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Thread: 4 week blast questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    4 week blast questions

    I've been reading more and more on these 4 week on/ off cycles, most interested in Test P with Anavar, dbol or tren.
    But what I can't figure out is:

    1. Seems a few go 4 weeks on, then 2-3 week PCT with a follow 2 week rest and then ON again. This seems hard to do any decent BW on.
    Any comments on this?

    2. What happends e.g. after the first 4 weeks and 4 weeks off, you want to suddenly do a 8 weeker, or change the compounds?
    Is this possible or too much game with your body?

    3. The stickies on this mainly talk abt the compounds used and pros/ cons of it in this short duration. Does anyone here have any experience with this and can tell their own experience?

    Might have some more questions later but I highly appreciate any input. I Have a feeling that not many are familiar with this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Let me ask u this. How many cycles do u have under ur belt?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    This was a general question. But stats are currently.
    around 12% bf (self estimate)
    2 successful cycles with Test P and dbol, 2 unsuccessful from bunk and inexperience before.
    Training hard for 8 years maybe, but been training my whole life in sports.
    Diet is currently okey but should be better.

  4. #4
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    May 2013
    Been following you and some other bros here, impressed by the knowledge and psysique you guys earned through the years. Gotta say inspirational to say the least

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    This was a general question. But stats are currently.
    around 12% bf (self estimate)
    2 successful cycles with Test P and dbol, 2 unsuccessful from bunk and inexperience before.
    Training hard for 8 years maybe, but been training my whole life in sports.
    Diet is currently okey but should be better.
    Ok well there is a bunch of things u need to understand about short burst cycling. I'm not a guru by all means but I have been messing around with this method for about a year now.

    First foremost priming ur body is the number one piece to this puzzle. Marcus has a thread on how to prime ur body before cycling.

    2. In a SBC I wouldn't touch compound you've never touched before. The reasoning is because u don't know how ur body will respond to the compound especially at the high dosages that will have to be run.

    3.u don't have to double u dosages but I'm my opinion go big or go home BUT be smart. For example someone that has ran 500mg tren doesn't need to run 1gram of tren, tren is an unforgiven compound! 750mg would be perfect IMO. But since you've never touched tren I would not even think about throwing that compound into ur sbc.

    4. IMO SBC is amazing for the recovery and the first gains. But if someone that wants to come off of a SBC and pct I don't think any 19-nor compounds would be beneficial in this kind of cycling UNLESS they are already on TRT.

    5. Make sure u know what ur goals are. If u want to put on muscle then EAT! If u want to get shredded then do cardio and put urself into a calorie deficient diet. IMO u can't build muscle while trying to cut. Some people say u can that's fine but I guarantee u will not be happy with ur results if u try to play the fence.

    6. Prime ur body. These compounds will only help a tiny bit. Make sure to spend time on priming.

    7. Run hcg 250iu e3d for recovery. The faster u recover the more gains u will keep. Run a 4 weeker then get ur blooded done 2 weeks after ur pct then wait at least another 2 week before doing another 4weeker.

  6. #6
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    Baking chicken
    I agree w/Tice... And by no means am I an expert but I've talked to 'The Expert' on this!! first read the links I provide you need to understand these concepts b4 starting or being successful(I'm playing around with this myself for the first time) I know I'll make mistakes - but I'll minimize them - and learn from everything! My body the nutrition and prime is the most important part for this to work! I need to be better at priming... And I know what I can fix now and there will be more later...

    The whole point is to run high doses bug like Tice said you don't need to triple anything and doubling your test is plenty imo...

    Also, imo I'd rather go test/19nor... But recovery in theory again still should be better/& faster... Usually it's the duration of the cycle that makes recovery harder(12-14wks as opposed to 6wks) and in SBCing your coming off b4 any of the sides come into play(which I'd think would help with recovery - just a thought) & this is not always the case... a test oral pulse(10/7 p-14/7) or just backload could work and use the water retention to further gains(thx Marcus) -- I'm on trt so I just return back to dose so it's probably more functional for someone in a situation where it would be that way... Of course BW is going to tell if and when things have settled

    If you haven't ran nandrolone run that b4 any type of tren -

  7. #7
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    use the water retention to further gains(thx Marcus) -[/URL]
    Can u explain more of this sentence. So what I understand is sometimes water weight will help break weight plateaus?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you!
    Will read a lot on priming, I looked in to it before but just on the surface. Will be fun to try something new!
    With my diet being "okey", is bcus I add way to many sweets in now, together with redbulls (work). I can feel I'm getting way less energized now than when I'm eating
    healthy, but I get irritated if I don't get em. Still no weight change tho, so that's a plus.
    That gotta go.

