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  1. #1
    DC82 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2015

    Post Need help with dosage calculations

    Hi All,

    I've been following this forum and I was able to find a ton of useful information but I still have one question. So, I decided to run my first cycle of Test E only as it's suggested on many posts here. I was planning to run twice a week at 250 mg (500mg's total per week). I just received a gear and it says Test E 350mg and on the bottom 10 ml sterile multiple dose. The guy who helped me to get the stuff keeps telling me to take 1 cc twice a week and I told him that I was going to keep it at 500mg's per week and he insists this would be right dosage. Per my calculation 1 cc twice a week would be 700 mg's and to be honest I'm not sure how this thing is calculated. Can anyone pleaese help in this regards and clarify what's the proper dosage would be to bring it to 250mg's twice a week? Thank you in advance!

    Some stats:

    Age: 33
    175 lbs
    14-16 % body fat

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    UGLs are ussually underdosed.

    Maybe he knows its 250mg/ml

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    .7ml twice a week

  4. #4
    NACH3's Avatar
    NACH3 is offline VET
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    350mgs divided by 10 = 35mgs per line(10) per cc - so 35X7(lil lines) = 245mgs - so fill to .7cc or .7ml is the same thing! That gives you 490mgs total in 2shots per wk! This is in Layman's terms

    Obviously I'm still slower than both of you lol

  5. #5
    DC82 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Thank you!! This make sense and that's exactly what I'm going to do .7 cc/ml twice a week. I greatly appreciate all replies!

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