Originally Posted by
Look fit,
This is not your cup of tea, imho.... Your making decent sense actually but you either are going to have to run Fina and cycle or stop / your obviously prone to MPB(or your making your own hair fall out thinking so much) <--- it's a joke but not but laugh lol...
There's no gauantees that you will recover during a standard cycle, either - it's the game we play.... But try starting s thread with two proposed cycles... Standard length(which Id do if I were you only cycling once a yr) - are you keeping your gains or in a viscous cycle of gaining and losing??
You can only get so much info and experience b4 trying it yourself.., simple as that... Either take the plunge ot stop cycling b/c you will lose your hair period! Id be thinking about adding muscle tissue if your cycling - I mean that is the point right!