    So a Test prop will suffice. I'd love to try something new if you guys have any tips, weather with Test P or entirely new. Like Nandro as Nach3 suggested?
    I've checked my past with horrible rookie mistakes as a quick fix on life issues, I'm still a rookie, but atleast got something under the scalp now.
    So I want to try to get the best out of it now when my life is on track finally, with no distractions.

    I will prepare and make a log on it, I'd love to share the 4 weeker experience with others.
    And this is the best forum to get feedback and guiding from.

    Cheers a lot guys!
    Last edited by Fiskevatten; 02-09-2016 at 04:50 AM.

  9. #9
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    May 2013
    Oh, question abt priming.
    I have lived pretty much like that my entire life. Eat a lot in some stages and less at others.
    I understand that this is different, but to figure out my needed intake.
    I can pretty much live on fats and sweets without gaining a drop in fat. But I get skinny real fast when I stop.
    I also get a lot weaker.
    Is there anyway to kind of figuring out my maintenance instake?
    Esp, with proteins and fats

  10. #10
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Can u explain more of this sentence. So what I understand is sometimes water weight will help break weight plateaus?
    Exactly what your thinking Tice... Backloading high dosed Orals at a sticking point.. You can use the water weight to further your gains(it's still stretching the fascia especially the pumps with d-Bol) or drol -- or maybe a combo?! <--- do not just. Pick up an oral like these without UDCA/or NAC(dosed well)

    I wouldn't run nandrolone im this cycle at all either... 19nors are a new animal for someone whose not run them yet... High test and an oral would be your best bet(as Tice stated in #2) just my opinion also...
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-09-2016 at 07:21 AM.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2006
    Wanted to ask you guys running short cycles then pct then wait couple of weeks then run another but what if i am looking to run once cycle for example per year will short cycles be better specially that i dont want to be on trt or long cycles are the way to go if am not planning to run several cycles

  12. #12
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    Sep 2012
    Personaly if your cycling once a year i think you would be better on a longer cycle fitguy

    Steady dose for 12 weeks

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    Wanted to ask you guys running short cycles then pct then wait couple of weeks then run another but what if i am looking to run once cycle for example per year will short cycles be better specially that i dont want to be on trt or long cycles are the way to go if am not planning to run several cycles
    I agree with Tax - your not ready for a SBC - you don't understand the main concepts... So imho, run your standard length cycles unless going with short esters 8wk 10max

  14. #14
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    My concept is not having my body shutdown too many times and trying to gain as much as i can when i do with aas,so basically short cycles yes recovery will be faster due to short duration but at the same time frequent shut downs

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    My concept is not having my body shutdown too many times and trying to gain as much as i can when i do with aas,so basically short cycles yes recovery will be faster due to short duration but at the same time frequent shut downs
    Apparently the are really bad for male pattern baldness....sorry I couldn't resist!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    My concept is not having my body shutdown too many times and trying to gain as much as i can when i do with aas,so basically short cycles yes recovery will be faster due to short duration but at the same time frequent shut downs
    Look fit,

    This is not your cup of tea, imho.... Your making decent sense actually but you either are going to have to run Fina and cycle or stop / your obviously prone to MPB(or your making your own hair fall out thinking so much) <--- it's a joke but not but laugh lol...

    There's no gauantees that you will recover during a standard cycle, either - it's the game we play.... But try starting s thread with two proposed cycles... Standard length(which Id do if I were you only cycling once a yr) - are you keeping your gains or in a viscous cycle of gaining and losing??

