enough you would stop alcohol inhibits hormones wich I guess isn't a maim concern when injecting but it slows the absorption rate of your stomach as well .drinking and 2 oral I would never do. you can find out about pct in the first stickie for planning your first cycle . no don't take a test booster and yes you can take milk thistle during

  3. #3
    N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is the best liver support. I wouldn't take two orals if you drink. Alcohol stresses the liver and so will orals. You're trying to find the best way to drink and cycle? It's like how to get big without eating properly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thank you. That should be a good start. Im not sure if PCT is even necessary in this stack?

    I have been shown to have slightly high estriol levels but from what i researched winny is anti estrogen. Hoping it could possibly help me in that area. My biggest concern is liver and sex drive. I have basically made up my mind that this will be the stack but I am trying to minimize the damage. Weekends off should be a good idea in this case correct?
    And maybe start w win and tun do clem so its not 2 orals at once...?

  5. #5
    please enlighten me why you think pct is not neccasary

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I was told it wasn't necessary by a user but it was more of a question. From what I researched it was necessary to restore free test. He claimed it wasn't that big of a deal if I wasn't running test or others bc win doesn't affect test levels that much. He has a way more laid back approach to this and actually said "don't listen to idiots on the internet" lol. There's a lot of bro science out there so Im just trying to get facts straight while also listening to people who have real life experience. Please enlighten me so I can maybe help this "experienced" user and pass on the knowledge to maybe help him!

  7. #7
    I wouldn't listen to that guy. injecting any form of steroid will shut down your testosterone so you need to run testosterone in the cycle to replace what your not getting naturaly

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Im not injecting. Don't know if that matters and if so, would a booster be enough?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Can any comment on anavar then? Would this work? Read its the least liver toxic for oral

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    No you should be running a "test booster " you should be taking REAL TEST! Do some reading.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    LOL, it's funny how much BAD information and retarded bro science is out there.

    Dont oral only is a BAD idea. Stacking orals is even a worse idea. Doing any type of cycle without test is a terrible idea, unless you dont mind having ED, mood swings, depression and a good chance of your hpta not recovering with possible long term health issues.

    In other words Test (injectable only) is always needed as well as an AI on cycle and a PCT of clomid/nolva.

    Alcohol and poor eating in moderation is fine but weekend binging like you say would be very counter productive. You are better off waiting until you decide to make a lifestyle change or you are just wasting your money because your gains will be greatly effected.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    According to that guy anavar can be run alone.

    Anyway i think i may have just decided to run clen alone again, which can def be ran without test or pct correct? I didn't use anything before with it

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by funnyman View Post

    According to that guy anavar can be run alone.

    Anyway i think i may have just decided to run clen alone again, which can def be ran without test or pct correct? I didn't use anything before with it
    Ive seen youtube videos and people saying online it's safe to jump out of an aiplane with no parachute also.

    Really, because someone said it on youture or even in a magazine you are going to believe it?
    You can easily find cures for cancer online and youtube. Why do people still have cancer?
    You can find videos on youtube and online to make your care get 200 mph. Why dont most cars get even 50 mpg?

    People just say stuff to get attention or because they are paid.

    How many guys do you know or say online they have ED? Well it's one of the biggest money makers RX in the world but no one talks about it. They dont tell you the negative stuff most of the time. Thats one of the reasons I dont bother with other forums and sites about aas because everything I need is right here. We focus on health more than stacking this and that with no concern about what it will do to you.

    No you dont need to run PCT or anything with clen.

    You may find this useful also.

    One more.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-25-2015 at 12:00 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Haha that was very well said. I sincerely appreciate the help. Like we said before there is so much bro science, it's really tough for a guy like me to start a cycle without having completely conflicting info. Like i said, I decided the liver issues and penis problems are not worth it.

    I initially wanted to start a cycle to counteract my slightly high estriol levels in the past. Can I run something like nolvadex alone for this? Or poss with clomid? I wonder if I'd get any anabolic benefits

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by funnyman View Post
    Haha that was very well said. I sincerely appreciate the help. Like we said before there is so much bro science, it's really tough for a guy like me to start a cycle without having completely conflicting info. Like i said, I decided the liver issues and penis problems are not worth it.

    I initially wanted to start a cycle to counteract my slightly high estriol levels in the past. Can I run something like nolvadex alone for this? Or poss with clomid? I wonder if I'd get any anabolic benefits
    If you have high estrogen naturally then running steroids is the last thing you want to do because it will only make it worse. Nolvadex is not recommended to run during a cycle except as a last resort to battle gyno. Typically an AI such as adex or liquidstan work quite well with testosterone but more advanced users who use things like deca or tren also use prami or other sarms to stop prolactin.

    If you have blood work done testing your hormones and sensitive estrogen E2 then you might need an AI just to bring it down. If you only think you have high estrogen because you have slight gyno most of the time that is just due to high body fat. The higher the body fat typically the more estrogen since it's stored in fat cells.

    Before getting to concerned about gyno if you are over weight the first thing to do is just diet and get your body fat to under 12% and see if it's still persistent. I have what you would call slight prebulesant gyno. I carry fat in my chest but when I get down to 12% or less it's mostly gone. I have not been down to under 12% for a LONG time tough and when I was it was gone.

    If it still does not go away you can try one of the gyno reversal methods but be prepared to not feel very good for a while. When you crash your estrogen you feel like crap. Tired, joints hurt, moody, no libido.

    This is a good article about gyno reversal.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by funnyman View Post
    Im not injecting. Don't know if that matters and if so, would a booster be enough?
    You should definately being running test during the cycle. Injections. Man up

  17. #17
    I have run Anavar alone before. I found that the result is much better when I run a little Test (200mg/wk).

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