    You can only get so much info and experience b4 trying it yourself.., simple as that... Either take the plunge ot stop cycling b/c you will lose your hair period! Id be thinking about adding muscle tissue if your cycling - I mean that is the point right!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Look fit,

    This is not your cup of tea, imho.... Your making decent sense actually but you either are going to have to run Fina and cycle or stop / your obviously prone to MPB(or your making your own hair fall out thinking so much) <--- it's a joke but not but laugh lol...

    There's no gauantees that you will recover during a standard cycle, either - it's the game we play.... But try starting s thread with two proposed cycles... Standard length(which Id do if I were you only cycling once a yr) - are you keeping your gains or in a viscous cycle of gaining and losing??

    You can only get so much info and experience b4 trying it yourself.., simple as that... Either take the plunge ot stop cycling b/c you will lose your hair period! Id be thinking about adding muscle tissue if your cycling - I mean that is the point right!
    I didnt cycle that much but so far am keeping my gains and am not looking to keep cycling forever only to reach a certain point and maintain or slightly improve naturally

  18. #18
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    Sep 2012
    If i was concerned about my hair and didnt plan on cycling a lot,
    Id just train naturaly fitguy, from reading all your recent threads your stressing about hair loss which will probably generate more hairloss than cycling in the first place.

    If i were you i would train naturaly or just run a simple 10-12 week test e cycle once a year and monitor the hair loss, if its stable keep it up, if your losing it just train naturaly. Messing and stressing about other compounds and SBC's will only confuse and possibly stress you more.

    Im not in anyway taking the p1ss here but just trying to help your situation buddy.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    If i was concerned about my hair and didnt plan on cycling a lot,
    Id just train naturaly fitguy, from reading all your recent threads your stressing about hair loss which will probably generate more hairloss than cycling in the first place.

    If i were you i would train naturaly or just run a simple 10-12 week test e cycle once a year and monitor the hair loss, if its stable keep it up, if your losing it just train naturaly. Messing and stressing about other compounds and SBC's will only confuse and possibly stress you more.

    Im not in anyway taking the p1ss here but just trying to help your situation buddy.
    Thanks bro for now am training without aas help and will see how it goes and if am gonna run cycle gonna run finasteride and plan it so that recovery is optimal ,thanks bro

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    I didnt cycle that much but so far am keeping my gains and am not looking to keep cycling forever only to reach a certain point and maintain or slightly improve naturally
    Because of this comment I would suggest just being natty.

    I have always told myself that one's I start I'm not going to stop. Y? Because what was the point in wasting my money and time on a couple cycles ghat i/u WILL lose over time

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    Because of this comment I would suggest just being natty.

    I have always told myself that one's I start I'm not going to stop. Y? Because what was the point in wasting my money and time on a couple cycles ghat i/u WILL lose over time
    If you are going to loose your gains overtime that means either you are not comitted and shouldnt be cycling in the first place or you are way far from your genetic potential and thus cant keep the size naturally

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    If you are going to loose your gains overtime that means either you are not comitted and shouldnt be cycling in the first place or you are way far from your genetic potential and thus cant keep the size naturally
    One really shouldn't cycle unless then are surpassing their genetic potential.

    Why risk your health to do something you could do naturally?
    Also, chances are one is going to damage their HPTA at least to some degree by cycling.
    Thus their natural potential is now lower.
    Thus they ended up using drugs to get to a lower end point then if they stayed natural.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    One really shouldn't cycle unless then are surpassing their genetic potential.

    Why risk your health to do something you could do naturally?
    Also, chances are one is going to damage their HPTA at least to some degree by cycling.
    Thus their natural potential is now lower.
    Thus they ended up using drugs to get to a lower end point then if they stayed natural.
    Although I agree with you,

    We live in a society that is impatient in my opinion.
    Im terrible for it, i want everything yesterday.

    If i want a new car i go out snd buy it that day, tomorrow is too far away

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    One really shouldn't cycle unless then are surpassing their genetic potential.

    Why risk your health to do something you could do naturally?
    Also, chances are one is going to damage their HPTA at least to some degree by cycling.
    Thus their natural potential is now lower.
    Thus they ended up using drugs to get to a lower end point then if they stayed natural.
    ^^^^ everything in a nutshell shell

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